Chapter 13 Apply for graduation

“Gangquan Essence!? It’s a skill type again, luck is good, but it’s a good thing, but even this Gangquan Essence is Gentle Fist·Hundred and Twenty-Eight Palms level boxing skills, right? .”

“It seems that this elementary prestige lottery is at most a Jōnin-level thing. If you want to improve qualitatively, you still have to save prestige for an intermediate prestige lottery. It is directly 100 times the difference, this The system is too cheating. But having said that, let’s take a look at the power of this Gangbang first!”

Mukuro got up and walked to the training ground in the backyard. He walked up to a giant tree with a size of two people. He stared at it with bated breath, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

He held a punch with his right hand, and suddenly hit the giant tree with a punch, but the giant tree didn’t move at all. The leaves didn’t even move at all, as if Mukuro’s punch had no effect at all.

But looking closely at Mukuro’s fist, he was already deep in the giant tree.


Strength is condensed but not dispersed, breaking through ten thousand with strength!

This is Gangquan, which is completely different from Gentle Fist.

Seeing this effect, Mukuro couldn’t help being a little bit stunned:

“Only the strength of the body, using the punching technique of the punch can create such a power. If it is used with Chakra’s full strength, it will be no problem for the entire arm to sink into the trunk easily. If such a fist hits a person, it will still Not punch a hole.”

“It’s also fortunate that I have Ashura’s blood, physical fitness and recovery ability are strong enough, otherwise I may not be able to fully perform the Gangquan, this Gangquan is too heavy on the body.”

Mitarashi’s house, on the dining table.

Mitarashi Zixiao looked at Mukuro who was eating, and suddenly said, “Boy, I heard that you defeated the kid of Hatake’s Kakashi at Ninja School today?”

“um, yes.”

Mukuro glanced at Zi Xiao in surprise. Zi Xiao usually didn’t allow Mukuro to talk to Anko at the dinner table. He didn’t expect Zi Xiao to make an exception this time.

“Do you have any plans afterwards?” Zi Xiao continued to ask.

“I am going to apply to graduate from Ninja School.”

Hearing that Mukuro was applying to graduate from Ninja School, a look of surprise flashed in Zi Xiao’s eyes and asked, “Are you sure?”

“Sure.” Mukuro glanced at Zi Xiao and added a few more words: “One hundred percent.”

“Really? Hahaha, as expected to be my nephew of Mitarashi Zixiao, who is better than his child of Hatake Sakumo, haha.”

Seeing Mitarashi Mukuro’s joy of revenge, Mukuro was a little confused.

Finally surpassed Hatake Sakumo once, how could Zi Xiao not be ecstatic.

“Come on, Mukuro eat more.”

“Huh, uncle is eccentric.” Seeing Zixiao constantly picking vegetables for Mukuro, Anko who provokes annoyed Anko curled his lips and said eccentricity.

For a meal, the three of them had a great time.

The next day, Mukuro was usually late, but did not go to the classroom this time.

Instead, he found the office of the teacher at Ninja School and looked at Takajiro with a confused look. Mukuro said indifferently, “I want to apply to graduate from Ninja School.”

“What are you talking about!?” Takajiro couldn’t believe his ears.

“I want to apply to graduate from Ninja School.” Mukuro repeated it again.

“How can this be? You have been in school for less than three months, no!”

Glancing at Gojiro, Mukuro said faintly, “So, what can you teach me, sir?”


With a tangled expression on his face, Takajiro said for a while, “Well, I will report it to Master Third Generation. It is up to Master Third Generation to decide.”

“Thank you, teacher, for your hard work during this time.”

“No, nothing.” Takajiro’s face was a little embarrassed.

For Mukuro, I never taught anything from start to finish.

But then I think about it, with Mukuro’s talent, he will definitely become a great ninja in the future. In any case, he is also a person who has been his teacher, and it can be regarded as a bragging capital, and Takajiro’s face has changed a little. .

The Naruto office building next to the Ninja School.

Third Hokage held an application form in his hand, looked at Takajiro in front of him with a weird expression, and asked, “You mean Mitarashi Mukuro applied to you to graduate from Ninja school in advance?”

“Yes, Master Third Generation, Mitarashi Mukuro defeated Hatake Kakashi yesterday. I think he has the ability to apply for graduation from Ninja school in advance.”

“Really? Mitarashi Mukuro?” Third Generation thought for a while, looked at Takajiro and said, “Then, I approved Mitarashi Mukuro’s application for early graduation from Ninja school and told him that he will conduct Ninja school graduation assessment three days later.”

“Yes, Hokage-sama.” Takajiro replied and exited the Hokage office.

Looking at the departed Takajiro, the corner of Third Generation’s mouth showed an inexplicable smile, “However, since you are a genius, you can’t graduate so easily.”

“Three days later, it will take such a long time.”

Hearing the news that Takajiro had told him, Mukuro complained, and then said indifferently: “However, the result is the same.”

In three days, the news that Mukuro applied for the Ninja school graduation assessment in advance spread throughout Konoha Village.

At only five years old, I applied for the Ninja school graduation assessment, which has not appeared in the entire history of Konoha. The earliest Ninja school graduation time was set by Orochimaru, one of the legendary “Sannin” .

And Orochimaru Ninja School graduated at the age of six years old, Mukuro improved the record for a whole year, how can he not cause a sensation.

For three days, the whole village has been discussing Mitarashi Mukuro’s application for early graduation from Ninja School.

“Have you heard? Mitarashi Mukuro’s nephew Mitarashi Mukuro applied to graduate from Ninja School in advance.”

“Really? Is that the kid who often plays pranks?”

“Of course it is true. My cousin is a teacher at Ninja School. I heard that it was specially approved by the Third Generation. And this afternoon is the time for Mitarashi Mukuro to conduct Ninja school graduation assessment.”

“Ah, then we must go and see it later, I have never seen such a genius in my life.”

At this time, Mukuro was inexplicably happy, because the news of his application for early graduation from Ninja School spread throughout the entire Konoha Village, the reputation value has not stopped growing.

In just three days, Mukuro’s reputation value reached a value of nearly two hundred points.

However, Mukuro is not in a hurry to start the lottery again, because the current Mukuro is very comprehensive in terms of ninjutsu, physique, and ninjutsu. The elementary prestige lottery can only play the role of icing on the cake at best. It is better to wait for the intermediate lottery. Only in order to make one’s own strength have an essential improvement!

“Now my strength is no less than Chūnin, but I don’t know the exact position. I really hope that the afternoon’s Nin School graduation assessment will not be too boring.”

[During the new book period, I don’t ask for flowers or rewards. The great collection of readers is my biggest motivation. Thank you, Lao Na. 】

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