Chapter 1372 Surrender

Dikui Star Marshal Ming Wang Azha Poju!

In terms of power alone, it surpasses the three giants of the underworld and the existence above all underworld fighters.

His power, even the twin gods Xiu Punos and Tanathus would be afraid of it!

Because his power is too strong, even getting rid of the laws of the underworld. Even Pluton Hades could no longer control him, so he obtained the conditions to have his own territory and power in the underworld.

In the underworld, Pluton Hades is jealous, and there are many ancient gods who let them go.

But among the Underworld Warriors, Dikui Star Azha Poju was the first to reach this level. He is known as the closest to god among the underworld fighters.

But in fact, he has swallowed the souls of hundreds of millions of human elites, making his power already above gods.

It can be said that this is an extremely terrifying monster.

Since a long time ago, Azha Poju did not participate in the holy war.

But just in the underworld, capturing souls and devouring powerful souls to continuously enhance their strength.

If he left him alone in this way, maybe one day, Azha Poguo could really accumulate strength through this method, reaching a level that even surpassed Pluton. It’s a pity that he hasn’t waited for him to reach such a point, he fought Ashmita in the underworld.

Azha Poju is the Grand Marshal Ming Wang from the age of mythology to the present day.

And Ashmita is the reincarnation of Buddha Shakyamuni.

The two of them fought, but the final result was that Ashmeda defeated Azha Pogu and deprived him of all his eight senses, and then exiled his soul to infinite reincarnation.

Make it impossible for him to wake up forever.

And so far, the impeccable Azha Poju, and the Azha Poju, who even dared to violate Pluton’s orders, have come to an end.

Seeing Azha Poju being brought up, at this moment, even Hypnos and Tanadus, who are the twin gods, looked a little ugly.

In the long years, it’s not that Azha Poju didn’t give them a look.

This guy, relying on his own strength, like those ancient gods, acted arbitrarily, especially invading the powers belonging to Shinigami Tanathus and Sleeping God Shupunos, making them both quite uncomfortable.

But when they knew that Ashmeda had killed Azha Po, the two of them were shocked at first, and then gloating.

But now, looking at Azha Poju being carried up, inexplicably, the two of them can’t laugh anymore. Azha Poju, this is someone who can’t help Pluton.

If Mukuro can really rescue Azha from the prison, then the result will undoubtedly be catastrophic.

First of all, since Azha Poju can be rescued, he can naturally be controlled.

And as Azha detained to Aaron, the two Gemini gods would naturally usher in a more marginalized ending.

I am afraid that in this way, apart from their two original confidants and the Four Dream Gods, no one under their hands would obey their commands and control. And, since Mukuro can rescue Azha Poju, what’s weird about him giving Aaron the power to suppress Pluton Hades’s soul? !

This is what really disturbs Gemini.

At this moment, the two of them, no, cold sweat came out on God’s forehead.

They looked at Mukuro subconsciously, and their eyes were quite solemn in their expressions.

Not just them. At this time, in the hall, in the two columns on the left and right, there are many Pluto fighters, and Pandora, the leader of these Pluto fighters. They are also looking at Mukuro. Their eyes are staring at Mukuro’s eyes, seemingly wanting Get Mukuro’s answer.

Being watched by so many people, the corners of Mukuro’s mouth curled up slightly.

Then he said, “It doesn’t matter, just wake this person up, right?”

Mukuro said so, and Aaron nodded at Mukuro, “Yes, teacher.”

“Okay, let me try.” Mukuro said so, he got up from his chair, and then walked forward as if casually, until he reached the coffin of Azha Pogu.

Then, looking at Azha Pogu in the coffin, Mukuro walked around his figure, then he stretched out a finger and tapped it on the center of Azha Pogu’s eyebrows.

Along with Mukuro’s movements, from Mukuro’s fingertips, it seemed as if there was a light shining through, and then something went through.

Afterwards, from Azha Poju’s body, there was an incredibly astonishing small universe that burned up immediately!

This small universe was burning, and in an instant, the purple flames boiled, as if trying to turn the entire hall into a hell of flames…

And lying in the coffin, Azha Poju, who was originally motionless, like a puppet and an empty shell, opened his eyes! Despair and fear are reflected in his eyes!

Woke up! Azha Poju really woke up!

At this moment, in the hall, all the Underworld Warriors, as well as the Gemini Gods Hypnos and Tanathus were all stunned.

They looked at Azha Poju blankly, not even knowing what to say.

Finally Pandora took the lead, and she glanced at Aaron subconsciously, and then she said sharply, “Azha Poju! In front of Master Pluton, you didn’t quickly meet him?!”

Pandora’s words fell, and in the coffin, the Azha who had just woke up gave Mukuro a subconscious glance.

Then he looked at Aaron sitting on the throne. In the end, even though there was a slight struggle in his eyes, he still crawled out of the coffin and knelt in front of Aaron, “Master Pluton. I used to be arrogant and arrogant, I understand! Lord Pluton, is the most powerful master in the world, please forgive me, forgive me! My mother-in-law is willing to contribute to Lord Pluton All my own power.”

With that said, Azha politely bowed in front of Aaron.

He was originally arrogant and boundless.

Disdainful of Pluton, he became a god in the underworld, and even swallowed hundreds of millions of souls until he was defeated by Ashmita and sent into infinite reincarnation. In this infinite reincarnation, he continued to experience birth, old age, sickness and death. These things are about to torture him crazy. What is even more frightening is that he has no autonomous consciousness in these reincarnations, and all he has experienced are the souls that have been swallowed up, and the lives he has experienced.

Their joy, their anger, their despair, and their sadness. These things are driving him crazy.

And now, Mukuro saved him. After getting rid of this endless cycle, he no longer dared to have the original arrogant thoughts in his heart.

At this moment, looking at the surrendered Azha Poju, the dark fighters looked at Mukuro’s face with fear, and the expressions looking at Aaron were filled with infinite worship.

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