Chapter 1284 The intention of dog Admiral

Mukuro shook his head and spoke. His words fell, Inuyasha’s expression became extremely complicated, but he finally nodded.

“I understand. Coral, needless to say, this is a duel that I cannot avoid.”

Inuyasha spoke like this. Although he often falls into Naraku’s traps and traps, and is always prone to violent thunder, in fact, he is not stupid.

Especially under Mukuro’s deliberate guidance, he can naturally understand his father’s true intentions.

The broken teeth should have been passed on to the eldest son.

What’s more, Inuyasha, as the second son, is only a half-demon, and his talent and strength can’t be compared with Sesho Maru. From the perspective of inheritance, it is correct to pass the Iron Broken Tooth to the Sasa Pill. However, Inu Admiral did not do this, instead, he smashed his teeth and left it to Inuyasha. The natural teeth made from the unnecessary parts of the broken iron teeth are left to the killing pills.

Why did he do this. Is it deliberately to let their brothers kill each other? In order to compete for a better successor.

The answer is naturally no. The dog Admiral is the king, not the overlord. The overlord can be ruthless and unrighteous, but the dog Admiral is actually a truly sentimental and righteous monster.

It is naturally impossible for him to do something so cruel to his two sons.

The reason why he passed the Iron Broken Tooth to Inuyasha was to pass the natural tooth that sealed the trick of the broken moon of the underworld to the Sashiwan Maru. It is because Inuyasha is too weak as a demon. He wanted to smash his teeth and leave it to his weak son to protect him.

And Tianshengfang, because it seals the broken moon of the Ming Dao, and shoulders the tricks of breaking the broken moon of the Ming Dao, it is completely controlled and the mission of cultivation to completion.

And if the natural tooth is left to Inuyasha, with his talent and aptitude, it is difficult to do it. Only let Sasaomaru do this.

Then, the iron smashed the teeth and took away the tricks of the broken moon of the underworld.

At the same time, Sesho Maru can also give up his dedication to the knife. Whether it is a natural tooth or a broken tooth, it is made by the power of the dog Admiral. So, no matter how Ultimate the two sons exert the power of these two knives. It all means that it is difficult for them to surpass themselves.

Only when Sesei Maru truly gave up his attachment to the knife, can he get rid of the shackles that belonged to the dog Admiral and become an existence beyond his father. This is the real painstaking effort of the dog Admiral. He also believed that Shashengwan could understand this.

So did Sesei Maru realize it? !

He realized it. Mukuro could see from the look in the eyes of Sessumaru when he left. But even so, he and Inuyasha will still have a battle. It’s like the test left by the dog Admiral for the killing pill. Shisheng Maru will not give Inuyasha to Inuyasha’s tricks. Unless, Inuyasha has the ability to snatch it from his hand.

Can the current Inuyasha be able to do this? Thinking about this, Mukuro couldn’t help but look at Inuyasha. Looking at Inuyasha’s appearance. Mukuro also has no bottom. In this battle, they can only look at themselves.

After meeting with Sasaemaru, everyone naturally continued to pursue Naraku’s breath.

Unfortunately, I don’t know if the time has passed too long. Naraku’s breath disappeared. Can’t be perceived by Inuyasha. Of course, with Mukuro’s ability to perceive, it is natural to find Naraku’s location. But it doesn’t make sense to do so.

What’s more, after such a long time, Naraku’s injury, I am afraid, has also recovered. Moreover, the jade of the four souls has also been thoroughly polluted and refined by him, and it has become his help. It is no longer easy to deal with Naraku like this.

What’s more, even though Amber’s jade fragments of the Four Souls were used, A Li had no confidence in his heart.

To Mukuro, Naraku is just a humble ant, but to them, Naraku is really a terrifying demon king. Purify Naraku with her own power. Although Ari wanted to do this kind of thing, she really lacked some confidence.

What’s more, Amber’s four soul jade fragments are equal to his life. He was resurrected by Naraku using the jade shards of the Four Souls. Once the jade shards of the Four Souls were lost, it meant that Amber’s life would come to an end.

This is something corals don’t want to see. Ari understands this naturally.

And in fact, these days. Even Amber followed everyone else. But everyone can tell. Coral and amber are a bit strange. Amber is ashamed of the coral, and although the coral wants to say something, it can’t speak at all.

In this state, it was obviously too reluctant to continue pursuing Naraku.

And when Kikyo died, he also needed to go back and tell Granny Feng. Out of considerations like this, everyone finally went back. After meeting Granny Maple, Inuyasha and Ari told her about Kikyo. Mother-in-law Feng was naturally very sorry. But in the end, instead, she comforted Inuyasha and them, don’t worry too much.

Being comforted by Granny Maple, Inuyasha seemed to feel a little calmer.

And A Li also gained some confidence even more. On Inuyasha’s side, Mukuro has always been concerned. Inuyasha is a big man no matter what. For men, there must be a man’s responsibility. And A Li, who was originally just an ordinary girl living in a peaceful age, was able to be so strong along the way, it is really quite rare.

An ordinary person. Ordinary female students, let alone travel to the past, come to this world where all kinds of monsters dance wildly, and demons can eat and harm people everywhere. Even let her fight against a demon king like Naraku. Even on the street, or on the way from school, encountering a troll pervert, or robbery with a knife, can be scared to death.

Ari seems weak, but really strong. In fact, many times, Mukuro saw that Ari was scared and trembling in secret.

But she did not say it.

And on the surface, I have always faced everyone with the strongest appearance. This is where she is most kind. I don’t want to trouble Inuyasha, Mukuro, Coral, and Maitreya.

Now that she can build up her confidence, Mukuro is naturally a little relieved. After returning, everyone naturally did not rush on the road. Naturally, stay here and take a break. At this moment, Mukuro said to Ari.

“If you want to go home, go back and have a look.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ari was stunned. But in the end, she and Mukuro faced each other, and Ari’s face turned red. She pursed her mouth and nodded. It’s actually quite simple for A Li to go back. You can go back through the Well of Bone Eater. After Ari went back temporarily, everyone stayed and rested while discussing how to deal with Naraku.

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