Chapter 1272 Destroy

“Can’t let them go.”

“Ordinary animals and plants will definitely die if they encounter them.”

Maitreya said so.

He chased directly.

After Maitreya caught up, Mukuro naturally took Coral and the others to catch up.

The miasma spirits fled, and soon, under their leadership, everyone broke into the lair of the porcupine monster.

Moreover, it is unbelievable that these porcupine monsters are all stuck with the thorns dropped by Nairo.

And on their backs, there are also a lot of miasma attached to them.

At this time, it can clearly be seen.

It was Naraku who deliberately used the miasma to corrode these porcupine monsters, and then let them spread the miasma.

“Damn it!”

Maitreya growled.

He subconsciously wanted to use the wind cave.

But at this time, Mukuro spoke up.

“Let me do it.”

“If your wind acupoint absorbs a lot of miasma, your own body will be overwhelmed first.”

“When the time comes, you will undoubtedly die.”

With that said, Mukuro’s anger broke out, and he directly entered the state of Super Saiyan.

His figure is suspended on the ground. 16

Looking at the porcupine monsters in front of him, Mukuro just snorted.

Immediately he raised his hand, and from Mukuro’s hand, a ball of light condensed.

Then this light group exploded, and beams of light were ejected from the light group.

This beam of light penetrated, directly blasting and killing all the porcupine monsters.

The terrifying beam attack directly blasted these porcupine monsters and even the fly ash was left.

Even the terrifying force pierced the earth through deep holes.

I don’t know how deep these holes have penetrated into the ground.

Mukuro shot, and in an instant, more than a dozen porcupine monsters were wiped out!

“Really… horrible.”

Gangfang couldn’t help his tongue.

Maitreya nodded in agreement.

Every time they see Mukuro take a shot, they have a shocking feeling.

This is far beyond their imagination.

Unbelievable power.

“Mukuro, your qigong wave won’t pierce the earth through it.”

At this moment, Inuyasha couldn’t help but said as he looked at the holes that the porcupine monsters had died, the beams of light pierced through the ground.

His expression was a little worried.

This point is obviously the same even for A Li and Shan Shan.

“Don’t worry, I will take action, and the Master will naturally do it well.”

“The attack just now, if it penetrated the ground for about 10,000 meters, will dissipate.”

Mukuro replied.

“One…ten thousand meters!”

Inuyasha opened his mouth, shocked that he didn’t know what to say.

“Ten thousand meters, that is ten kilometers, I’m afraid it has already penetrated the outermost surface.”

A Li also said in shock.

“Mukuro, are you really human?”

Although Mukuro has repeated it many times.

But this time, Maitreya still looked at Mukuro with a weird expression and couldn’t help saying so.

His words fell, and Mukuro laughed blankly.

If you let them know, you should be a little serious.

A single blow can make this planet disappear.

I don’t know what their looks will be like.

However, this is also normal.

Their limited vision determines their imagination.

Just when Inuyasha and the others were horrified by the power of Mukuro’s action, more than a dozen porcupine monsters were killed, and the abrupt, high slope suddenly collapsed.

From the slope of the soil, a huge porcupine monster was unexpectedly huge, over a full height!

This porcupine monster has also been eroded by the miasma.

After it rushed out, it roared and slammed directly towards Coral and the others.

Looking at this huge porcupine monster, after being shocked, Coral shot subconsciously.

“Flying bone!”

However, after Feilaigu hit it out, this porcupine monster slammed into it and knocked Feilaigu into flight.

After knocking away the flying bone, it continued to slam into the coral and the others.

But at this time, Mukuro’s figure appeared in front of it instantly.

Look at this crazy porcupine monster.

Mukuro stretched out his hand and flicked his finger at the head of the porcupine monster.

His fingertips flicked.

Accompanied by the horrible explosion of tearing the sound barrier.

A terrifying force rushed out, directly blasting this tall porcupine monster into scum.

Together with the miasma spirit on its body, it was completely clean in one breath!

For Mukuro, if he wanted to kill Naraku, a single finger was enough.

Killing such a porcupine monster is not a simple matter.

Watching Mukuro crush this porcupine monster to death, Coral was stunned for a moment, and then she said to Mukuro.

“Thank you, Mukuro.”

“No thanks, it’s just a handy effort.”

Mukuro said so.

“Then Mukuro, kill Naraku easily.”

Suddenly, Maitreya said such a sentence.

This time, in Maitreya’s expression, he did not laugh, but was very serious.

“I know Mukuro, you want to experience us.”

“However, the current Naraku is really too harmful.”

Maitreya said so.

If Naraku spreads the miasma everywhere, I’m afraid this world will be in danger.

Maitreya’s words fell, although Inuyasha did not speak.

But his expression was solemn, and obviously, the same thought.

But at this time, Mukuro still shook his head.

“The reason why I didn’t kill Naraku, even though there is a way to train your mind.”

“But more, I don’t want to violate the law of fate.”

“Everything is determined by the destiny and law of its development.”

“This is the rule of the world.”

“Like humans, to animals.”

“Humans cannot kill all carnivores just because they sympathize with herbivores.”

“The battle with Naraku is not only a struggle for you, but also a struggle for this world.”

“I can help you kill Nairo, it’s very simple.”

“But I won’t do it indiscriminately and interfere with everything in this world.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Maitreya sighed together.

Finally he said with a wry smile.

“I see.”

With that said, his expression became more determined.

He strengthened his idea of ​​using Fengxue and Nairo to die together.

At this time, Inuyasha was holding the broken teeth in his hand, and his expression was also quite solemn.

After killing this group of porcupine monsters, everyone followed Naraku’s breath and continued on their way.

At night, everyone could not find a house in the wild to stay overnight, so they had to sleep outside.

Because of Naraku’s affairs, the expressions of everyone on the road were a little dignified.

The atmosphere is also a little silent.

In this regard, Mukuro naturally understands their thoughts.

They were worried about Naraku.

Naturally, Mukuro didn’t say anything about their appearance.

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