Chapter 1352 Leaving Albany

I don’t know if it was due to the awakening of Aaron as Pluton, the sky that was clear in the sky turned into a cloudy sky.

At the same time, under the dense clouds, the rainy season, which had not yet arrived, arrived one month earlier. In the sky, it began to rain continuously. A large amount of rainwater poured down, as if it was just overnight, it completely paralyzed the urban facilities used for drainage in the town, and the rainwater accumulated on the street was everywhere.

At the same time, the river outside is also surging with unprecedented water flow. In addition, what is even more terrifying is that from the mountain, there are continuous rivers crashing down the slopes, and at the same time, it is wrapped in a large number of rocks and washed down trees on the mountain. .

Under such circumstances, it can be said that the small town of Albany is very dangerous.

In previous years of heavy rains, Albany also encountered terrible flash floods. As a result, flash floods broke out, breaking down the walls of the small town of Albany and submerging half of the town.

That time, it was a great flood thirty years ago. Brought huge casualties to the small town of Albany.

Many people were washed away by flash floods.

Young people don’t know these things, but to the old people in the small town, they seem to be fresh in memory.

However, since that incident thirty years ago, in order to prevent the flash flood from breaking out again, it hit the small town in the canyon.

So the people in the town worked together to build a water channel on the valley road in the valley above the town. This waterway is specially used to drain water in excess seasons.

At the iron gate of Chengnan Villa, three carriages had already been prepared.

The children in the orphanages are all wearing raincoats.

Each of them carried a bag in their hands. After they came out of the orphanage, one by one, under the command of Dean Yalikili and Violet, they climbed into the carriage. Among these children, Tianma and Sasha are also in them. After all these children got on the carriage, Sisyphus also climbed into a carriage.

After getting on the carriage, Sisyphus looked down again. Sure enough, at this time, Mukuro also got on another carriage. After the last Mukuro and Sisyphus boarded the carriage, the three carriage drivers waved their whips and drove the carriage away. Originally in such a rainstorm, the road was muddy and dangerous, and it was impossible for an ordinary driver to pick up business.

However, if someone provides sufficient compensation, the result will naturally be different. In order to hire these three carriages, Mukuro paid them ten times the usual remuneration.

There is such a good thing, let alone a rainy day, even if they are allowed to go up to the sword mountain or into the fire, they are willing to do it.

The wages of avarice is death.

Although Mukuro didn’t let them go to death, but such a high salary is really enough for these drivers to be satisfied. Sitting in the outermost position of the carriage, Mukuro looked at the heavy rain outside, and then as if thinking of something, there was a faint smile on his face.

It seems that when he first came to the small town of Albany, it was on a rainy day.

At that time, it was just a light rain, but this time it was an astonishing rainstorm.

The carriage was advancing slowly in the heavy rain.

After leaving the small town of Albany, he still moved slowly along the woods and mountain roads.

However, in such a torrential rain, at the end of the road in the woods, three burly figures in jet black armor stood. They stood in the torrential rain, letting the rain from the sky fall on themselves, as if they didn’t care at all. They seem to be waiting for something.

But at this moment, it seemed to be aware of the arrival of the three carriages. These three figures with their heads down and their faces indistinct, finally raised their heads, and from their eyes, there was an icy cold light, the cold light reflected, Gives an ominous feeling.

Then these three figures flickered and suddenly disappeared from the place. In the torrential rain, they never seemed to have appeared, and they never seemed to have come. It was just silent, on this road, even in heavy rain, a faint fragrance began to fill up in the humid air.

The fragrance is incredibly sweet, as if it is sweet enough to enter people’s hearts, making people’s souls intoxicated and unable to wake up again.

Accompanied by this fragrance, among the three carriages that arrived in the heavy rain, the driver in charge of driving the carriage shrugged his nose subconsciously, “Good fragrance? What fragrance is this? ”

This thought subconsciously rose in his heart, and then he only felt that his eyelids seemed a little heavy, he couldn’t help but want to close his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

But at this moment, a hand stretched out from behind him, patted his shoulder, and a warm current flowed into the coachman’s body, and then the coachman only felt the sudden fatigue in his whole body. Meaning, as if disappearing without a trace all at once.

He was stunned for a moment, subconsciously raised his head, looked forward, and then turned his head back, looking at Mukuro, a little embarrassed and said apologetically, “Sorry, Lord Earl, I’m so tired…”

However, this person’s words have not yet fallen. Abruptly, a small purple universe full of evil and ominous aura rose from the ground where the carriage was originally moving smoothly.

Then a ray of light broke through from the ground, trying to penetrate the third of the three carriages on the spot.

The light flashed away, with a sharp and extremely sharp aura of lore.

This sharp breath suddenly erupted and pierced the bottom of the car on the spot. However, at this moment, when this sharp light wanted to continue to break through, a big hand came out, and from inside the car, This sharp light was caught!

The person who caught this sharp light was of course Sisyphus!

And in the position above this ray of light, it was Sasha sitting! At such a critical moment, Sisyphus grasped the sharp blade that pierced up from below.

However, the sharp blade cut Sisyphus’ palm, and from his hand, blood flowed down the black blade continuously.

But even so, Sisyphus still grasped the sharp edge of his hand, and at the same time burned from the amazing small universe on his body.


With a loud shout, he pierced the pitch-black blade at the bottom of the carriage, and was directly squeezed by Sisyphus with his bare hands! The moment this hunting blade was pinched off, a figure from the bottom of the carriage rolled out like a shadow.

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