Chapter 1317 Reincarnation of nothingness

Jade of the Four Souls!

Under the joint attack of Sesumaru and Inuyasha, the connection between Naraku and the Four Soul Jade was finally cut off briefly.

But at this time, before Inuyasha could speak, a white light from below had already skyrocketed. It is a demon-breaking arrow formed by Ari’s own purification power.

This arrow whizzed up to the sky, like a beam of light that hit the jade of the four souls in the sky fiercely. At the moment when the jade of the four souls was hit by Ari, all the black light on the jade of the four souls disappeared.

Under the power of the jade of the four souls, Naraku was only half resurrected. His appearance was also struggling, and he was dissipating a little bit.

It’s over, this time is really over.

Naraku had completely failed, defeated by the joint efforts of Inuyasha and Ari. However, at this last moment, Naraku was full of unwillingness and anger, his eyes fixed on A Li, but his mouth showed a hint of mockery:

“It seems that I have failed? But even so, the jade of the four souls, use my soul as a price to give you the last curse! A Lei, I curse you, your soul will be destroyed by the four souls The jade swallows, wandering forever in the emptiness of reincarnation, and cannot be detached forever, and this is also the wish of the jade of the four souls.”

As Naraku’s words fell, his body was broken and almost dissipated, but a little bit of him remained, using his last strength to speak the last words:

“Then, we will see you again in that void of reincarnation…”

When this sentence fell, Naraku’s mouth curled up in a mocking arc, and then he disappeared completely.

At this time, it is unbelievable that the jade of the four souls pierced by the demon-breaking arrow was twisted around, and a mass of nothingness appeared. This mass of nothingness turned into Uzumaki, swallowing the jade of the four souls, and disappeared. It’s gone. And Ari’s body was also abrupt, swallowed by a void Uzumaki.

At the moment when A Li disappeared, everyone shouted in surprise, but it was of no use at all.

“This is… as if it was exactly the same as when Mukuro disappeared.”

Coral couldn’t help but said.

But at this time, Shan Shan’s words fell, but Maitreya was thoughtful:

“It seems that Naraku once again made a wish with the jade of the four souls and sent Ari to the place with Mukuro. However, if there is Mukuro, Ari should be in no danger.”

Maitreya’s words fell, and Inuyasha’s figure fell, also nodding.

When A Li fell into the void of reincarnation, when she woke up, she couldn’t believe it, but she had already returned to the future era. And where she is, it is her own home.

“Ari! Ari, have dinner.”

A Li’s mother’s voice sounded, and A Li returned to her senses, and she subconsciously looked at the mirror on the desk. From the mirror, she could see Zi was wearing the uniform of a female high school student.

“This is, I went to high school?”

Ari was stunned. At this time, suddenly, her room door opened, and her brother held out a head: “Sister, what are you doing, hurry down and have breakfast, otherwise we will be late for the first day of school today!”

“Today is the first day of school?”

A Li was a little blinded. She always feels something is wrong.

But what was wrong in the end, she couldn’t tell for a while. There was chaos and hazy in her mind, even though she thought hard, she couldn’t remember anything. However, at the urging of his younger brother, A Li had no choice but to reach out and pick up the schoolbag on the table, and went downstairs with his younger brother.

The breakfast in the morning is fried eggs, bread and milk. A Li ate slowly. After eating, she went out with her schoolbag, but at this time, standing at the door, A Li was a little at a loss.

Because she didn’t seem to know which high school she should go to.

But at this moment, a group of girls at the door of the house happened to walk over with schoolbags, and they were wearing the same uniforms of high school girls as Ari.

Seeing these girls pass by, A Li subconsciously followed them. But as he walked, Ah Li stopped his steps:

“No! No! These are completely wrong. I should, it should be…!”

A Li thought hard, and finally a ray of light lit up in her consciousness, and all her memories came back.

She recalled everything. But the moment she remembered, the surrounding streets disappeared. All that was left was an empty dark space, and at this moment, she was in the endless darkness. On her body, she was still wearing the sailor uniform of a junior high school girl with a broken magic bow in her hand!


A Li held the broken magic bow in his hand and looked at the emptiness and darkness around him, feeling a little at a loss.

At this time, a voice sounded.

“Here is the endless darkness. You have been trapped here, and you will stay here forever, in this darkness, alone, alone.”

This voice is cold and full of indescribable evil. When hearing this voice, Ari blurted out subconsciously:

“Qu Ling?!”

Yes, this voice is very similar to Qu Ling, but soon, A Li shook his head again:

“No, it’s not Quling, but the evil will of the jade of the four souls! So here, is it inside the jade of the four souls?” 397

When this thought came up in A Li’s heart, suddenly, she saw…

In the darkness, there was a bead with an arrow stuck in it, and this was not the jade of the four souls shot through by her! Seeing this, A Li looked around again, and saw that in the surrounding darkness, I don’t know how many monsters wandered around. They were constantly wandering in the darkness and nothingness.

And among these monsters, there is also a figure shrouded in light, this figure is a woman wearing a samurai armor. Her body was wrapped in heavy plate armor, and she was holding a sword in her hand, and her long dark hair was scattered. Holding the sword in her hand, she was constantly fighting with the surrounding monsters.

She beheaded every monster.

But every time she killed a monster, she immediately gave birth to another monster from the void and darkness around her.

She was like this, as if fighting endlessly, as if she had lost her consciousness and will, and had become a puppet who only remembered the battle.

Seeing this figure, A Li’s heart trembled, and she subconsciously said:

“This, is it…!”

Her words fell, and the cold voice before sounded again: “Yes! She is Cuizi!”

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