Chapter 1368 Killing God Weapon

The small universe clashes, the light is intertwined, and the power of the four saints is gathered, and it seems that the hellscream finally blocked the light.

However, the next moment, Felikias’ voice sounded, “This is your full strength?! Too weak! Ant!” His words fell, and his small universe seemed to have improved in an instant.

The light of Hellscream turned into a terrifying monster’s head. It opened its mouth and bit at the four people, crushing the profound meaning of the four people.


In the screaming screams, the four figures of Tianma were all crushed by life, and the saint clothing on their bodies seemed to be shattered because of this.

At this moment, in the face of such a situation, Tong Hu and Shi Ang’s expressions changed drastically.

“Stardust rotation power!”

“Lushan Shenglongba!”

Two golden lights roared, passing through the shadows of Tianma and them, and they were bombarded fiercely and collided with the light of Hellscream. Under the impact of terrifying power, they crushed everything!

When the light dissipated, the four people of Tianma 16 all fell to the ground in a hurry, looking a little embarrassed.

On the opposite side, Felikias of the Star of Sin had crossed his hands and held his chest, his eyes were cold, exuding the same palpitating cold light.

He actually blocked the uprising of Tong Hu and Shi Ang’s two golden saints.

However, as if feeling something, Felikias of the Star of Sin subconsciously lowered his head and saw that the wrist of the Mingyi suddenly cracked in his hand, and then completely shattered. It turned into fragments of fit and fell to the ground.

Although Felikias of the Star Sins blocked the cooperation between Tong Hu and Shi Ang, his Ming clothes were also broken.

Looking at his shattered Ming Yi, the horrible light appeared in the gaze of the star of sin, Felikias, his face was distorted, revealing an extremely hideous expression.

“The mere saints dared to destroy the hades that Master Hades gave me! Capital sin! I grant you such a capital sin!”

He roared, his eyes lit up extremely crazy and full of murderous intent, and the purple little universe rose from his body, as if with an aura of endless ominous and disaster.

“Go to hell! Saints of Athena, Hellscream!”

He roared, and hit Tong Hu and Shi Ang with a blow that seemed to be blasting the sky and the earth.

The pale light howled, drowning everything.

In the face of the roaring white light, at this moment, Tong Hu and Shi Ang dare to be careless. Both of them are burning their own small universe, and they also no longer keep their hands, and brazenly attacked with their full strength.

In an instant, fist and light clash, crushing the earth, Felikias of the Sin Star.

It’s just a mere person.

But at this moment, he faced Tong Hu and Shi Ang and joined forces. Although he was at a disadvantage, he still supported him.

But at this moment, the figure of Tianma on the earth suddenly jumped up, his expression was also cold, there was no expression on his face, and even on his body, there was no atmosphere of small universe burning out, but he just moved towards A punch in the front.

When this punch came out, a flash of punch seemed to be fleeting, and the flash of punch was beyond imagination in an instant.

It had already torn the light of Hellscream, and hit the eyebrows of the sin star Felikias.

At this moment, Felikias’s gaze was stagnant.

He stared at the front blankly, seeming in disbelief, “This…how is this possible…!”

He stretched out his hand as if he wanted to grab something, and then the helmet on his head shattered, and a blood hole appeared in the center of his brow.

Then Shi Ang and Tong Hu’s profound meaning impacted, tearing his body to pieces.

The profound impact belonging to Tong Hu and Shi Ang tore a huge gap in the ground, and the villa behind was all affected by this blow, completely annihilated by ashes.

After killing the Sinister Star Felikias, the eyes of Tong Hu and Shi Ang were filled with incredible light. They seemed to be unable to believe that Tianma could burst out such power.

For a time, both of them were dumbfounded.

In fact, it was more than the two of them. The Cepheus and Triangulum lying on the ground, as well as the Yeren of the unicorn, were equally horrified. Especially the Yeren, he looked at Tianma as if he had seen a ghost.

Since Tianma came to the sanctuary two years ago, the two of them have not played against each other less. In the beginning, it was basically the Yeh people who hoisted the Tianma to fight.

While in Albany, Tianma received the practice of the small universe from Sisyphus.

But Sisyphus did not really train him to harsh standards.

What is taught to Tianma is only the small universe, the preliminary method of application.

Therefore, it is normal for him to be hung and beaten by the Jehovah.

After all, compared to Tianma, Yeren came to the sanctuary since childhood, became a candidate for the Saint Seiya, and continued to practice hard every day.

After Regulus leaped to inherit the position of Leo Golden Saint Seiya, Yaren was said to be the strongest among all Saint Seiya candidates! In the face of such a Jesus, Tianma couldn’t beat him. It was no surprise at all.

However, after being hanged for a while at the beginning, Tianma made rapid progress, and soon he was able to draw a tie with the Yeren.

After 490, because of Tianma’s progress, the Yeren practiced harder than before.

The two people are constantly competing in this way, and Yeren also regards Tianma as his biggest rival and rival.

But now, watching Pegasus slay the Sinister Felikias with a punch, he almost had an idea whether he had hallucinations.

However, the answer is obviously no. Pegasus really punched him, and with his own power, he killed the celestial sin star Felikias who was no weaker than the Golden Saint Seiya!


At this moment, infinite unwillingness surged from the heart of the Yeren.

Just now he also understood the terrifying power of the celestial sin star Felikias, that amazing and ferocious little universe was like a fierce beast. In the face of such an enemy, Tianma was able to kill him with a single punch. How powerful was his power? !

At this moment, in Yeren’s heart, there was an infinite longing, longing to become a strong man, longing to compare with Tianma.

Looking at the Yeren, the corners of Mukuro’s mouth curled up slightly.

Tianma’s situation was as early as his expectation.


Since the age of mythology, as the strongest spear in the hand of the goddess Athena, she has slaughtered many gods. In history, Pluton Hades’s real body has been injured by Pegasus.

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