Chapter 1377 Bai Li

At the end of the previous generation of jihad, the twin gods appeared to sweep the sanctuary, causing Athena to follow Pluton’s soul and sacrifice herself. From that time on, the surviving brothers Baili and Saiqi had terrible attachments in their hearts. read.

With this obsession, Saiqi delved into strategies and Bai Li cultivated his combat power.

Two brothers, one of them played their minds to the Ultimate, and was dead Shinigami. A general who practiced the ultimate combat power, desperately died of Sleeping God!

But even so, in front of Mukuro, whether it is Saiqi or Baili, it is simply not enough.

Mukuro’s gaze was as calm as a Wang Qingquan.

He looked at Bai Li casually. His gaze seemed random, but in fact, he had already penetrated all of Bai Li’s hole cards.

Bai Li’s combat power is probably one of the top in the current sanctuary. With his fighting power, he can probably reach the rank of Super Saiyan or more.

In other words, if you let the Sun Wukong, who has just become a Super Saiyan, fight in the current world of Bai Li and Dragon Ball.

Then the person who wins is likely to be a free gift.

Of course, if it is Mukuro, or the later Monkey King, even if it does not enter the state of Super Saiyan, it will naturally be able to easily defeat Bai Li.

Human beings are born extremely weak. But as long as there is will, human beings can continue to move forward.

Not to mention the previous golden age of mankind, it was in the sanctuary of this generation.

People above Baili are not without them. Ilias, the father of Leo Golden Saint Regulus.

That’s it. His soul has even surpassed Ashmita and realized the level of the ninth sense.

With his power, it is not a problem at all to kill a second-level god like Gemini God one-on-one.

Even challenging Pluton Hades, although they will lose, they may not fall into absolute disadvantage.

There is also Christo, the master of the Aquarius Golden Saint Dijel. The same monster.

Unfortunately, these two monsters are now dead.

To restrain mankind with birth, aging, sickness and death, there is no doubt that this is the most correct thing the gods have done. However, what Mukuro wants to do now is to untie such constraints for human beings.


Looking at Mukuro in front of him, Bai Li spoke up.

His brows were slightly furrowed, and there was an extremely solemn light in his eyes.

With that said, he said again, “I don’t know Mr. Mukuro, what happened to Camille?”

Bai Li’s words fell, his gaze stared at Mukuro’s eyes, as if he wanted to see something in Mukuro’s gaze. However, there was no slight fluctuation in Mukuro’s gaze.

“Of course there are some things.” Mukuro replied.

Then looking at Bai Li, Mukuro continued, “You want the ye people to go to the underworld to save the soul of Tianma, and at the same time let them get the fruit of Luanzi.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Bai Li’s face changed drastically on the spot.

In the underworld, the only surviving plant, Muluanzi. Using the fruit it produces, you can make a rosary that can seal the soul of the Underworld Warrior!

This is like the way of yin and yang, wherever Lion Majesty haunts, herbs that can be used to detoxify will inevitably grow.

In the underworld, there are plants like this that can be used to seal the soul of the underworld fighter.

Moreover, this plant, no matter how many times the Pluton Army destroys it, it will re-grow in other places.

The essence of Mu Luanzi is actually the thoughts of the dead for the living in the underworld.

These thoughts, gathered together, turned into such an incredible plant that can survive in the underworld.

But if you want Mulanzi to bear fruit, you must let Muluanzi absorb the thoughts of the noble soul.

In this world, apart from the thoughts of God, there is only the soul of Tianma, the most noble. As for the Pluton army, since Mu Luanzi could not be destroyed, it was natural to send the Underworld Warrior to guard it.

This is also one of the reasons why Yeren and Tianma were asked to fetch Muluanzi.

Ashmita can go to the Hades at will.

His soul was noble enough, but he didn’t miss it.

He is a Buddha, and the four Buddhas are all empty, so where does the yearning come from?

The only right person left was Sasha, the goddess Athena. However, it is naturally impossible for Sasha to go to the Hades. Once her small universe enters the Hades, I am afraid it will be immediately noticed by the ancient Hades!

Then it is naturally impossible to obtain the fruits of Muluanzi.

And this plan can be said to be the most confidential plan in Sanctuary. It is the key to the success or failure of the whole holy war.

For this reason, even Sanctuary is ready to sacrifice Ashmita.

If you want to refine the fruit of Mulanzi into a rosary that can seal the soul of the Underworld Warrior, in addition to the fruit of Mulanzi itself, you need to use all the small universe of Ashmeda to consecrate the rosary. And this will require Ashmita to pay his own life.

Such a plan has been so far. There are only five people who know all the plans.

One is Baili, the other is Saiqi, and there are three of Sasha, Ashmita and Dijel.

But now that this plan was actually known to Mukuro, the first thought that came up in Bai Li’s mind was that it was bad! Even worse, it’s pretty bad.

Mu Luanzi’s plan is related to the direction of the jihad, a crucial point.

If you can’t make a rosary that seals the soul of the Pluto fighter, if the Pluto fighter can be resurrected indefinitely, the difficulty of winning the holy war is simply unimaginable.

It’s too clear to have personally experienced such a holy war.

“This matter…!” In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Bai Li’s mind.

But in the end, without waiting for his words to fall, Mukuro said again, “You don’t need to worry. Now your worries about me are just like the worries of the Yahren for you now.”

Mukuro said this 4.3, the corners of his mouth curled up.

For the current Yaren, isn’t Bai Li such an unknown existence that made him wonder.

With that said, Mukuro then continued, “Your plan is good.

However, what is the point of simply sealing the Underworld Warrior. Among the Underworld Warriors, the truly powerful, but only a few.

It doesn’t affect the overall situation at all. What really matters is the gods. ”

A faint smile appeared on Mukuro’s face. It’s just that this smile seems to be very unpredictable.


Hearing Mukuro’s words, Bai Li was stunned. Hearing the words Pluto, his mind subconsciously thought of the twin gods of sleep, Shupunos and Shinigami, Tanathus! He will never forget the appearance of those two gods!

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