Chapter 1244 Underworld Broken Moon

Seeing the changes in front of him, Xian Jian suddenly fell to the ground in fright, yelling in a panic, and his face turned pale.

It can be said with certainty that even though evil views often follow Sesho Maru and are well-informed, the changes in front of him are still beyond his imagination. Tianshengfang can actually cut through the void and then use the ability of the space crack to kill the enemy. This ability is hard to imagine even if you look at the ancient and modern future of the monster world.

Such ability is incredible.

He hurriedly said, “So, that…what is that? It’s terrible!”

Mukuro stepped forward and said, “The broken moon of the underworld? Is this the so-called broken moon on the underworld? Interesting.”

Sai Sheng Wan thoughtfully said: “It turns out that this trick is called Ming Dao Can Yue Sha, but I always feel that its ability has not yet reached its limit.”

Totozai was about to explain, Mukuro interrupted again and said, “It is true that it has not been exerted to the limit. If you can exert such power to Ultimate, the cracks in the space should be circular. I am not afraid to tell you, because you are born with teeth. It is a knife that connects the two worlds, so it is a passage to the underworld.”

Dao Dao Zhai said with tears without tears: “Why are you always stealing me? Since you know everything, then you can talk about it.”

Mukuro smiled indifferently, without speaking.

It was the first time that he saw the broken moon of Ming Dao with his own eyes, and he was really looking forward to it. After all, even Mukuro had to show a little real ability before he could use absolute power to break open the space forcibly and open the passage to the underworld. But Sesei Maru only relies on the power of natural teeth, even if the strength is far less than Mukuro can do the same thing, it is really interesting.

Even Mukuro finds the same thing interesting, and it is conceivable to have a bad view.

He blushed with excitement, and he danced and said, “Will Master Sashengmaru’s Mingdao Can Yuebao send his opponent directly into the underworld? It’s amazing! It’s amazing! With such abilities, even Spritemaru and Naraku can do it. It’s no big deal.”

Xiaoling suddenly came up and said, “Yie Jian Grandpa, don’t you always say that Master Killing Maru can defeat Naraku and Manimaru? Have you been lying?”

He was startled by the evil sight, and explained with a sad face: “Where did I mean this? I just said that Master Sashengwan will be able to defeat Spritemaru and Naraku more easily by getting the broken moon of the underworld, that’s it!”

Mukuro said lightly: “Her view, you shut up, Hades is really powerful, but it doesn’t make sense to not reach the limit. The current attack range of Hades is too small, and Spritemaru and Naraku are on the wrong side. With powerful regeneration ability, as long as they don’t send all their bodies into the underworld in one breath, it doesn’t make any sense.”

Xie Jian’s eyes rolled, and he suddenly said, “You don’t have the ability to regenerate, right?”

Mukuro was taken aback, nodded and said, “I really can’t regenerate like Naraku and Mangamaru at will.”

“Then Master Sashengmaru can kill you with the broken moon?” Xie Jian suddenly pointed to Mukuro and said, “Aren’t you a human being very powerful? Help us defeat Spritemaru and Naraku, otherwise, be careful of Master Sashengmaru. Kill you with the broken moon of Mingdao.”

Mukuro didn’t get angry, but laughed and laughed.

He saw this guy really used his brains. Knowing that the broken moon of the underworld might not kill Spritemaru and Naraku, he wanted to use it to threaten Mukuro.

But he also didn’t want to think, if the broken moon of the underworld is really effective for Mukuro, Mukuro still has the ability to kill Spritemaru and Naraku?

Moreover, although Mukuro is not familiar with wrong views, it seems impossible to teach him a lesson.

Mukuro pressed the evil view to the ground with a palm, and then made a protective cover to wrap him with Qi to prevent him from really dying, and then threw him into the air tens of thousands of meters high and said: “Go up and play, although I can’t send you to hell, but it’s nice to send you to heaven for fun.”

After sending away the talkative evil views, Mukuro said lightly: “Saishengwan, you slowly figure out a way to perfect the broken moon. As you gain stronger power, the strengths of Spritemaru and Naraku are also improving rapidly. , If Inuyasha doesn’t raise himself quickly, I will only be distanced. I have to go back and help Inuyasha improve the ability of iron shattering teeth.”

Sai Sheng Wan coldly snorted, “I don’t need your help either.”

Mukuro was noncommittal, and quickly moved away with teleportation.

When Mukuro returned to Inuyasha and others, Inuyasha was fighting with a weird monster.

The monster had a human head, but it was very old. His body is like dead wood, which looks very strange. Of course, the strangest thing is actually the abilities that he exudes. You can indeed feel the breath of monsters in his body, but there is also the power of immortals. The so-called power of immortals is of course similar to the power of gods.

Mukuro said calmly, “Inuyasha, why did you meet a new enemy just after I came back? What is that guy’s name?”

Before Inuyasha had time to answer Mukuro’s question, the strange-looking monster had already spoken: “Are you… all here to kill my Erkusen? Hahaha, the guy from Naraku told me that the person with the scale knife must Will come to kill me, he really didn’t lie to me.”

The scale knife that Er Kuxian said was a dragon scale iron broken tooth without thinking about it.

Mukuro faintly reminded: “Inuyasha, come on, this guy has immortal power in his body. As long as he can absorb his immortal power, you can use dragon scale iron to smash teeth temporarily and safely. But he has four souls in his body. Fragments of jade, a guy with immortal power gets the jade of four souls, no matter how you look at it, it’s hard to deal with.”

“I always feel like Naraku put another one.” Maitreya looked very upset, and said loudly to Erkuxian, “Erkuxian! Don’t you think it’s strange? What does your life and death have to do with Naraku? Why is Naraku? Want to give you something as important as the jade of the four souls? He just wants to use you!”

When Maitreya thought so, of course he wanted to stop fighting.

But the effect does not look very good.

The Erkuxian was not surprised at all, but coldly said: “Do you think I don’t know? That guy named Naraku has already told me that as long as I can kill you, the fragments of the jade of the four souls will be given away. Give it to me. If I were killed by you, it would only be bad luck for me. Anyway, in order to get my fairy power, you will always kill me.”

I have to say that the guy Naraku is really good at manipulating people’s hearts. He must have guessed that Maitreya or other people might say something similar, so he just picked it up with Erkuxian. In this way, it becomes almost impossible to lobby Erkuxian. After all, preconceived views have a great influence on humans and monsters.

Mukuro said lightly: “Inuyasha, do it. It doesn’t matter if you kill him. He has been fooled by Naraku. Even if you don’t do it, he will kill you.”

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