Chapter 1356 Minos

However, at this time, he was not discouraged. On the contrary, his heart was burning with an astonishing will. This will was supported and turned into a flame, burning in his heart, pushing his small universe to an unprecedented peak. .

The golden little universe aura was burning. At this moment, Sisyphus seemed to completely suppress the influence of body toxins on himself, and he slowly turned around.

When Sisyphus turned around, unexpectedly, the man standing behind him did not make a sneak attack.

Obviously, as the three giants of the underworld, he is not allowed to make such a move. Turning around, Sisyphus’ eyes narrowed slightly and looked forward.

Behind him, there was a person standing behind him. This person was dressed in a dark underworld clothing, covered with a gorgeous underworld clothing, and on his body, long black metal wings.

Against the backdrop of the metal wings, this underworld looks very gorgeous.

And unlike this dark, dark metal luster, the person wearing this dark clothing has long silver hair.

His expression was cold, and his eyes revealed a very noble arrogance.

His eyes were on Sisyphus, giving people 513 unspeakable pressures. Looking at this person, countless thoughts flashed in Sisyphus’s mind, and finally he said:

“Your Excellency?”

“Minos of the noble star Griffin.”

The silver long-haired underworld warrior said calmly.

His words fell, and although he had expected it, Sisyphus took a breath of air on the spot.

The star of heaven, Minos, is indeed the Big Three in the underworld.

At this moment, Sisyphus’ expression was extremely solemn.

And looking at Sisyphus, Minos said again, “Where’s your golden saint? Summon it. Dealing with enemies that are too simple will be meaningless. Use your strongest posture. , Come to greet my Master Minos, I hope your power can make me feel so happy!”

Minos’ words fell, Sisyphus did not refuse.

He nodded, the expression in his eyes was extremely solemn. Now that he has been poisoned, even if he tried his best, this toxin is still impossible to get rid of.

Under such circumstances, even if he uses his will to suppress toxins and barely control his body, the tricks he can display are quite limited. If you want to defeat an enemy at the level of the noble star Minos, you must Infuse your own small universe and all your power into one blow!

Countless thoughts flashed, and finally Sisyphus made up his mind. He already knew what he wanted to do.

He looked at Minos, took a deep breath, and then burst out a terrifying look from his eyes.

The gaze burned, and from his body, an astonishing atmosphere of a small universe rose.

The atmosphere of the small universe was burning, and the golden brilliance lit up in an instant, as if trying to illuminate the jungle under this torrential rain.

As the atmosphere of the small universe burned, Sisyphus roared loudly:

“Come on! My Sagittarius Golden Saint Cloth!”

Along with Sisyphus’ words, a golden light screamed, tearing apart the barriers of space, and instantly appeared in front of Sisyphus, and then the golden light diffused and turned into individual parts to be installed automatically. Sisyphus’s body.

Dressed in golden saint clothing, the small universe on Sisyphus’s body climbed to the extreme in an instant.

He looked at the precious star Minos in front of him and said.

“Come on! Minos, this is my full blow! Sagittarius is the ultimate secret! Chiron Storm·Glory Pulse!”

As this sentence fell, the small universe on Sisyphus erupted. At this moment, his hands, without the slightest movement, were the wings of his saint waving, towards the star Minos in front of him. Full blow.

The golden storm howled, coming out vertically and horizontally!

The shock of the terrifying force seemed to be above the supernova explosion in an instant.

Facing Sisyphus’s attack, even the star Minos, one of the three giants of the underworld, his expression was extremely solemn in an instant. Under the radiance of light, his originally cold eyes also burned with hot light! From his body, the small purple universe was burning, facing Sisyphus’s blow, he also roared:

“Your full blow, I received it!”

The roar of the precious star Minos fell, and the golden light swallowed everything.

The earth trembled, the light covered everything, and in the dazzling brilliance, nothing could be seen. I don’t know how long it has passed, it seems to be a few seconds, and it seems to be a long time…

Finally the golden light slowly dissipated. An olive-shaped sinkhole appeared on the ground. In the sinkhole, on the left side, after such a full blow erupted, Sisphus gasped violently.

His body was already kneeling on the ground. Originally, he had already supported it to the limit.

At this moment, he made every effort to make such a blow, and his body could no longer support it.

He struggled hard and looked forward. In the blurred vision, he saw there, a figure was standing there. Seeing this, Sisyphus’ heart was full of unwillingness and helplessness.

Then his consciousness became blurred and he fell into the boundless darkness.

His body, unable to support it anymore, fainted on the spot.

He was first cut by the poisonous sword, and then hit by the Diyin Star Chubu’s Profound Death Messenger.

This trick was originally a trick that could kill the enemy on the spot. It was a miracle that he was able to sustain his immortality by stubbornly enduring this trick. After that, he was hit by the deep meaning of the dark star Neobi and the observing star Wenber.

Even if his physical body, under the shelter of the small universe, can resist these profound meanings, it is still the limit to be able to support it up to now.

The toxin had completely paralyzed Sisyphus’ body. After his will faint, the toxin will continue to spread in his body until Sisyphus is completely killed.

At the other end of the sinkhole, as Sisyphus saw it, Minos, the star of heaven, was still standing.

The two wings of his Mingyi blocked the front, blocking this terrifying blow for him.

But as a price, his underworld clothes have been completely broken.

The two wings of Ming Yi had been shattered. And even so, the aftermath of the attack still brought him a huge impact and damage. He was also panting, his expression ugly.

The strength of the Sagittarius Golden Saint Sisyphus completely exceeded his imagination. At this moment, he looked at the figure lying there, still with a sense of horror in his eyes.

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