Chapter 1342 Apologize

Manigote’s words fell, and Mukuro’s eyes showed a little joking: “So what? So let me let you go?!”

After Mukuro’s words fell, Manigote’s expression became even more embarrassed, and the expressions of the remaining Golden Saints were more embarrassing.

As the golden saints, they all possess the glory and arrogance that belongs to the warrior.

Even their heads are more arrogant than anyone else.

Even for gods, except Athena, it is impossible for them to bow their heads.

But now, they can only be embarrassed because Mukuro’s power is too strong.

Even, it is already powerful beyond their imagination.

This level is no longer what they can match and match.

This is not to say that the degree of conviction and courage can make up for.

Even in the face of God, they have confidence and use their faith and courage to defeat the enemy. But in the face of Mukuro, what they felt was absolute power above everything such as faith, courage, and resourcefulness.

In the face of this power 363, any struggle is of no use at all.

It’s like a person throwing a fist at the starry sky. It makes no sense at all. No matter how powerful your fist is, can it break the starry sky? The answer is no at all. You can’t even reach the starry sky at all. Facing Mukuro, they felt the same desperate feeling in their hearts. Too strong, strong is beyond imagination.

Under Mukuro’s words, each of them looked pretty ugly.

But at this moment, Saiqi spoke, “Yes, your honorable lord, we offended you in ignorance. Please forgive me.”

Saiqi’s words fell, and at this moment, all the Golden Saints were stunned.

They didn’t seem to expect that Saqi, as the pope, would actually say such low-pitched words! They have the arrogance and dignity of being a golden saint, and Sage naturally has it, even he is the pope of the sanctuary, the spokesperson of the goddess in the world!

Such him, at this moment, bowed his head to others. This simply makes the Golden Saints unacceptable.

But soon, many of them also reflected, and their expressions were quite ashamed. Bowing your head to others is naturally not what Saiqi’s arrogance can allow. But he still did. This is because, in Saiqi’s heart, there is something more important than dignity and his own arrogance, and that is the duty of guarding the earth!

With Mukuro’s power, it is obvious that they can be killed easily. If they don’t lower their heads, even if Mukuro’s men were merciful just now and spared their lives, the end will definitely be all buried here and killed by Mukuro.

And if they are all killed, who will guard the earth and who will defend the Pluton army? ! Over the years, the activities of the Pluton Army have become more and more arrogant. The battles between the Saints of Sanctuary and the Pluton Army were quite numerous.

If the golden saints of the sanctuary are almost completely destroyed here, then the sanctuary can be defeated in the holy war with the underworld.

At that time, you can imagine that this earth will inevitably be shrouded in the rule of the underworld.

The whole earth will be ruled by darkness. Even with the personality of the Pluton army, it is entirely possible to kill everyone on the earth, so that the originally full of vitality will completely turn into a dead zone and become a part of the underworld.

It is precisely because of these that they cannot die, at least not all groups can be destroyed here.

Even if he gave up his dignity, it was the same if he bowed his head to Mukuro in front of him.

Just when these golden saints understood Saiqi’s determination, Saiqi pushed away his disciple Manigot with both hands and looked at Mukuro again. At this time, he looked at Mukuro and said, “Your Excellency, we offended you. This is our mistake. No, this is my fault as the Pope of the Sanctuary. So, sir, I hope I apologize for my life, just Hope, you can let them go, this earth still needs them to guard.”

Said this, Saiqi stretched out his hand and pointed his brow with two fingers, as if he wanted to commit suicide like this.

Seeing Saiqi’s movements and hearing Saiqi’s words, all the Golden Saints were shocked at this moment.

Including his land, Manigot subconsciously reached out to hold his master. But for a time, there is no time. But they are too late, but it does not mean that Mukuro is too late, “Why do this, it’s just a joke with you. Besides, if you die, does it make any sense to me?!”

As Mukuro’s words fell, his figure seemed to step out and appeared in front of Saiqi in an instant. Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed Saiqi’s hand.

Being caught by Mukuro, Saiqi couldn’t move at all for a while. “You don’t need to commit suicide, I forgive you. The blow just now, even if I offended you to my punishment. Besides, I didn’t intend to kill you.” With that said, Mukuro reached out his hand. With a stroke toward the void, Mukuro tore apart this different-dimensional space.

For Mukuro, these golden saints are just Sasha’s servants and followers.

In this case, he has no need to kill them at all.

After tearing apart the different-dimensional space, Mukuro just stepped out, leaving the different-dimensional space, and went back outside. Watching Mukuro leave, these golden saints looked at each other for a while.

But in the end, they looked at each other and smiled bitterly. No matter what, they finally survived this time.

After Mukuro’s figure left, Saiqi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then he was shocked and said again, “Let’s go too.”

Saiqi’s words fell. At this time, Shion couldn’t help but said, “Now, what about Athena?”

When his words fell, Sage was silent for a while, and finally replied, “There is no way, with our strength, it is not this person’s opponent at all. Only let Athena stay here for the time being. And depending on his appearance, at least temporarily , There is no malice towards Athena. Right now, I can only take one step and see one step at a time.”

With that said, Sage took the golden saints, and also walked out from the crack that Mukuro had torn apart. When they returned outside, Mukuro was still sitting in the chair.

“Okay, let’s go. You have a lot of people, and your appetite is bigger than the other. Our surplus food is not enough, so we won’t ask you to eat. As for Sasha, stay here for the time being, at least until she wakes up. , As for when she wakes up, let’s see her own decision.” Mukuro waved his hand and said, not caring about the battle just now.

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