Chapter 1345 Sleeping God Supnos

“Oh, this is a very expensive pigment. If I am not mistaken, there is no such pigment produced in Italy. It must be imported from Spain. Even in the market in Rome, the price of this pigment is quite high. It’s not cheap.” This figure picked up the bottle from the ground, as if to comment casually.

Hearing this voice, Aaron raised his head subconsciously, and what appeared in front of him was a middle-aged man wrapped in a black trench coat and black leather gloves.

While his expression was gentle, he felt quite depressed. On his head, he has long golden hair. With a faint smile on his face, he looked at Aaron. In this smile, there seemed to be kindness and a different meaning.

Lifting his head, looking at the middle-aged man with long blonde hair, Aaron stared at him, and was stunned for a moment.

Then he said again, “Your Excellency?”

In the face of Aaron’s doubts, the smile on the face of the long blond-haired middle-aged man remained unchanged. He bowed to Aaron, “It’s rude, I am a new priest from the Great Sanctuary. As for the name… …” He said so, but a mysterious smile appeared on his face, “It is not an important thing, you can call me a priest.”

With that said, he stretched out his hand and handed the paint bottle to Aaron.

Seeing this person’s movements, Aaron also stretched out his hand subconsciously, as if he wanted to take the paint bottle handed by the other party, but at this moment, this person was holding the paint bottle in his hand, but it was unexpected. Withdrawing his hand, he took back the paint bottle in his hand.

Seeing this man move, Aaron was stunned for a moment, as if he didn’t understand what the other party meant.

At this time, the middle-aged man with long blonde hair slowly said, “It is indeed a very precious paint. But this paint is simply a false color. What can be drawn with this false color? What about his painting?”

With that said, this middle-aged man with blond hair had a little sarcasm and mystery in his expression.

After saying this, he looked at Aaron again and looked at Aaron’s expression. He said again, “Do you want to know the most perfect color in this world?”

With that said, the corners of the middle-aged man’s mouth curled up. Faced with the fall of his words, Aaron subconsciously murmured to himself, “The most perfect color?”

Seeing Aaron’s seemingly attracted eyes, the middle-aged man with long blonde hair showed a playful light in his eyes.

But the next moment, Aaron shook his head, “Sorry, I don’t want to.”

Aaron’s words fell, and the middle-aged man with long blonde hair was stunned. He didn’t seem to expect that Aaron would reject himself.

In principle, Aaron, the reincarnation of Pluton, is the purest and most innocent boy in the world.

And Aaron is obsessed with painting. If he is such a person, the topic of using perfect paint should be easy to get him hooked. At least, Hypnos, the god of sleep, thinks he knows Pluton very well.


Underworld as the twin gods served by Pluton Hades.

The sleeping god who is in charge of eternal sleep is the underworld. In terms of status, it is only an ancient god second to Pluton Hades.

In the age of mythology, he even gave Zeus an eternal sleep and wanted to keep Zeus in his sleep, but he was unfortunately escaped by Zeus. But this is enough to show that this person is terrible!

In the last era, more than two hundred years ago, when the Sanctuary and the Underworld launched the holy war, Shupnos joined forces with his brother Shinigami Tanadus to attack the Sanctuary, and most of the silver that survived the holy war in the Sanctuary Saint Seiya, all slaughtered in one go! The rest, only the previous generation of Cancer Golden Saint Seqi, and the Altar Seat Silver Saint Baili.

The soul of Pluton Hades was saved by Gemini.

And now, now, more than two hundred years later.

As Pluton, the twin gods who served on the left and right of Pluton, he once again came to the earth, looking for the reincarnation of Pluton Hades! And his purpose of contacting Aaron now is naturally to awaken the soul belonging to Pluton Hades in Aaron’s heart.

“Why? As a painter, don’t you want to see the most perfect and beautiful colors in the world, and then use them to create the most perfect paintings in the world? Isn’t this your wish?!”

Supnos with long blonde hair looked at Aaron and said.

His words seemed to be full of temptation. However, at this time, Aaron just shook his head again, and then said seriously, “I used to think that way.”


Shuronos didn’t understand what Aaron meant. At this time, Aaron smiled slightly, showing a smile that seemed sincere, and then said, “In the past, brother Mukuro asked me what color is the most beautiful in the world. I said I didn’t know, and then brother Mukuro asked again. I want to know what color is the most beautiful in this world, I said I want it. But in the end, brother Mukuro just smiled and told me that the most beautiful color in the world is the color of life, the most perfect in the world His paintings are the world itself.”

“And the meaning of the painter’s existence is to use the brush to record these bits and pieces of this world, to record the moments of these beautiful things, this mind is the most perfect thing. Only with a beautiful heart, infused My sincerity, then no matter what kind of paint, even if it’s just coal, you can paint touching paintings.”

With that said, Aaron stuck out his tongue at Supnos. He said embarrassedly, “Both Mukuro’s brother told me. He also showed me a lot of masters’ paintings. Some of them are just painted with simple ink pens, but they are very moving…”

As Aaron said, she seemed to be a little excited, just looking at Aaron’s heartfelt smile, Shupnos’s face was ugly to the extreme! His face was gloomy, as if his heart was filled with anger.

He looked at Aaron coldly, his expression seemed quite unkind, and at the same time his eyes flickered, seeming to reveal a strange light. At this time, looking at the expression of Supnos, Aaron’s heart trembled. She stopped her words subconsciously, with a worried look on her face, “Mr., are you okay?”

Facing Aaron’s words, Supnos sneered, and he subconsciously seemed to want to reach out to Aaron.

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