Chapter 1250 Sprite pills succeed

“Damn it! How could things become like this?”

Shan Hu’s face was green and said: “Then what shall we do now? Do you want to continue to stop the sprite pills?”

Kagura said coldly: “Jingkai Maru has successfully defeated the golden and silver disasters, and has taken away their power, and their strength has become stronger. Apart from continuing to fight, do we have other options? If we let him go Regardless, his strength will definitely become stronger and more difficult to deal with in the future.”

To put it bluntly, even if the sprite pill is not easy to deal with right now, he can only bite the bullet now.

Inuyasha gritted his teeth and said: “You are right, now I can only fight.”

Inuyasha’s voice sounded helpless and annoying.

After all, if they came earlier, they would be able to prevent Sprite Pills from absorbing gold and silver, and the strength of Sprite Pills would also be greatly reduced. Now that the golden and silver disasters have been absorbed, the Pluton beast armor of the sprite pill must be more perfectly integrated with itself. With Inuyasha’s current strength, it was much harder to kill him.

But even so, Inuyasha can only bite the bullet.

Otherwise, waiting for Sprite Pills to adapt to this power will be more difficult to deal with.

Inuyasha rose into the sky, and 443 held the iron shattered teeth high, slashing towards the sprite pill with all his strength.

Mukuro looked at Kagura strangely and said, “Kagura, won’t you go up and help? Spritemaru is a clone of Naraku, and it may absorb Naraku or become a part of Naraku in the future. As long as he has the ability, he will definitely do it. Threatening you, are you not going to kill him now?”

Kagura is a real betrayer from the perspective of Spritemaru and Naraku.

If there is a chance, there really is no reason to let Kagura go. Kagura should be able to think of this.

But even when Mukuro reminded him, Kagura still smiled easily: “I believe you, if Spritemaru or Naraku will threaten us one day, you will definitely kill him before then, and I don’t believe in sprites either. Ningmaru or Naraku can really beat you one day, and now I already know how terrible you are.”

When Mukuro had just rescued Kagura from Naraku’s hands before, Kagura might have been too overwhelmed by Naraku in his heart. Even if he knew that Mukuro was much stronger than Naraku, he was still frightened.

However, after confronting Naraku so many times, she knew that Naraku was only a grasshopper in front of Mukuro, no matter how slow she was.

Mukuro laughed and said nonsense: “I didn’t expect to get such an evaluation from you, nothing else. With the current strength of the sprite pill, it is meaningless for you to act. Moreover, even if the sprite pill absorbs the power of the gold and silver disasters, it is still possible with the current Inuyasha. It’s not that there is no chance of winning at all.”

Of course, Mukuro does not have as much knowledge about monsters as Inuyasha and Coral, but Mukuro also has his own area of ​​expertise, that is, the sense of qi.

Mukuro can clearly feel the power of gold and silver perils running through the body of the ghost pill, and it has not really merged with the pill pill.

As long as the two forces have not been completely absorbed by the sprite pill, even if the sprite pill becomes stronger, it is extremely limited. Maybe, because there are two extra forces in the body that do not belong to him, it will affect the display of combat effectiveness. It would be even better if you could use the ability of dragon scales and iron to smash teeth to absorb the power of gold and silver.

But Kagura and the others obviously haven’t discovered this yet, and Kagura can’t even understand Mukuro’s meaning.

When Mukuro told Kagura of his discovery, Kagura was shocked: “Is that so? Then let’s notify Inuyasha.”

As soon as Kagura’s voice fell, Inuyasha had already said loudly: “I heard it!”

I have to say that Inuyasha is indeed a dog, with sensitive ears and nose. Without Kagura’s reminder, he had already heard the conversation between Mukuro and Kagura.

He slashed at the sprite pill with all his strength and said: “Eat my dragon scales and iron broken teeth!”

Kagura, Shan Shan and others were taken aback, and they quickly watched the battle between Inuyasha and Mangamaru intently.


Under the broken teeth of the dragon scales, the Pluton beast armor of Spritemaru was not enough to see, it was directly cut to pieces, and the black armor fragments were flying everywhere.

Jie Jie Wan screamed, and immediately flew up again, seeming to want to escape.

Anyway, it was not the first time that he had escaped from Inuyasha’s hands.

Mukuro reminded faintly: “Inuyasha, let alone I didn’t remind you, your chances are running out. Spritemaru runs away from you again and again, and every successful escape will increase your strength. If you do this After being escaped by Sprite Pill again and again, then you have to find a way to improve your strength again.”

“I know!” Inuyasha yelled anxiously and rushed up quickly.

Kagura frowned and said, “There shouldn’t be a problem this time? After so many lessons, Inuyasha shouldn’t be able to learn even a little experience.”

“Come on.”

Mukuro said indifferently: “Even if it is a monster, you can’t demand too much of a dog’s IQ. I may still fail this time. We might as well help Inuyasha in advance to find ways to improve its strength.”

“You still don’t care about it at all.” Kagura said helplessly: “If you are willing to make a move, how can the sprite pill be tossed for so long?”

Mukuro said nonchalantly: “From my point of view, if Spritemaru and Naraku do not raise their strength to the limit, what’s the point of defeating them? Don’t you think they can fight me to death if they think they become stronger to the limit. In wartime, will it be more interesting to defeat them easily? Their expressions must be very good.”

Kagura was startled and couldn’t help laughing and crying.

He said helplessly: “If Spritemaru and Naraku know what you think, they will definitely get angry. In fact, in your opinion, is their continuous improvement of their strength only part of your game?”


Mukuro said nonchalantly: “Besides games, can their existence mean anything to me?”

Kagura was speechless again.

At the same time, the guy Jojimaru tried his best and escaped from Inuyasha’s hand.

Although Inuyasha tried his best to stop him, he gave Spritemaru a chance to take advantage of it, let Spritemaru severely inflict him on it, and then escape.

Mukuro shook his head helplessly, already speechless.

Kagura was speechless, and finally sighed: “Mukuro, you are always right. We can’t have too high expectations for Inuyasha’s head. We should quickly find new power for him so that he can directly kill the ghost. Ningmaru and Naraku are better. But is that kind of power so easy to find?”

“It’s really hard to find others, but I already have goals.” Mukuro replied confidently.

Mukuro does not remember the specific plot of Inuyasha very clearly, because there are too many branches and short stories in the plot of Inuyasha. But after Erkuxian’s immortal power allowed Inuyasha to use the dragon scale iron to break his teeth temporarily, Mukuro also remembered a very important thing.

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