Chapter 1337 Gold assembly

Over the years, he and Pope Sage have devised an unknown number of strategies to deal with jihad.

But what happened now was obviously beyond their expectations. This is also one of the reasons why Dijel came out with Pope Sage this time.

“Cut! You don’t have to keep their ambitions so long, destroy your own prestige!” At this time, another person said.

In his voice, there was disdain and sloppyness, as well as a hint of excitement. “A prey comparable to Pluton, isn’t it more interesting?!” A person beside Dettel said.

His words fell, and among the crowd, the youngest youths also put down their cloaks.

Then he said, “Kardina also has some truth in what Cardinal said. We are the saints of the goddess, whether the enemy is the sea king or Pluton, or the god of war, or other gods, as long as the goddess Athena is the enemy We will all defeat the enemy, and we must also defeat it.”

With that said, the boy clenched his fist. Among the twelve golden saints, the youngest one is Leo Golden Saint Regulus. The most gifted golden saint.

Now there are seven Golden Saints who follow Sage here.

Cancer Golden Saint Manigote, Taurus Golden Saint Hasgat, Leo Golden Saint Regulus, Aquarius Golden Saint Detector, Libra Golden Saint Cardina, and Libra Golden Saint Fighter Tonghu and Aries Golden Saint Shion, plus El Cid and Sisyphus who are now here.

It can be said that most of the combat power of Sanctuary has been assembled here.

The only things left now, which have never come, are only Ashmita Virgo, the Aspros brothers of Gemini, and Japafica of Pisces, four of them. A full nine golden saints, plus Pope Sage.

It can be said that this kind of combat power is more than enough to defeat the underworld.

The Golden Saint Seiya is the strongest combat power to guard the earth.

After Regulus’ words fell, Pope Sage groaned for a while, and then said, “Let’s go, let’s go and see what kind of character this person is.”

After Pope Sage made the decision, the remaining golden saints naturally no one refuted.

After all, the pope is the spokesperson of the goddess Athena. Even Saiqi’s own identity is quite different.

He is a survivor of the previous generation of holy wars, the last Cancer Golden Saint, the veteran of the sanctuary.

Under the leadership of El Cid, everyone naturally came out of the hotel and headed for the villa where the orphanage was located.

Soon, they came to the outside of the orphanage.

Looking at the villa located in the garden, among the many golden saints, Cardina couldn’t help but said, “Damn it! This is also an orphanage, isn’t the treatment a little better!”

When Cardina’s words fell, Manigott also said, “That’s right! This villa is definitely inhabited by a nobleman! Is this nobleman too rich? The allowance of our Golden Saint Seiya is just the same. Little bit…”

But his words haven’t fallen yet, Saiqi whispered, “You two shut up for me, and if you say more, from now on, both of you will have no allowances.”

Sage’s words fell, and Cardina stopped talking for an instant.

And Manigott whistled, as if he didn’t care about his own business. Seeing Manigote’s appearance, Saiqi held his forehead, he suddenly regretted it, he shouldn’t have brought these two live treasures.

But it’s no use regretting now. Saiqi stopped his mind for a moment, and then said, “El Cid.”

When his words fell, El Cid understood, and immediately walked forward, walked to the door, and then shouted, “Sisyphus!” As Al Cid’s words fell, soon, From the door of the closed villa, a figure hurriedly walked out. But what made all the Golden Saints almost staggered was that Sisyphus was wearing an apron!

And he also held a kitchen knife in his hand. In addition, there are chicken feathers on his body.

Seeing this person, everyone seemed to understand something. For a while, Manigote couldn’t help laughing out loud among the crowd, and besides him, Cardina and Hasgart also laughed.

The dignified Sagittarius Golden Saint Seiya, Sisyphus, known as the most powerful contender for the Pope in the sanctuary, actually took a kitchen knife and prepared to kill chickens and cook dishes.

This situation really makes them really want to laugh.

Seeing the Golden Saint Seiya and Pope Sage coming outside the door, Sisyphus had a solemn expression at first, but then there was an embarrassment on his face. But at this time, he didn’t care about anything else. He quickly ran out with a kitchen knife and ran to the gate. Sisyphus scratched his hair and said embarrassingly, “Mr. Mukuro said, since you are coming, let the kitchen , Make some dishes. Then Papa Yalikili bought three turkeys, but those turkeys were so fierce that Eve and Violet couldn’t deal with them, so I was the only one here.”

Sisyphus explained awkwardly. But the more he explained, the more embarrassed he became.

Seeing Sisyphus, at this moment, even Regulus and the rest of Shion finally couldn’t help but laugh! And Pope Sage is embarrassed!

He has always valued Sisyphus quite seriously, but he didn’t expect to see Sisyphus’ such embarrassing side at this time.


Saiqi frowned slightly and he coughed. Hearing Saiqi’s cough, the surrounding golden saints naturally suppressed their smile immediately.

Then Sage looked at Sisyphus’ dressing, and he said, “He already knows that we are here?”

Facing Sage’s words, Sisyphus nodded, and then he finally stopped the embarrassment in his heart.

Instead, he said with a solemn expression, “Yes.”

After these words fell, Sisyphus then spoke to Pope Sage:

“The Pope, Mr. Mukuro is definitely not an evil person. And his power is beyond imagination. I think we better not go to war with him! We have no need to go to war with him. Our enemies are those who want. An evil person who rules and destroys the earth, and Mr. Mukuro has absolutely no such ambitions. Although his current purpose is still unknown, his encounter with Athena is a coincidence, or what purpose, but at least until now, he Haven’t done anything to harm Athena.”

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