Chapter 1266 Captured fragments

Maitreya couldn’t help but said.

His words fell, and at this time, Inuyasha roared in anger.

“Even if you can’t see the evil spirit, so what?!”

“I can feel that the demon lair is there!”

As he said this, he rushed straight up, slashed towards the sprite pill.

This knife slashed on the body of Jingjingmaru, and it actually cut a crack in his armor.

When the crack appeared, the steel teeth rushed up again!

But when he rushed forward, Mukuro spoke.

“Be careful! He did it on purpose!”

Mukuro’s words fell, and the wound that Sprite Maru broke open immediately healed.

At the same time, the two tentacles whizzed and attacked directly towards the steel teeth.

Gangya was startled, and without much hesitation, he directly attacked the front shot.

However, one tentacle blocked his attack, and the other tentacle was fierce, attacking towards the steel teeth’s feet at an extremely tricky angle.

At this time, he was still clinging to the four soul jade fragments on the steel teeth feet.

Faced with the attack of the ghost pill, Gangfang subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

But suddenly, on his legs, the fragments of the jade of the four souls burst into light.

So Gangtooth’s legs couldn’t move.

“It’s Cuizi’s will!”

A Li said in surprise.

The influence of Cuizi’s will made Gangfang’s feet unable to move.

And this effect immediately caused a very bad situation, the tentacles of the sprite pill directly penetrated the feet of the steel teeth!

“It seems that I was the only one who made the move.”

Seeing that the situation was critical, Mukuro stretched out his hand and hit a wave directly.

This wave of waves hit out, directly smashing the tentacles of Sprite Maru wrapped in armor!

The tentacles were shattered, and Gangfang’s body immediately fell from the sky.

He fell to the ground, all of a sudden in embarrassment.

At this time, Inuyasha roared again.

“I see.”

“The place where Chizi is, which is the most vulnerable place of Sprite Maru right now, is also his key point!”

Accompanied by such words, Inuyasha rushed up with a knife.

With this knife, Shengsheng cut off the armor.

The armor broke open, and the baby inside could even be seen.

“You are over!”

“Your desire for the jade of the four souls gives me this opportunity!”

Inuyasha roared, pressing down the dragon scales and iron teeth on his hand, breaking the barrier around Chizi.

At this moment, Chizi seems to have really reached the last moment.

In the baby’s expression, there was unwillingness and tension.

But at this moment, the boy from the previous demon wolf clan rushed up.

“Gangfang, Gangfang is for our demon wolf clan, now, I also want to…”

He roared and rushed up towards Spritemaru.

Seems to want to help Inuyasha.

It’s a pity that the moment he rushed up, the tentacles of the tentacles attacked fiercely.

One of the little devil’s feet was directly blown up.

When his foot was blown out, the tentacles of Jiejinmaru grabbed his foot, the fragment of the jade of the four souls that Bai Ye had given him before.


Seeing such a bad situation happen, Inuyasha didn’t have time to say anything, and the dragon scales and iron teeth on his hand were severely cut off.

But at this time, a large amount of demonic energy erupted on the body of Jingjingwan, and an astonishing miasma raged, and then he wrapped his naked child and turned into a demonic wind, soaring into the sky and fleeing into the distance.

“Don’t want to run away!”

Inuyasha subconsciously wanted to pursue it.

But at this time, the fiercest victory of those who had originally watched the game jumped down again and interfered with Inuyasha.

While beheading these poisonous insects, Inuyasha yelled with anger.

Unfortunately, this is of no use.


Seeing sprite pills escape.

The corners of Mukuro’s mouth curled up with a sneer.

The time for the end of the sprite pill is almost here.

Just now, he could see clearly.

It was the jade fragment of the Four Souls given by Naraku that affected the child.

Let him rush up impulsively, but gave away one of his feet and the Four Soul Jade Fragments for nothing.

Doesn’t this mean that Naraku gave the jade fragments of the Four Souls to Chizi?

The child is ambitious.

Unfortunately, he was not treacherous and calm.

His actions and goals are almost all from his original wishes.

Treacherous and calm, Naraku gave Bai Tongzi.

And this is destined to be a child, and it is impossible to beat Naraku.

With the escape of Sprite Maru, the battle is over.

Gangfang’s foot was pierced by the tentacles of Sprite Maru, and the injury was quite serious.

As for the young man of the demon wolf clan, it was even worse.

One foot was directly smashed by the tentacle.

Now A Li and the others have bandaged them up.

Steel Fang’s feet can still recover, but the demon wolf boy’s feet obviously can’t help it…

Looking at his painful look, and the appearance of the boy’s younger brother crying while holding his brother, Coral was a little squinted.

“This is also the decision he made himself, and the result he has to bear.”

Looking at the coral, Mukuro said.

Of course he has the ability to help this demon wolf boy restore his feet.

It’s just that he won’t do it.

Of course, if Coral gets rid of him, Mukuro may change his mind.

Coral seems to understand what Mukuro means.


She begged to Mukuro.

Facing Coral’s request, Mukuro sighed and nodded.

It is naturally only a trivial matter to have Mukuro take action to heal his leg.

Seeing the young boy’s feet re-growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, Inuyasha and them all showed surprised eyes.

But it only stops there.

Mukuro’s skills are too much.

For them, there is even a sense of being unsurprising.

“Thank you, thank you.”

The boy’s brother looked at Mukuro with tears and thanked him.

At this time, Gangfang, who was sitting on the ground, said to his two followers.

“Let’s separate from here.”

“Go nearby and find out if there is a group of demon wolves that are safe and sound.”

“These two little ghosts, with their own strength, it is impossible to settle down.”

“You help me find a place for them to settle down.”

Steel 2.6 teeth said so.

But his words fell behind, and the two followers were anxious.

“Then what do you do?”

“You are hurt so badly now.”

“It’s easy.”

Gangfang said so and looked at Mukuro.


He was cheeky.

“Do me a favor.”

Seeing Gangtooth’s appearance, Mukuro almost squirted out a mouthful of salt soda.

That’s it.

If you are a good person, I have to wipe your ass.

But Mukuro nodded anyway.

“I will help you again.”

With Mukuro’s action, Gangfang’s injury naturally recovered instantly.

“Okay, now, you are relieved anyway.”

Gangya said to the two attendants.

Facing Gangya’s words, the two of them looked at each other, but in the end they only nodded.

“Then you take care of yourself.”

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