Chapter 1282 Bone monster

But at this time, Mukuro stretched out his hand and flicked Maitreya’s head fiercely. Mukuro certainly controlled his strength this time, but even so, this one was obviously more painful than the Coral hit just now.

Maitreya only felt that there seemed to be a “Duang” on his head, as if he had been hit by a big bell. The whole person is going to faint. Looking at Maitreya, Shanhu, Ari and Kagura couldn’t help but smile. And even Inuyasha smiled gleefully.

Enduring the smile in his heart, Shanhu looked at the woman in front of him and said.

“Just tell me what happened.”

Hearing Shan Shan’s words, the woman nodded and finally spoke again.

“This is how things are. This mansion is cursed by a terrible bone monster. In this place, all the servants have been taken out of the bones by the monsters. Even my parents have suffered misfortune. Now I am the only one left.”

With that said, in the expression of this woman, there was an extremely sad expression. It seemed that with her words, it reminded her of the terrible and sad things that had happened, which affected the grief in her heart.

“So, you mean, kill this monster and it will be solved?”

At this time, just before the woman had finished speaking, Inuyasha spoke. He said this, but he reached out his hand and pointed to the room behind the woman. Facing Inuyasha’s words, the woman was stunned for a moment, and Coral directly grabbed the flying bone in her hand and threw it out, smashing the wall of the house open on the spot.

After the wall of the house was smashed open, one could see clearly, and there were bones piled up like a hill. These bones are all human skulls! The eyes of these skulls were deep and hollow, representing the lives that were taken. And on the hill of these skulls, there was a huge figure creeping.

This figure is entirely composed of bones. It’s like a huge monster of bones. His body occupies most of the room. At this moment, from the eye sockets that he used to prevaricate with bones, horrible eyes were staring at everyone.

“You want to destroy me? Jiejie, don’t dream!”

The monster’s bones rubbed, making a terrifying sound. But at this time, Inuyasha sneered, and the broken teeth in his hand were out of the sheath, and he slashed it out.

The horrible knife suddenly appeared, and when the knife went down, the head of this huge bone monster was smashed to life on the spot. But at this time, the bone monster’s wound came out, and a lot of bones gathered, unexpectedly he recovered on his own.


The huge bone monster said triumphantly, but his words fell. From behind Inuyasha, a terrifying wave of qigong rushed over and directly penetrated the huge bone monster, together with the house. Under the attack of Qigongbo, this mansion and the bone monsters hiding in the mansion were directly wiped out.

After killing the bone monster with one move, Mukuro turned his eyes slightly and looked at the woman who stretched out her hand and was about to sneak attack on Maitreya. Seeing Mukuro’s gaze, her body trembled. A subconsciously excited spirit, she directly withdrew her hand. At the same time, her face showed an extremely embarrassing look, and she smiled awkwardly.

“This… this mage’s skill is really strong. You solved such a monster at once. Ah yeah, thank you so much.”

She said this, looking at Mukuro’s expression, but it was full of fear. Just kidding, whoever watched Mukuro’s action and blasted such a big bone monster into fly ashes would be so terrified. What’s more, this woman is in the same group as this bone monster. Only at this time, she didn’t even want to avenge her companions at all. In her heart, all that was left was fear and how to get through.

Seeing this woman’s appearance, Mukuro sneered, only to speak.

“Do you have anything else you want to say? If you have anything you want to say, just say it quickly, because if you don’t say it now, I think you won’t have such an opportunity in the future.”

Facing Mukuro’s ridiculous words, this beautiful and weak woman smiled awkwardly and reluctantly.

“This mage, what are you kidding about, how could I not have a chance…”

She didn’t finish her words, Mukuro sneered, just stretched out her hand and pointed to Inuyasha.

“He is a canine, the smell of a monster on your body, even if you constrict and hide, he will already smell it clearly…”

Mukuro’s words fell, and the woman didn’t hesitate at all, turned around and wanted to escape. But at this time, Maitreya screamed and directly used the Fengxue to inhale the woman in front of him. The wind cave swallowed, and when she absorbed this woman, her body shattered and turned into a large number of white bones. Obviously, she is also a bone monster at all!

After killing the bone monster, Maitreya said with a smile.

“Haha, it succeeded. In fact, this is my purpose. I approached her just for this time.”

Maitreya’s words seemed serious. However, in the face of Maitreya’s words, everyone has a face, and the ghost will believe your appearance.

“Humph! You were definitely confused by this female monster just now. If it weren’t for Mukuro, I’m afraid now, your bones have been taken out by others!”

Coral said. When her words fell, Maitreya’s expression was naturally extremely embarrassing. As for Maitreya’s appearance, Mukuro is also quite speechless. Maitreya is also a strange person. You can always meet beautiful female monsters and get scammed. And he doesn’t seem to have that little consciousness at all, and he is willing to be pitted.

“It’s really dying under the peony flower, and it’s also romantic to be a ghost!”

In Mukuro’s mind, he thought of such a sentence inexplicably. This 1.2 sentence is simply too suitable for Maitreya. In the original plot, Maitreya and Coral are a pair. Unfortunately, many things have been changed because of the arrival of Mukuro. The coral now obviously can’t like Maitreya anymore. Therefore, poor Maitreya, obviously, will continue his unlucky peach blossom forever.

After solving the two bone monsters, Mukuro and the others naturally went back to the village. Ari told the previous villager about the removal of the monster. That guy, in the end, was a little doubtful. But for his reaction, Mukuro and the others didn’t care.

Anyway, the monster has been eliminated. Whether this villager believes it or not, it doesn’t matter what it is already. They don’t eliminate demons themselves, nor are they for money or to make others believe or something.

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