Chapter 1215 See things and think people

When Mukuro said that Kikyo was hitting the corpse of the Miko, which was the idea of ​​Tsuiko’s corpse, the expressions of Inuyasha and others became weird.

Judging from their looks, it’s not that they didn’t believe Mukuro’s words, but what Mukuro said might make them unimaginable. The maiden named Cuizi didn’t know how many years she died, and her soul became the jade of four souls and passed down the world. Naturally, there would be no power in the corpse, but Mukuro actually said that Kikyo was planning to hit the corpse.

They simply cannot understand the truth.

Mukuro didn’t expect them to figure it out all at once, but didn’t want to waste their saliva to explain, and said flatly: “When you see Cuizi’s body, you will naturally understand what is going on.”

With the speed at which Inuyasha and the others flew at full speed using air dance, they would have rushed back to the coral-grown village within a few hours.

When they landed in the village, they saw that the surrounding environment was even more desolate than when they came last time. After the exorcist in the village died, there was no one to take care of it anymore, and the ground had long been full of weeds. Some of the houses or furniture that are still left are also covered with dust because there is no one to clean them, making them very embarrassed.

Coral saw that the once prosperous and lively village became this kind of virtue, and tears slowly rolled in his eyes.

880 Mukuro sighed helplessly: “Coral, let’s change the sorrow, no one in this world can never die.”

“Mukuro, you once said that as long as you want, even a dead person can bring him back to life, right?” Coral suddenly looked forward to: “If… I mean if, if you have the ability, can you let the village All of you are resurrected? If you can do it, I’m willing to pay any price.”

Mukuro was slightly startled, and then sighed in his heart, not knowing what to say.

It is really heavy to say the words willing to pay any price from the mouth of a girl like Coral.

On the one hand, Mukuro regarded Coral as a companion and was unwilling to take advantage of others. On the other hand, Mukuro felt that Coral’s companion had been dead for too long, and even he was not sure to bring the dead back to life. After all, Coral’s companions don’t even have the corpse anymore. To resurrect a group of dead people out of thin air, unless Mukuro goes back to the Dragon Ball world and asks the dragon, otherwise it is basically impossible.

Even Shenlong does not necessarily save people across the world.

Since it is uncertain, Mukuro certainly wouldn’t boast about going to Haikou.

To blame, I can only blame Mukuro for not thinking so much when he first met Coral.

Mukuro sighed and said, “Coral, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but that there’s really no way. The bodies of your companions have been turned into bones. How can a pile of bones be resurrected? If you really want to see those companions, I might be able to. Make an exception to take you to the underworld, but only this time, how about?”

Seeing things and thinking about people, Mukuro can fully understand Coral’s current mood, but taking her to the underworld is really the limit.

Although Mukuro knew that he had the ability to cross-boundary in this world when he successfully injured Naraku at the intersection of the yin and yang realms, he was not willing to break the rules of this world casually, because he didn’t know what would happen. as a result of. Moreover, if he wants to cross the boundary easily, he has to transform into the form of Free Extreme Yi Gong, which is quite tiring.

But even if you can only take a trip to the underworld, it seems to be worthy of coral’s joy.

She was overjoyed and said: “Can you take me to the underworld? Is this kind of thing really possible?”

Maitreya was also surprised: “Mukuro, are you kidding? That’s the underworld, the world of the dead. It’s really okay for you to bring corals to such a place casually? What if you can’t get out after you get in? ?”

Inuyasha said with a weird look: “You want to go to the world of dead people. This kind of thing is incredible. I know you are very strong. No one in this world can be your opponent, but you don’t think you are doing it. Is it too exaggerated? That is the underworld, the world that does not belong to the living!”

Mukuro could understand Inuyasha’s surprise, but didn’t know what they were worried about.

In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy and trickery are meaningless, and in the same way, in the face of absolute power, any rules and restrictions will become meaningless. Mukuro was unwilling to break the rules of this world. He was not worried about his safety at all, but was just afraid that the people and monsters in this world would be affected.

Since he doesn’t even need to worry about the turbulence of the world’s rules, would he still be afraid of being trapped in the underworld?

Traveling with Mukuro for so long, Inuyasha and the others couldn’t even see through this kind of thing, and Mukuro was rather helpless.

He said lightly: “Don’t worry about it, what you said will not happen anyway. The underworld cannot trap me, otherwise I won’t be able to get in.”

With that said, Mukuro gave a soft sigh and directly transformed into a state of being at ease.

He concentrated his qi on his right fist, punched the void with all his strength, and instantly cracked the void like a glass. Pieces of translucent fragments slowly fell, and finally disappeared like a mud cow into the sea. After the space was blasted by Mukuro’s fist, a black hole appeared in the void, and gusts of cloudy wind blew from the black hole.

Mukuro’s own strength is strong enough to not be affected by these cloudy winds, but the coral next to him can’t help but shiver.

She looked at the black hole in the void with dignity and said, “As long as you pass through this black hole, can you go to the underworld?”

Mukuro said lightly: “Of course, but the underworld is huge, and there are countless dead over there. It is not easy to find your companions and relatives in it. Even if it is me, it will take some time to do it. arrive.”

What Mukuro didn’t say was that even if Coral’s companions and father are not weaker than Coral, their auras are as insignificant as the powerful monsters that have passed away. Mukuro finds people based on the strength of the breath, of course it is difficult to find in the breath of so many strong people, unless it takes a lot of time. Thinking of spending a lot of time, he felt that Inuyasha and the others couldn’t wait in place.

He turned back and said: “Inuyasha, Kagura, you can investigate the condition of Tsuiko’s body, but remember to be careful. If the situation is not right, run away immediately, and wait until Shan and I come back.”

Inuyasha said uncomfortably: “Hmph, don’t underestimate us, we can handle it even if you are not there. Isn’t it just a corpse? What’s the big deal.”

Mukuro smiled faintly and didn’t care.

Anyway, Inuyasha is this temper, and if he doesn’t act hard, it won’t be him. And in “Inuyasha”, this plot really shouldn’t be dangerous, so Mukuro doesn’t take it very seriously.

He greeted the coral, then hugged the coral and flew directly into the passage leading to the underworld. As they rushed in, the passage of the underworld closed automatically.

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