Chapter 1366 Sanctuary Attack

“Their death is for this world and the future of mankind. They entrusted their lives to you. So, strengthen your beliefs and don’t let their lives be sacrificed in vain.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Sasha, who was slumped on the ground, trembled, and she nodded silently.

At this time, watching all this, Tong Hu and Shi Ang knelt on the ground, and they sternly said, “Since it can be confirmed now. The Lair of the Underworld Warriors is in Italy, then let us attack!”

Shion’s words fell, and Pope Saiqi nodded. “Okay! Tonghu, Shion, you two choose a few silver and bronze saints to attack, and the target is the old nest where Auriga and others called the Hades!”

Saiqi’s words fell. At this time, Tong Hu and Shi Ang were taken aback. Obviously, the two of them are a little dazed.

The two of them meant that Sanctuary could send an army of Saints to attack Italy.

It’s not the two of them, just go up and die by yourself.

Just two golden saints, and the two of them are probably the best two in gold.

Bring a few silver and bronze saints to attack the Pluton Army’s lair. Isn’t this your own death? ! But such thoughts only passed by in Shi Ang and Tong Hu’s hearts, and the two of them still said sharply.


Pope Sage was a thoughtful and strategist. If it were him, he would definitely not aimlessly, and when they became the Golden Saint Seiya, the two of them had already gained considerable consciousness.

Even if the two of them were really asked to die as abandoned children, the two of them would definitely not have the slightest hesitation.

Sure enough, just when the two of them had a sense of death in their hearts, Mukuro, who was sitting at the side, stood up from the ground.

He calmly said, “I have been in this sanctuary for two years. I haven’t seen Aaron for two years. I don’t know, Aaron is still not Aaron, or he has become Pluton. Hades? But anyway, it’s time for me to leave. I’m going to meet this student of mine, this time I’ll go with you.”

Mukuro’s words fell, Shi Ang and Tong Hu, two people, a spirit of joy rose in their hearts.

If Mukuro went to Italy with them, it would naturally be much safer. At least, this time’s mission is definitely not to die as before.

Even if you encounter Pluton Hades, there may be a possibility of surviving.

And at this time, Shi Ang’s heart was even more enlightened. Did Pope Sage expect this? !

He subconsciously looked at Pope Saiqi, and Saiqi’s face was extremely calm, and he could not see any waves.

Just like calm water.

But it became more and more like this, Shion’s heart was shaken, and in his heart he felt more and more that Pope Sage’s ingenuity was unfathomable.

“Brother Mukuro…” Sasha raised his head and looked at Mukuro.

And Mukuro just walked over, stretched out his finger, wiped the tears from Sasha’s eyes, and then he smiled slightly, “Sasha, you are still too naive. You are too kind. But as Athena, you, Perhaps this kind of kindness is what everyone expects.”

Mukuro said so, he retracted his hand, and then he said casually, “Let’s go, what are you doing on your knees, go out!”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Tong Hu and Shi Ang, who were kneeling on the ground, both got up quickly from the ground.

The two of them followed Mukuro and walked out of the palace.

After coming out of the Temple of the Goddess, Tong Hu and Shi Ang quickly gathered a few saints.

The silver saint of the triangle seat, the silver saint of the Cepheus, and the Yeren of the Bronze Saint Seiya and the Pegasus Saint Seiya Pegasus! Sure enough, the same as the original plot, the two of them were also selected in it.

However, this is not unusual.

Because the holy war is imminent, the manpower of the sanctuary is also very tense now.

Just like before, the six silver saints went to Italy to detect the situation, and they were all killed! There are only twenty-four silver saints in the sanctuary! He hung up six in one breath.

In addition, there are various other situations. The death rate of Saint Seiya, especially the lower Saint Seiya, is too high.

The current Triangle Silver Saint Seiya and Cepheus Silver Saint Seiya are all substitutes.

The unicorn and Pegasus, the two of them, are also newly promoted saints. The four of them are now, and there is idle combat power left in Sanctuary.

After a group of people gathered at the gate of the sanctuary, Tong Hu and Shi Ang looked at the four of Tianma, their expressions were still quite embarrassing.

“Ahem! This time, our task is to detect Pluton Hades’s movements.” Shion said. Even if it was him, he really had no face in such a situation. It was said that they were actually going to attack the Pluton Army headquarters.

Then, after the previous words fell, Shi Ang hesitated for a while, and Shi Ang added another sentence. “So, the most important thing is to save your life, don’t die!” His words fell, and Mukuro, who was standing by, finally couldn’t help but smile.

Hearing Mukuro’s laughter, Shion and Tonghu’s expressions became even more embarrassing.

Among the four Saint Seiyas who were summoned, the two Silver Saint Seiyas were also a little embarrassed.

And the Ye people of the unicorn are a little nervous.

He had just become a Saint Seiya, and in less than a month, he was about to attack. And the target is suspected to be Pluton’s army lair, and it is even possible to cover up with Pluton Hades, thinking of this, he feels a little guilty in his heart.

And Tianma was staring at the hill of stars at the peak of the sanctuary in a daze.

It can be seen that he missed Sasha a bit. In the past, they were all friends of Tenten who lived together.

And now, Sasha has become the goddess of Athena, and he is a saint.

And for the past two years, he has been in the sanctuary, participating in the arduous practice among the saints.

He saw Sasha almost no more than three or five times.

This made him miss Sasha a bit. Of course, what he missed for Sasha was feelings like brothers and sisters.

He has been an orphan since he was a child.

Grew up with Aaron and Sasha. They are like brothers and sisters.

Just when Tianma was in a trance, it was surprising that the figure of Sasha holding the scepter of the goddess of victory appeared at the gate of the sanctuary. Tianma smiled.

Seeing Sasha’s smile, Tianma nodded likewise, and he clenched his fists.

The eyes are full of firm will!

In the past, he didn’t understand why Aaron had to become Pluton, but he finally understood a little bit now.

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