Chapter 1259 flaw

“Isn’t it angry? Impossible! I can’t even do things that Inuyasha can do.”

The Great Demon Spirit lowered his head, looked at the energy ball in his hand, and slowly released his hand when he lowered his head.

This guy had gathered his hands like Inuyasha. Under the suppression of the power of both hands and the control of his own spiritual power, although his demon power is not as stable as Qi, he barely maintains the form of the energy ball. From this perspective, the strength of the Great Demon Spirit is indeed very powerful.

After all, even Mukuro didn’t know if he could suppress the evil spirit by force.

However, when the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit released his hand to observe the energy ball, a panic happened.

The energy ball is like a piece of limestone falling into the water, emitting amazing heat, and at the same time there is dazzling light shining around, it seems to be a qigong wave. But Mukuro is not a person without common sense. Even if he is slow, he can tell that the energy ball of the Great Demon Spirit will react this way because the Great Lord Demon Spirit has lost control.

The great demon spirit found that the situation was not good, and immediately threw the energy bomb in the air and said, “No more, no more. I really don’t know why you humans fight in such a dangerous way.”

In fact, Mukuro really wants to say that the fighters in the Dragon Ball world use this method to attack, why didn’t they encounter this situation? I don’t have enough abilities, so I can’t throw the culprit on others. Moreover, the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit threw the energy bomb into the air, completely deceiving himself and others like an ostrich. He thought that this would solve the problem?

Mukuro raised his head and said with a faint smile: “Demon Spirit, do you know what you are doing? This is your little world. Your little world is definitely not as wide as the outside world. You bounce your energy. Go up, really won’t cause damage to your little world?”

Mukuro is still very relaxed, teasing the demon spirit sage to his heart’s content.

He called the small world of the Great Demon Spirit the small world, of course it was a word of face.

How can a big monster in a small monster world have the ability to open up a small world?

At best, what the Demon Spirit created was just a small space.

Of course, the small space opened up by a monster can’t be counted on how big it is.

I saw the energy bomb of the Great Demon Spirit flying about 30 meters high, then stopped as if it encountered resistance, and rapidly expanded in mid-air. The reason it stopped, without even thinking about it, was because it hit the highest point of this space and was about to explode. If the energy bomb exploded here, I really didn’t know how much damage it would bring to the space of the Great Demon Spirit.

Mukuro is also very curious as to whether the space of the Great Demon Spirit is strong or his attacking power is strong.

While Mukuro secretly guessed, he also noticed that the face of the Great Demon Spirit was pale, and he, who seemed to be thin, flew desperately, rushing towards the energy ball in the air. If the space of the Great Sage Demon Spirit could contend with the energy ball a little bit, then he would definitely not be able to hold the explosion of the energy ball after losing his internal organs.

For the sake of the demon lord Isshin willing to help Inuyasha and others, Mukuro can’t watch him be blown to death.

Mukuro hurriedly pulled him down with gravity and said, “Demon Spirit Great Sage, what are you doing? You are all dead?”

The great demon spirit blushed with anxiety, struggling violently under Mukuro’s gravity, like a mouse under a cat’s paw.

The demon spirit great sage who has always been light and windy became so anxious, it was beyond Mukuro’s expectation.

He yelled: “Mukuro! Stop it! This space was made successfully after I spent a lot of effort on my boss. I don’t want it to destroy it!”

Mukuro’s process of stopping the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit is short, but at their speed, it will never exceed two seconds before and after. At the moment when the voice of the Great Demon Spirit fell, the energy ball of the Great Demon Spirit was about to explode. Mukuro hurriedly restrained it with gravity and let it explode under its own gravity limit.


The moment the energy ball exploded, Mukuro also clearly felt the power of the energy ball, which was about the same as the punch of the brother of Monkey King in the Dragon Ball world.

For Mukuro today, this level of power is almost the same as being kicked by a mosquito.

Mukuro couldn’t help but vomit: “Great Sage Demon Spirit, how much power did you use just now?”

The Demon Spirit Grand Sage looked at Mukuro with wide eyes, his old face was a little red: “Probably 80%.”

“Is the 80% strength only this level?”

Mukuro shook his head helplessly and sighed: “I really shouldn’t have too high expectations for your power level, but this level of destructive power can destroy your space, and your space is too fragile.”

The Great Demon Spirit instantly flushed, and argued unconvincingly: “That’s because no one can destroy my space. What’s the use of me making it so strong? Do you think everyone has your power? But seriously, How much power did you use to block my explosion just now?”

As soon as the Demon Spirit Grand Sage’s voice fell, he laughed strangely…

How could Mukuro not understand what he meant?

He must think that Mukuro also used a lot of strength, so he wanted to save a bit of face. You must know that even people of the same strength cannot block this kind of attack from an opponent, and destruction is far easier than construction.

However, this rule is invalid for Mukuro’s body, and it is not easy for Mukuro to answer the question of the Demon Spirit King.

Because he didn’t know how much power he used.

This is like an ordinary person who smashes an ant to death, and then someone asks him how much effort he has used. Such a question cannot be answered at all.

Mukuro said calmly: “It’s probably the power to squeeze a mosquito to death, as much as you think.”

“Impossible!” The old demon spirit’s old face couldn’t make it through, and suddenly jumped.

Mukuro ignored him and continued to observe the situation on Inuyasha.

Inuyasha and the others fought the snake-like monster for a long time, and they couldn’t help but make the other party stronger and stronger. If this continues, the internal organs of the Great Sage Demon Spirit may almost be completely absorbed.

Kagura said in a deep voice: “Inuyasha, can you do it? If it doesn’t work, please bring Mukuro over. If it’s 1.3, you can give up killing Naraku and Nikimaru and let Mukuro clean him up.”


Kagura’s words seemed to touch the scar in Inuyasha’s heart, causing Inuyasha to roar angrily: “It’s so noisy! I can defeat him! As long as I can crush my teeth with iron, I can definitely defeat him!”

Mukuro can fully understand Inuyasha’s mood.

Because Inuyasha already knew that Naraku was the culprit who caused him and Kikyo to kill each other, now there was a chance to kill Naraku, and he couldn’t give up anyway. Revenge yourself and revenge with Mukuro’s hands are two different things!

After a moment of silence, Kagura said, “Well, if you really want to use iron to smash your teeth, you might try to use qigong waves to attack the seal lock of the demon spirit great sage, and see if you can successfully break it, but don’t forget that you want a Master. The true essence of iron shattered teeth.”

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