Chapter 1207 Possessed child

That night, Inuyasha and others were forced to rest in the family’s house.

When they walked into the room, they saw the middle-aged man full of worry during the day: “Everyone, have you been tossing outside for so long during the day, haven’t you found the monster? Do you need our help? One more person, the probability of finding bigger.”

As an ordinary person, it can be said that he has no resistance when facing a monster. Even if they knew this, they still offered to help. Mukuro admired their courage. Of course, admiring their courage does not mean accepting their suggestions. Even if Mukuro is willing to accept it, Maitreya and others cannot agree.

After all, if Feitou was attached to them, things would become very troublesome.

Maitreya tactfully refused: “No, we haven’t found it after searching for so long during the day. Maybe the monster has already run away.”

The man didn’t insist, nodded and let Mukuro and others stay.

Maitreya and the others have been looking for monsters outside for so long, and they seem to have won their trust.

In the middle of the night, Mukuro suddenly felt a change in the outside atmosphere, and the demon power of the flying head root appeared again. At the same time, appearing near Feitougen, there is also a human breath, and it is the breath of a human child. As soon as Mukuro felt the breath, he thought of the middle-aged man’s child, who was a teenager.

The child must have got up in the middle of the night to solve the three urgent problems and ran out of the house.

Mukuro quickly turned over and said, “The trouble is big, Inuyasha, Maitreya, get up quickly, the flying head root has found a human possessed.”

Inuyasha and Maitreya are truly war-fighting people. As soon as they heard Mukuro’s words, they jumped up and looked around vigilantly. Waking up immediately from sleep is not something that anyone can do. But even so, they didn’t gain anything, after all, Feitou was rooted outside the house.

Inuyasha couldn’t see the flying tougen, and said strangely, “Mukuro, where is the flying tougen?”

Maitreya asked: “Has Fei Tougen been killed by you? But why can’t I see it?”

Mukuro reluctantly pointed to the house and said, “Have you not found that the uncle’s child is missing? He is outside the house and has been possessed by Fei Tougen. I don’t know much about this matter. Can you see if there is a way to save the child? Bar.”

At the same time, the child’s father was also awakened, and his face changed drastically when he heard Mukuro’s words.

He begged: “Please, I must save my son. My wife is dead, and only one son is left to accompany me. If even him is killed by the monster, I…”

Mukuro had a meal at his feet, but he was speechless.

If all of your family and friends are dead, and you are the only one left in the world, it sounds pitiful indeed.

It’s a pity that even if Mukuro is willing to help, there is nothing he can do. This is not his area of ​​expertise.

Mukuro said to Coral and Maitreya, “This is the area where you two are best at it. You can figure it out.”

Coral and Maitreya didn’t waste time talking nonsense, they rushed out in one stride.

When they rushed out of the house, the door of the house opened, and Mukuro could see the outside through the opened door. I saw the teenage boy turned around and faced Maitreya and Coral. There were indeed more radioactive black stripes on his left eye socket, which was a sign of being possessed by the flying head.

Seeing this, Shan Shan and Maitreya couldn’t help throwing a rat trap, and didn’t dare to come forward casually.

But the father of the child obviously didn’t know this.

As soon as he saw the boy, he rushed up and said: “Taiyi! Taiyi! Are you okay?”

As the middle-aged man got closer and closer to the boy, the boy named Taiyi raised his hand without hesitation. Until this moment, Shanhu and Maitreya saw the boy holding a sickle in his hand. The sickle left a deep bone wound on the middle-aged man’s right shoulder, and the blood stained his clothes red in the blink of an eye.

The middle-aged man obviously did not expect that his closest son would hurt him, and he couldn’t help falling to the ground in despair.

Mukuro said lightly: “You calm down, your son has been controlled by the monster. It is not his intention to hurt you. But the monster is hiding in your son’s body. It is really not easy to kill him. If you don’t If you mind if your son loses one eye, I can get rid of the demon.”

At this moment, the young man raised the sickle in his hand again and slashed at the middle-aged man fiercely.

Mukuro really couldn’t stand it, and a burst of vigor knocked the sickle in the boy’s hand away: “Coral, take it, it will be too late if you don’t take it again.”

Shan Hu said in astonishment: “Do you know I have a way? I do have something in my hand to expel Feitougen, but the number is limited. If you can’t hit Feitougen, it will be troublesome. We must first limit his actions…”

As soon as Coral’s voice fell, Fei Toogen seemed to realize the danger, and hurriedly took the boy to fly, seeming to want to escape.

The boy’s father was taken aback and said, “Mai! Everyone! I beg you, I must find a way to save my son.”

Coral, Inuyasha and the others have no choice but to catch up with them using dance art to look for opportunities.

Mukuro stayed in place and said: “If you can, I think you should let your son learn martial arts, otherwise it will be difficult to survive in this era. Don’t worry, Coral and the others will definitely rescue your son.”

The middle-aged man said bitterly: “Learning martial arts…Where can I get that kind of thing.”

“Then I have no choice but to wish you luck.” Mukuro said lightly.

Although Mukuro himself has a systematic way to make humans stronger, it takes too long, and it is impossible for him to stay here to train young people. And as long as they eliminate Naraku, there will be fewer monsters making waves in this era, and the danger of their father and son should also decrease.

Mukuro waited on the spot for more than ten minutes, and saw Coral, Maitreya and others turning back.

In Inuyasha’s hands, there was still a young boy in his arms, it was Taiichi.

The black text on Taiyi’s left 1.8 eye sockets has disappeared, but being possessed by the flying head root seems to have an adverse effect on his body, causing him to fall into a state of lethargy.

The middle-aged man took Taiyi and quickly thanked him: “Thank you, thank you, thank you for saving my son.”

Maitreya humbly said: “Don’t thank us, we’re just helping you get your son back, but if it weren’t for Mukuro’s reminder, we didn’t know that Feitougen had been attached to your son. If you really want to thank you, just Thank you Mukuro for going.”

Mukuro was startled, but he didn’t expect Maitreya to give credit to him.

But he didn’t care about this kind of thing at all.

He said lightly: “Don’t say so much, take a rest early, get up tomorrow and continue to look for the movement of Naraku and Shirato, I feel the spirit of the pill ball has changed again.”

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