Chapter 1298 Seal spiritual power

“Wind wound!”

Inuyasha roared, cutting out the broken teeth in his hand.

The sharp blade light whizzed away like a crescent, slashing towards that monster.

The wound of the wind slashed and directly split his body in half, but the next moment, his body automatically closed again.

“A half-demon dared to be presumptuous, it’s really reckless!”

After being stabbed by Inuyasha, this monster was not only fearless.

In the expression, it was full of ridicule.

However, his words fell, and the Sesho Maru rushed up, also slashing out. The sword came whizzing, but this monster did not dare to resist, but dodged. As he captured it, the miasma on his hand raged out, turning into two ferocious snake-like monsters and biting them towards the Seshang Pill.

For a time, Sesei Maru once again fought with this monster and became a group.

On the side, Inuyasha wanted to intervene in the fight. But for a while, he couldn’t find a suitable opportunity, and his broken teeth couldn’t hurt the opponent. On the contrary, it was the natural tooth on the hands of the Sesho Maru that was able to injure this monster.

Under such circumstances, Inuyasha can only watch for the time being.

“Ari! Ari!”

Kagura held Ari and shook her body constantly, trying to wake her up.

However, A Li did not react at all. She seemed to be completely asleep, unable to wake up.

This situation is really worrying, and the only thing that makes people feel a little relieved is that A Li’s breath is still there, and his breathing is very stable. It seems that there is no life-threatening for the time being.

“Mukuro, what the hell is going on?! Why did Ari faint suddenly?! Is it because of that monster?!”

Coral couldn’t help but asked Mukuro.

While she said this, countless thoughts kept circling in her mind, she thought and recalled the situation at that time. She could vaguely remember that when the monster turned into a miasma ball, A Li wanted to attack with a broken magic bow, but at that time, a pair of hideous eyes appeared in the miasma ball!

Eye? ! As soon as I thought of this, Coral’s forehead was already sweating. What the hell is that? ! Coral didn’t understand, but there was a rather bad feeling in her heart.

Intuition tells her that that thing is definitely quite dangerous. A Li’s current situation is definitely very bad.

And at this moment, at a moment of anxiety in Coral’s heart, Mukuro finally spoke.

“Don’t worry too much. A Li’s life is not in danger right now, but her Lingling Power has been temporarily sealed. It is also because her own spiritual power is suddenly sealed, which makes her mentally bear some pressure, so She fainted and passed out. As long as she rests for a while, she can wake up on her own.”

“What, seal?!”

Coral showed an unbelievable look.

“What the hell is going on?! How on earth did he seal Ari’s spiritual power?!”

Not only Coral, but Kagura’s expression was also a little surprised.

Like Coral, she has seen a lot of what happened just now. But in the same way, she didn’t even see how the monster was sealed, A Li.

“What the hell is that monster?! I can feel the aura that belongs to Naraku from him, but he is definitely not a clone of Naraku! Even, the feeling he gave me is even more evil than Naraku! That in the end What is it?!”

With that said, Kagura’s forehead was sweaty.

Not only Kagura, Maitreya’s expression is also extremely solemn. He subconsciously looked at A Li, then raised his head, and looked forward. The Sesho Maru, who was fighting fiercely with the monster, also looked extremely solemn.

“That monster is called Qu Ling.”

Mukuro spoke, his voice calm.

After hearing Mukuro’s calm voice, Coral and the others, who were a little flustered in their hearts, naturally became a little calmer. The most terrifying thing in this world has never been a powerful enemy. It’s something unknown. Qu Ling glanced at A Li, and he was able to seal A Li’s spiritual power. Such an ability was really terrifying.

Seeming to understand the thoughts in the coral and their hearts, Mukuro continued.

“As for his identity and origin, it’s very simple. He is the jade of the four souls! In other words, the evil side of the jade of the four souls!”


Mukuro’s words fell, and Coral exclaimed! And Kagura and Maitreya, as well as Amber on the side, both looked equally shocked!

It was Inuyasha next to the battle group, and when he heard Mukuro’s words, he showed a surprised expression. In the midst of the battle, Sesho Maru couldn’t help but frowned.

Mukuro’s voice was not loud, but his words were clearly heard by everyone.

“Ahaha, it seems that you are very clear to me?! A human being can know so many secrets!”

Facing Mukuro’s revealing his identity, Qu Ling sneered, his expression full of arrogance.

Mukuro just snorted in response to his arrogance, then ignored it and continued:

“The jade of the four souls itself has a side of kindness, justice and light, but also a side of evil, chaos and darkness. This is because, as I said before, the jade of the four souls was born by the soul of Cuizi and The other monsters were transformed together! So Cuizi’s soul and will have been in the jade of the four souls for a long time, and the soul and will of those evil monsters are also in the jade of the four souls. Just like steel at that time The jade fragments of the four souls on the tooth can affect steel teeth. Among the jade of the four souls, the will of those evil monsters can naturally do a lot of things.”

“As for Qu Ling, it was Naraku who released those evil wills from the jade of the four souls, and then used a part of him to make them a body for them to control. That is why Qu Ling’s fighting method is very similar to Naraku’s The reason is similar. As for the fact that he and A Li look at each other, he can seal A Li’s spiritual power, because the jade of the four souls itself has an extremely close connection with A Li, and Qu Ling used this to seal A Li’s spiritual power!”

“So as long as you defeat Qu Ling, A Li can recover?!” Shanhu couldn’t help asking.

But at this time, her words fell, but Qu Ling smiled wildly:

“If you want to defeat me, dream! With the strength of you ants, it is impossible to defeat me. Here today, I will kill all of you and take away the fragments of the jade of the four souls! ”

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