Chapter 1257 Jedi Strikes Back

Mukuro is not an idiot, and he understands what he means when he hears the words of the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit.

Inuyasha can fly to the sky, of course, because Mukuro taught him how to use qi. Inuyasha, who has learned to use qi, is certainly stronger than before. It’s just because there are broken iron teeth that can be used, and the destructive power added by broken iron teeth temporarily overrides the air, so he is not used to fighting with air.

The great demon spirit seals Inuyasha’s broken teeth completely, using his toes to think that he is interested in Qi.

He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to train Inuyasha to study Qi.

Mukuro said with a faint smile, “Are you trying to figure out what’s going on with anger?”

Mukuro thought that the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit would be embarrassed, and he didn’t dare to admit it, but he didn’t change his face and said without beating, “Of course, the power of Qi is so special that it can make you a human being so powerful. I heard Dao Dao Zhai said that the nature of Qi is similar to Xian Li, so I wanted to study it.”

After a pause, the Great Sage Demon Spirit said with expectation: “If Qi can make you a human being so powerful, then if I learn how to use Qi, I will definitely become even more powerful.”

Mukuro couldn’t help flipping Byakugan, and didn’t bother to pierce the daydream of the Great Sage Demon.

The warriors in the Dragon Ball world have proved that the use of qi has a very important relationship with human physique. The best proof is that the upper limit of earthlings is no better than Saiyans. Inuyasha’s skills in the use of Qi are not as good as Maitreya, and it is also an iron thing, so Mukuro is not optimistic about youkai’s cultivation of Qi.

Even if the compatibility of Qi is similar to Xianli, it does not mean that the two powers are of the same nature.

Mukuro said indifferently: “If you want to learn, just study it, as long as you have the ability.”

At the same time, Inuyasha seemed to realize the awful situation and floated slowly.

The snake-shaped monster sneered and sneered: “Oh, I didn’t expect you, a half-demon, to fly into the sky.”

Inuyasha said coldly: “There are many things you can’t think of, iron claws of the soul!”

Inuyasha relied on himself to fly in the air, and when he flew up, there was a claw facing the snake-shaped monster’s head, and the sharp claws made the sound of breaking through the air.


When Inuyasha sprinted with Dancing Technique, and then attacked with Soul Scattering Iron Claw, the attack speed was incredible.

The snake-shaped monster didn’t even have time to see what was going on, when Inuyasha caught a few bloodstains.

“Successful!” Maitreya said excitedly: “Inuyasha, look at your broken teeth, and see if the seal of the demon spirit is unlocked.”

“Don’t be too excited.” Shanhu calmly said: “Looking at the meaning of the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit, he should want Inuyasha to defeat the demon by his own ability. Fortunately, Inuyasha used to practice with Mukuro, and his usual fighting power is no longer the same as before. It can be compared, otherwise it is really impossible to defeat this monster that swallows the internal organs of the Great Sage Demon Spirit.”

“Even so, I don’t think Inuyasha can win.”

Kagura gently shook the fan in his hand and said: “Judging from the intensity of the demon spirit, Inuyasha is far behind the opponent. He is not Mukuro. Don’t think that you can reach the level of Mukuro with the same use of Qi. Maitreya also learns. The correct way to use qi, but the attack power is far less than Mukuro is the best proof. Inuyasha is not as good as Maitreya.”

Maitreya blushed and said, “Can you answer me a question? Are you complimenting me or hurting me now?”

Mukuro heard the dialogue between Maitreya and Kagura through the space channel, and was completely speechless.

When is this, even though the test was arranged by the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit, the demon was also a real demon, and he really wanted the lives of Inuyasha and others. After all, helping the Great Demon Spirit to train Inuyasha is tantamount to losing his life, and even the Great Demon Spirit cannot find a volunteer.

But in the face of life danger, they even behaved so easily, this is the birthday star hanging-is it too long?

For a moment, Mukuro even wanted to move in an instant to remind Inuyasha.

“I finally understand what Dao Dao Zhai said.” The Demon Spirit Grand Sage suddenly sighed.

“What do you mean?” Mukuro looked at the Great Demon Spirit strangely.

The Demon Spirit Grand Sage replied: “Dao Dao Zhai once said that your strength is very powerful, far beyond his imagination. As long as you exist, Inuyasha will never encounter real life danger, but it is also because of you. With the existence of Inuyasha, Inuyasha and others cannot grow up to be truly powerful, because there is no way to stimulate their true potential without danger.”

Mukuro was speechless…

Why doesn’t he understand this truth? So from the moment he entered this world, he has been deliberately enduring, not to interfere too much in Inuyasha’s battle.

But because Mukuro’s own strength is too strong, when Inuyasha is really in danger, he can’t really fail to take action. In the long run, Inuyasha and others still develop a mentality of dependence on Mukuro.

It is precisely because of this dependent mentality that they subconsciously think that Mukuro will rescue them when they are truly in danger, so naturally they will not take the danger in their hearts.

Mukuro said indifferently: “Don’t worry, the great demon spirit, I will never be nosy today, otherwise I will not bring them to see you. If they can’t defeat the monster by their own strength, then go and die. NS.”

“Are you serious?”

The great demon spirit is rare and serious, with a solemn expression: “That monster ate my internal organs. Even if it was me, wouldn’t it be easy to retrieve the internal organs? If Inuyasha and the others lose, they will really die, even Dao Dao Zhai just said that it’s okay to destroy the iron and broken teeth, you…”

Mukuro was startled, but he didn’t expect Totosai to make that kind of determination.

You know, Iron Broken Tooth is made from the teeth of the King of Tooth, and King of Tooth has turned into a piece of loess. So once the iron shattered teeth are destroyed, it can no longer be recast. The price is really a bit heavy. It is no wonder that the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit would give Dao Dao Zhai such an evaluation. However, if the Great Sage of the Demon Spirit thinks that Mukuro is the same as Dao Dao 1.1, it is obviously wrong.

Mukuro said indifferently: “In order to make Inuyasha stronger, Dao Dao Zhai did not hesitate to destroy the iron and broken teeth. I was really surprised, but don’t compare me with him. I never really let Inuyasha die.”

“But didn’t you just say…”

Mukuro still said calmly: “That’s because even if Inuyasha dies, I still have a way to bring him back to life. I just need to go to the underworld and bring them back.”

The Great Demon Spirit was startled, and he couldn’t help but stunned and said: “Are you kidding? Going to the underworld to bring the dead back, this kind of thing can really be done? You are trampling on the rules of this world.”

“What’s the big deal?” Mukuro said nonchalantly, “The natural tooth of Sashengwan also has the same effect, I just did it more thoroughly than the natural tooth.”

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