Chapter 1269 Naraku being swallowed

“This sentence, Naraku, I will return it to you.”

The words of Sprite Maru were cold and permeating.

“Because your heart is here, so you can’t kill me!”

“Not only that, if I die, you must die too!”

But the words of Jojimaru fell, and Naraku sneered.

His smile was full of coldness and weirdness.

It seems to reveal an ominous horror.

In the distance, watching Naraku and Kaijinmaru confront each other, Inuyasha and their expressions were extremely solemn at this moment.

Only Mukuro’s expression also revealed a sneer.

Is it finally time?

In the midair, two terrifying monsters faced each other.

In just two or three sentences, Naraku’s body that was blasted by the pill pill had already recovered in this way.

“Jing Jie Wan, do you know? I deliberately abandoned my fragile child.”

“Because, I know that Chizi will definitely make your armor, no, maybe it’s a strong castle.”

“Also, it really surprised me.”

“Even if it was me, I didn’t expect you to be able to swallow so many monsters and grow to such a level.”

“However, your efforts and results are now mine.”

When Naraku said this, the miasma burst out all over him, and his whole body rushed forward, as if he wanted to use the miasma to dissolve the sprite pill.

Two terrifying monsters were entangled in the sky, their monster auras clashed, agitated, and spread wildly towards the surroundings.

And in the process of such a dispute, abruptly, from the back of the sprite pill, tentacles stretched out one after another.

These tentacles shredded Naraku’s body to pieces, and in this way, they swallowed Naraku cleanly.



After Naraku was swallowed by the sprite pill, the breath of the sprite pill continued to expand.

At the same time, the jade of the four souls that originally belonged to Naraku fell into the hands of Jingjingwan.

The combination of the jade fragments of the Four Souls possessed by Jade Pills and the broken jade of the Four Souls, in an instant, burst out amazing power.

At this moment, the sprite pill, the demon qi that it exudes, seems to have reached an incomparably astonishing level.

“Nara…Nara was swallowed?!”

Maitreya was stunned.

He couldn’t believe his eyes.

Such a scheming, insidious and savage Naraku, was he planted like this? !

“Naro is really dead?”

A Li covered his mouth, also a little disbelief.

Inuyasha’s expression was even more ridiculous.

Kagura frowned tightly.

After getting Naraku’s power, the breath of the sprite pill exploded, reaching an extremely astonishing level.

“Ha ha!”

Spritemaru smiled.

His laughter was impossible to horror.

It’s as permeating as a wooden knot.

And the demonic energy around him was raging, like invisible, invisible tentacles spreading.

Gives people an extremely surprising sense of depression.

“Naraku ah Naraku, didn’t you think that I could have such power, and in turn would devour you!”

Spritemaru smiled.

Then as if to confirm his strength, the spikes on his body burst out, and the miasma-laden spikes shot on the mountain.

In an instant.

Half of the mountain was dissolved by terrifying spikes!

Looking at this scene, Inuyasha and the others were a little confused.

With such a powerful attack, I’m afraid that if they rush up, they will be killed by a single move on the spot.


“The current sprite pill, I am afraid that only Mukuro can deal with it.”

Maitreya couldn’t help but said.

Inuyasha held the dragon scales and broken teeth in his hand. Although he was quite unwilling, he only nodded when he looked at the mountain below.

The spikes of the spiky pill were originally quite difficult to deal with.

Attached to that amazingly concentrated miasma.

This spike is even more terrifying.

As long as he is hit, I am afraid that it will be over in an instant.

Moreover, he can see it too.

This was just an attack by the prickly pill, I was afraid that his true power had not yet been used.

Combining the power of Sprite Maru and Naraku, plus the almost complete jade of the Four Souls, it was indeed terrifying to an unimaginable level.

At this time, it was abrupt, as if feeling something, A Li said in surprise.

“The remaining fragments of the jade of the four souls are also approaching!”

Her words fell, and the figure of Steel Teeth appeared on the hilltop of the earth.

Apparently, unlike Inuyasha and the others, who came after Naraku, it was obvious that Gangtooth had been tracing the trail of Spritemaru all the time.

“Spirit pill!”

Looking at the sky, such an amazing sprite pill, Gangfang’s expression is also solemn.

And at this time, Jingjingwan just sneered looking at the arrival of Gangfang.

“Are you here to give me the Four Soul Jade Fragments?!”

The strength skyrocketed, and Sprite Maru’s confidence also swelled at this time.

With that said, he directed towards the steel teeth, shooting out a series of miasma spikes directly.

Faced with these miasma spikes, Gangfang screamed.

“Five Thunder Fingers!”

On his hand, thunder and lightning flickered, and he directly blasted out with a paw.

This claw went out, unbelievable, it did not even be able to fly these miasma spikes.

Seeing this situation, Gangya’s expression was shocked.

Without the slightest hesitation, he jumped up.

These miasma spikes rubbed his body and shot on the mountain, dissolving a large piece of the mountain on the spot!

“No! If this goes on, the thin wolf is dead!”

Holding the dragon scale iron broken teeth, Inuyasha said.

“I’m on it too.”

When the words fell, he rushed directly.

After Inuyasha rushed up, Ari looked at the coral.

Coral, Maitreya, Kagura and the others are also ready to take action at this time.

And A Li said in a hurry.

“I still feel the aura of the jade fragments of the Four Souls.”

His words fell, and the coral body shook.

She naturally understood what A Li meant.


“There are also Kikyo.”

Mukuro said.

“Mostly, Kikyo wants to use the Amber Four Soul Jade Fragments to perform an attack, purifying Sprite Maru, herself, and the Four Soul Jade together.”

Mukuro’s words fell, and Coral blurted out subconsciously.


Amber’s jade fragments of the four souls are equal to his life.

If it is used by platycodon, does it mean that Amber must die? !

She didn’t want Amber to die.

And at this moment, when Inuyasha rushed forward, he joined forces with Gangya.

The two fiercely fought sprite pills.

But even if the two of them joined forces, they were still firmly suppressed by Sprite Maru.

He could only barely protect himself, and had no power to defeat the sprite pill.

Moreover, at this time, while fighting Inuyasha and Gangfang, the breath of Sprite Maru continued to improve.

He is slowly refining and absorbing the power of the jade of the four souls!

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