Chapter 1354 One to three

But at this time, Diyin Star Chubu sneered and said, “It’s useless. The singing from this woman’s mouth is the song of death. No matter who it is, and no matter what means, it can’t stop this song. The infiltration of this song will penetrate into your nerves and your cells, and stop your heart and your life from beating.”

Earthyin Star Chubu’s words fell, and the phantom of the woman had floated in front of Sisyphus.

Her figure floated in the air, her head resting on her hands, but it was facing Sisphus face to face.

Staring at the woman’s sad eyes, Sisyphus’ eyes finally disappeared, and his eyes completely turned into dullness. Then his body knelt to the ground suddenly.

Under this move, it seems that Sisyphus was really killed.

After Sisyphus fell, the phantom of the headless woman dissipated.

On the face of Diyin Star Chubu, there was a faint smile 16th, “It’s finally over. The strongest Golden Saint Seiya among the Saint Seiyas is just such an insignificant degree…”

However, this person’s words have not yet fallen. From Sisphus, who was kneeling on the ground, a tiny universe was burning, and the golden tiny universe was burning, exuding a terrifying aura.

Then, in the incredulous gaze of Chubu, the Earthyin Star, Sisufos actually stood up from the ground again.

Seeing Sisyphus stand up, Earthyin Star Chubu was in incomparable shock, and he even took two steps back subconsciously in fright.

It was the other two underworld fighters who were watching the battle, both of them looked horrified. It seemed that I couldn’t believe that Sisufos could survive the death messenger of the Earthyin Star Chubu in the front!

“Your trick is called death messenger?! Use the words of that headless woman to tell others the sign of death. If it was in the past, if you were caught in the front, I might really die. Your hand. It’s just that, now I have understood what a real will is, a will that transcends life and death.”

Said this, Sisufos shook his fist, and then he moved towards Chubu, the Earthyin star ahead, just punching it out.

“Glorious Pulse!”

His words fell, and an amazing light burst out from his fist.

The terrifying light whizzed, like a supernova explosion, shattering everything, fisted out, directly blasting the Diyin Star Qiub in front of it to pieces, and even crushed it more finely than dust.

With a punch, Sisyphus, who didn’t even wear the golden holy clothes, slammed Diyin Star Chubu, and put his fist away, then his gaze fell on the other two Pluto fighters not far away again.

“Now, it’s your turn.”

Seeing Sisyphus’ such astonishing fist and being watched by his gaze, the hearts of these two underworld fighters trembled.

Terrible, terrible!

The horror of the man in front of them was beyond their imagination, as if subconsciously, the two swallowed.

Seeing Sisyphus’s eyes, they even wanted to escape subconsciously.

But in the end, the two of them couldn’t help their desire to escape. This is a wise approach. Even in the Pluton Army, deserters will never be allowed.

For the underworld warrior, fighting with the enemy may lead to death. But after death, as long as Pluton Hades exists, they can be resurrected anytime, anywhere.

However, if you flee because of fear of the enemy’s power during the battle. Then the ending brought by it was much more miserable than the death in battle.

So for the underworld fighters, no matter how powerful enemies they face, they have only to fight, this way they can go.

Seeing Sisyphus, who was burning the golden universe all over, the two underworld fighters looked at each other, and finally observed Star Wenber put his hand in his mouth and blew a whistle.

Accompanied by his whistle, it was clearly in the majestic heavy rain, but from the surrounding woods, a large number of overwhelming bats flew out!

These bats flew, making sharp and piercing sounds.

Hearing this voice, Sisyphus’ face remained unchanged, and he could feel a strange power that seemed to be controlling his body, trying to paralyze his body’s nerves.

However, the more so, the more terrifying will burned in Sisyphus’s eyes, the astonishing will was burning, and his eyes seemed to be burning with terrible flames. Then he clenched his fist, just said categorically, “It’s useless! It doesn’t make any sense to use such a trick against me.”

But his words fell, and Neobi from the Dark Star of the Underworld Warrior also shouted sharply, “Then let you try my tricks again!”

As he said this, Neobi of the Dark Star shook his fist, but from his fist, a whirlwind with an incredibly amazing fragrance came out.

This whirlwind was blowing and rushing towards Sisyphus!

“Wenber’s trick, plus my poisonous gas, Sisyphus, no matter how strong you are, it is absolutely impossible to be our opponent! Obediently take it to death!” With that said, the two underworld fighters rushed up together!

The terrible scent wind rolled, and the scent penetrated into Sisyphus’ body. He could perceive the toxin brought by this scent, which was obviously the toxin of 467 on the blade of Chubu before.

At this moment, this terrible toxin, mixed with infrasound waves that can numb nerves and cells, Sisphus only felt that his physical body seemed to stop completely.

But at this moment, looking at the two underworld fighters rushing over, Sisyphus closed his eyes.

His five senses all disappeared in an instant. His soul seems to have surpassed the shackles of his physical body.

Then the golden small universe burned up in his soul, Sisyphus shot again, and the brilliance of the small universe burned from her body, and the bright light burst out, engulfing everything in an instant. When the light condensed, the earth star Wenbai and the earth dark star Neobi, these two underworld fighters had fallen to the ground, and then the underworld clothes on their bodies suddenly shattered and turned into debris on the ground!

As for the lives of the two of them, Sisyphus had killed them on the spot.

Being killed by Sisyphus, the expressions of these two underworld fighters still seemed to be full of unwillingness. He couldn’t seem to not understand how Sisyphus used such terrible tricks.

As they thought, Sisyphus’ body was clearly controlled by their tricks, completely paralyzed. It should be impossible to perform any tricks at all, in front of them, they can only kill by pulling their necks.

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