Chapter 1247 Naraku’s intention

After Mukuro’s special training, Maitreya has improved a lot, enough to cope with most monsters in this world.

But Mukuro is still a little worried.

After all, the person who digs the trap now is Naraku. That guy is so sinister and cunning that even if Inuyasha’s previous strength was above Naraku, there was no way to kill him. Today Naraku is not what it used to be, so Mukuro doesn’t have much confidence in whether Master Maitreya can really deal with Naraku’s layout.

But Maitreya and the others didn’t know what was going on, and Mukuro didn’t find too strong qi.

Logically speaking, if they had already fought, they would have exploded with a strong anger.

Without strong qi, Mukuro would not feel their position for a while.

Fortunately, even if Inuyasha regained the human body, it would not affect the use of Wukongshu, and it would arrive at Maitreya and the others in a short while.

When Mukuro arrived at the destination, Maitreya, Kagura and others were already stagnated in the air, but the guy in the dreamy white night was gone.

Mukuro asked strangely: “Mileoku, Kagura, what happened, the White Night of Dreams?”

Maitreya looked weird and shook his head and said, “Don’t ask me, he didn’t mean to do anything after you left. It doesn’t look like there is a trap.”

Mukuro frowned and agreed with Maitreya, although his Master didn’t have much information.

Because if Naraku really has any pitfalls, then Mukuro is definitely the best time to use it. Even if Inuyasha could not be killed and the lives of Coral, Kagura, Maitreya and others were killed, it would also be of great benefit to Naraku. Naraku didn’t do anything, the only explanation was that the so-called trap did not exist.

“If Naraku has no traps, why did he deliberately let Erkuxian attack us? He really thought Erkuxian could kill us?”

Mukuro thought for a while, and said calmly: “It may sound incredible, but I am afraid it is true. The purpose of Naraku’s attack on Inuyasha is to allow Inuyasha to absorb the power of Erkuxian. He took the fragments of the jade of the four souls. Give Erkuxian not to increase Erkuxian’s strength, but to make Erkuxian trust him.”

“You mean Naraku’s power to help Master Inuyasha’s dragon scales and iron teeth?” Maitreya was taken aback and said, “But what reason does Naraku have for doing that?”

In fact, with Naraku’s ability, if he really wants to cheat Inuyasha, he can find other monsters, there is no need to find Erkuxian.

He deliberately asked Er Kuxian to come over, and the only explanation was that he wanted to help Inuyasha.

Mukuro said lightly: “It may be that Naraku wants to use Inuyasha to clean up the sprite pills. The sprite pills may have threatened Naraku.”

“Then can we go the other way and deliberately leave the sprite pill?” Inuyasha looked very excited.

Mukuro can fully understand his feelings, because this kid has been cheated countless times during the confrontation with Naraku, and there must be a fire in his heart.

Now that he has the opportunity to pit Naluo in reverse, he must be excited.

But dreams are beautiful, reality is cruel, and there is no benefit for him to do that.

To a certain extent, Naraku’s strategy is arrogant, forcing Inuyasha to act according to his ideas.

Mukuro said lightly: “Don’t think too much, Spritemaru can force Naraku to do this, which shows that his strength is already much stronger. If he really defeats Naraku, Spritemaru will be a higher level on the current basis. Lou. So if you can defeat the sprite pill, you’d better kill the sprite pill, as long as you don’t get it cheap by Naraku.”

Inuyasha said uncomfortably, “It feels terrible to be used by Naraku again!”

Of course Mukuro can understand Inuyasha’s mood, but Inuyasha is not a three-year-old kid, and Mukuro doesn’t need to comfort him.

Mukuro said lightly: “You hurry up and rest. I already feel the sprite pills in action. When your demon power recovers, you have to rush over.”

When Inuyasha heard that Naraku was going to help him, it was easy because it meant that Naraku would not actively attack Inuyasha until Sprite Maru died or was absorbed. But after hearing that the ghost pill was already in action, Inuyasha’s heart that finally let go of it was raised quickly, very nervous.

Coral looked at the dark night sky and said, “Mukuro, are you kidding? It’s night now. Is it necessary for Spritemaru to act in the middle of the night?”

Maitreya’s face is ugly: “It is necessary, as long as the pill pill has been removed from the critical moment, he may do so.”

Under normal circumstances, of course, humans or monsters will not act in the middle of the night, but if you only need to absorb the power of a monster, you can make a qualitative leap in your strength. It is understandable that the sprite pill can’t sit still… If this is the case, the more Inuyasha, Coral and others are going to stop Sprite Maru.

Inuyasha must have thought of this too, and said anxiously: “Mukuro, where is Spritemaru? Hurry up and take us there!”

Mukuro was startled and pointed to Inuyasha’s blackened hair and said, “Are you sure? Don’t forget that you are only human now. Although after practicing with me for a period of time, your strength is no longer comparable to that of ordinary humans, you are still only human. The human body wants to fight the sprite pill, and the difficulty is not that high.”

In fact, Mukuro has tried his best to speak nicely.

With Sprite Maru’s current strength, even the demon-powered Inuyasha didn’t have much chance of winning.

If you lose your demon power and have to fight, your chances of winning will be zero.

Inuyasha said anxiously: “Of course I know, do you still need to talk about this kind of thing? But if I wait until I recover my demon power, it may be too late. Let’s go over and talk about it.”

Compared with before, Inuyasha is indeed much braver.

Even if he is a human being, he dare to take risks.

Since Inuyasha insisted on himself, Mukuro certainly had no need to refuse, and nodded in agreement.

As he flew up with the air dance technique, he said: “Come with me, I hope you can regain your strength in front of us and the princess ball.”

Mukuro took Inuyasha 4.2 and the others to fly forward, and it didn’t take long for him to approach Spritemaru, and the sky gradually brightened.

When the first ray of sunlight shone from the eastern sky, Inuyasha’s hair turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, his claws and fangs also grew back, and of course his demon power quickly recovered.

Mukuro turned around and said, “Inuyasha, your strength was restored in time.”

Inuyasha pulled out the broken teeth and said, “Unlucky for the sprite pill, we must prevent the sprite pill from absorbing other monsters.”

Mukuro stopped him and said flatly: “Don’t worry, the monsters that can be seen by the princess are definitely not easy to be replaced. We can take a look at the situation first. If you are lucky, you can even take advantage of the fisherman’s profit.”

As the sky gets brighter, Mukuro, Inuyasha, and others have already seen the monster being stared at by Spritemaru.

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