Chapter 1347 Aaron’s choice

After all, in this era, most people don’t even have the opportunity to study.

Only the rich, nobles have the opportunity to read and write. And being able to read, for many people, it immediately appears that their identities are different. Therefore, the value of books can be imagined.

When he came to the study, Mukuro sat down, and the first sentence was, “Did you see Hypnos?”

Faced with Mukuro’s words, Aaron was not surprised, he just nodded. Then Aaron shook his fist, as if plucking up the courage in his heart, he said:

“Brother Mukuro, I want…”

However, Aaron’s words have not yet fallen, and the corners of Mukuro’s mouth curled up. He just said, “I want to leave here with Hypnos.”

Mukuro’s words were calm, but his words fell, and Aaron lowered his head involuntarily. he

Clutching the corners of his clothes with both hands.

But in the end, he raised his head and looked at Mukuro, “Brother Mukuro, thank you for telling me so much. I know what I will face, but I am not afraid. I have the courage to defeat him!”

Looking at Aaron’s appearance, Mukuro didn’t answer.

He was silent for a while, and then said, “Actually, Sasha also told me two days ago that he wanted to leave here and go to the sanctuary. I didn’t answer her, but now, I have the answer.”

With that said, Mukuro smiled slightly and he looked at Aaron and said, “Go. But don’t forget what I taught you. Pluton Hades is indeed a terrible guy, but as long as you stick to your heart, Then it will inevitably bring about a miracle to reverse the fate, and even defeat him.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Aaron nodded vigorously.

“Thank you, Mukuro brother.” Aaron said so, and then an unprecedented ominous breath emanated from his body.

This breath rose, emanating from Aaron’s body, his original pure and innocent expression disappeared, and instead he seemed to be indifferent to life.

The small purple universe full of death and ominous meaning rose from his body.

This is the little girl universe belonging to Pluton Hades, not only this, but burning with the breath of this small purple universe.

The broad robe worn by Aaron was dancing, and his original golden hair, also from the tips, all turned into pitch black. His figure floated from the ground, as if standing in the air.

With the emergence of this small universe, Sisufos in the villa was alarmed at this moment.

The golden light was burning, and the figure of Sisyphus rushed up directly from the first floor! He rushed to the door of the study, looking at Aaron floating in the air, and the small universe belonging to Pluton Hades exuding from Aaron, his expression was shocked.

“Pluton… Pluton!” Sisyphus said in surprise.

Although living here, Sisyphus had also known two years ago that Aaron was this holy war and Pluton’s reincarnation. At first, he also had some caution in his heart.

But looking at Aaron’s innocence and kindness. In his heart, there is no longer the slightest guard against Aaron, what he really hates is the soul of Pluton who is possessed by Aaron! In the past two years, Sisyphus has always hoped that Mukuro deliberately took action to suppress Pluton’s soul, so that Pluton will never wake up, so that Aaron can continue to live as a naive painter like this.

But now, Sisyphus’s wish is clearly shattered.

Seeing Aaron’s appearance, Sisyphus’ expression was full of grief!

“Aaron!” He screamed, his voice full of sadness and anger. With such a roar, he looked at Mukuro subconsciously, as if he wanted to know why with Mukuro’s power, Pluton Hades’s soul in Aaron’s body could not be prevented from awakening.

However, Mukuro just sat in a chair and didn’t show the slightest sign.

As for Aaron, he was floating in the air, only with a faint smile on his face. This smile was a bit cold, but in the cold, there was a little sarcasm.

“The golden saint of Sagittarius Xisufos, interesting. Are you here to watch Yu’s awakening? Want to dedicate your life to Yu’s awakening and add some joy to Yu? Or, do you want to betray Incompetent Athena became Yu’s underworld fighter? How about, Sisyphus, if it were you, Yu could give you life that is immortal and immortal, and personally create for you a dark garment that can rival the god’s garment… …”

“Shut up!” Then, facing Aaron’s words, Sisyphus just snarled.

Then he said loudly again, “Aaron! No matter what it is, no matter what happens, you are the innocent boy! Aaron! Wake up, don’t let Hades’s soul, Occupy your mind! Aaron!” Sisyphus roared.

However, facing Sisyphus’ words, Aaron held his forehead with one hand.

There was only a mocking sneer on his face, he raised his head and laughed, his voice full of mockery. “Aaron? Wrong, Yu’s current name is not Aaron, Yu’s name is the Lord of the Dead, Pluton Hades! Choose, Sisyphus, surrender to me, choose eternal life, or At this moment, with all the people here, welcome the inextricable death that Yu has bestowed on you!”

Aaron said this, the small universe on his body was burning, and the purple small universe was rising. At this moment, the terrifying power exploded, as if he wanted to turn the whole room into the underworld and hell.

In the face of such a terrible small universe, Sisyphus clenched his fist, his gaze subconsciously looked at Mukuro, but Mukuro was still sitting in a chair calmly with only 3.0, and he didn’t even want to make a move. Meaning, seeing this, Sisyphus gritted his teeth, his heart seemed to make up his mind.

As Sisyphus strengthened his determination, his gaze turned to Aaron again, the golden small universe on his body rose up, and the terrible atmosphere of the small universe burned.

It seemed to erupt violently like a tsunami, not only that, under the background of the golden atmosphere of the small universe, Sisyphus seemed to have turned into a huge golden torch.

“Come on! My sagittarius golden saint!!”

Sisyphus yelled, and then a ray of light descended.

Crashing into Sisyphus’ body, as if it was only an instant, the golden light slammed into it, and the sagittarius golden saint clothing was directly mounted on Sisyphus’ body.

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