Chapter 1229 Deep Yamanaka’s Temple

Coral and Kagura are both stopping Inuyasha loudly, telling him not to be impulsive.

But Inuyasha and Maitreya both attacked very fast. When their voices reached Inuyasha’s ears, it was too late even if Inuyasha wanted to evade, so they could only cut them down firmly with a knife.

When Iron Broken Tooth really hits the Qigong Wave, Longlin Iron Broken Tooth erupts with a very powerful attraction, and it just slowly absorbs the Qigong Wave, and the Qigong Wave, which loses its power quickly, cannot explode under the Iron Broken Tooth. After the dragon scale iron broken teeth absorbed the qigong wave, the knife burst into golden light.

Maitreya was taken aback and said, “Why? My qigong wave was actually absorbed… Is this the power of dragon scales and iron teeth?”

After a pause, he said badly, “No! I have learned how to use qigong waves. I can’t lose to you so easily. Eat my hole waves, even if you can absorb energy bombs, it is impossible to absorb them. Cavernous waves.”

There is no doubt that the cave wave in Maitreya’s mouth is exactly the cave wave in the Dragon Ball world Hexianliu, and of course it was also taught to him by Mukuro. Mukuro once thought of teaching him tortoise style qigong, but considering the difficulty of using it, in the end he took the second place and taught Dongdongbo.

Anyway, in this monster world with a low level of power, cave and wave are enough.

When Mukuro saw that Maitreya wanted to use Dongdongbo to win or lose, he immediately stepped forward to stop him and said: “Maitreya, stop here, Inuyasha really can’t absorb Dongbo’s power, the dragon scales and iron teeth are broken. .”

“What?” Maitreya asked curiously, and at the same time looked at Iron Broken Teeth.

I saw that the golden light that bloomed on the broken iron teeth still had no meaning to disperse, and a powerful gas filled the inside of the broken iron teeth.

Maitreya was surprised: “This… Is it that the broken teeth have absorbed my power and are about to begin to evolve again?”

“How can there be such a good thing.” Mukuro said lightly: “If iron shattered teeth could evolve so easily, it would have become a peerless murderous soldier. It has such an abnormal change now, I am afraid it is because it cannot withstand the qigong wave. The power of the dragon scales and iron teeth can only absorb the opponent’s attack, and there is no way to digest it.”

Inuyasha still held the broken teeth tightly, but his expression looked very solemn.

After a while, he threw away the iron broken teeth and kept blowing into his palms and said, “I can’t bear it. I didn’t expect iron broken teeth to become so hot after absorbing Maitreya’s qigong wave. Why is this happening?”

Mukuro walked over slowly, picked up the broken teeth, and could indeed feel the astonishing heat. At this moment, he even felt that what he was holding in his hand was not a knife, but a ball of flame.

Mukuro said lightly: “Sure enough, as I thought, even the dragon scales and iron teeth cannot absorb other people’s power unlimitedly. The iron teeth have a limit to the force, when the force exceeds a certain range. , The broken teeth will become hot, even backlash the user?”

“Is it that serious?” Inuyasha’s expression changed.

Mukuro didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him, but silently pulled the force inside the iron shattered teeth with Qi, letting it release Maitreya’s qigong wave. The moment the qigong wave was released, a terrifying force exploded on Mukuro’s body, blowing up the surrounding land.

There is no doubt that that is the power of Qigongbo itself, and both Maitreya and Inuyasha were taken aback.

Maitreya hurriedly said: “Mukuro, are you okay? Even if you are strong, don’t use such a rough way to disintegrate your power.”

Inuyasha said at the same time: “It should be like this. If this force explodes on me, the consequences will be disastrous.”

“That’s true.” Mukuro said lightly: “When the force absorbed by the broken tooth is too strong, even it can’t bear it, it will backlash its owner. And the stronger the force he absorbs, the strength of the backlash will also be greater. It’s even more terrifying. Just absorbing the broken teeth of a qigong wave is already so terrible. If you absorb something more terrifying, you will think about the consequences.”

Inuyasha lowered his head and fell silent.

Maitreya still looked at Mukuro’s body and said, “Mukuro, are you really okay?”

Mukuro opened his hands and said of course: “Sure, otherwise what do you think I can do? Your qigong wave power is great for others, but it is only insignificant to me.”

After a pause, Mukuro returned the broken tooth to Inuyasha and said: “Since Inuyasha has returned, let’s continue to look for the sprite pill. As for the problem of broken tooth, let’s slowly figure out a solution on the road.”

Inuyasha retracted his broken teeth and had to continue the journey.

They walked along the former Luffy for two days and gradually saw a temple built in the deep Yamanaka.

The temple was built in the deep Yamanaka. It is not uncommon to be far away from the world, but generally speaking, there should be human towns around the temple, so that believers can worship and add incense. And the place where the temple was built is far away from the world, and it is almost impossible for anyone to come except for passers-by.

This situation is really wrong.

Master Maitreya said: “Generally speaking, if we see this strange thing, it means that we are not far from fighting. Inuyasha, shall we go down and have a look? If there is a monster, we can just try ourselves. New capabilities.”

Inuyasha’s expression remained motionless and said, “Then go down and take a look.”

When they landed in front of the temple, they happened to see a nun coming out of the temple with a living human breath. And his breath is very peaceful, it seems that he is really a Buddhist.

Inuyasha was shocked, then slowly relaxed his vigilance and said, “Do you live here alone?”

Since Inuyasha was so relaxed, it meant that he had smelled the living scent of the nun. I have to say that in many cases, smell is far easier to deceive people than breath. Although Mukuro also felt the human aura, the deepest part of that aura was obviously hiding the aura of a monster. Inuyasha couldn’t smell it by relying on his nose.

The nun nodded and said, “Yes, I live here alone. There are often practitioners passing by. I have never moved out to provide them with accommodation.”

I have to say that this nun is very pretty. When Maitreya saw her, she moved her index finger and greeted her.

Maitreya comforted the nun and said, “It’s too pitiful for you to stay here alone. You shouldn’t be responsible for such a heavy task alone. Why don’t I stay with you?”

Mukuro said faintly: “Mage Maitreya, have you forgotten one thing? You are not very lucky. All the beautiful girls you see in the deserted mountains are… hehe.”

Mukuro didn’t make his words too clear, but who did not understand what he meant? That is the personal experience of Master Maitreya! As long as it was the girl he liked, it turned out to be a monster.

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