Chapter 1185 Cook rat

After returning to this world from the intersection of Yin and Yang, Mukuro, Inuyasha and others continue their journey in the past.

The Sesumaru guy was used to going around alone, and of course he left immediately.

On this day, Mukuro, Inuyasha and others passed through a village as usual, and suddenly saw a piece of black pressing ahead, and the earth seemed to be blackened with ink. Because Mukuro and others fly in mid-air with aerial dance, they can even see those black things creeping and making sharp screams.

Mukuro’s eyes were better, he was the first to see the true identity of those black things.

At that moment, Mukuro’s scalp was numb and the goose bumps were about to explode.

Because all the rats wriggling in the front were all rats, and the rats could cover the ground completely, which shows how huge the number is. In the village occupied by rats, there are no traces of human or animal activities. Even Mukuro couldn’t feel any anger except the mouse.

Mukuro endured his numb scalp and said, “It’s amazing. I have lived for so long and it is the first time I have seen so many mice.”

Slowly, Inuyasha and others flew gradually, and could already see the mouse.

Their faces changed, and they were also shocked by the scene in front of them.

Inuyasha said in amazement, “Where are so many mice? Did those mice kill everyone? Damn it!”

Inuyasha was impulsive at 470, and rushed down as soon as he saw the mouse, smashing into the group of rats with a wind wound.

Coral yelled in panic, “Inuyasha! Stop! Don’t cut them!”

Unfortunately, although Coral’s call was timely, it was not as fast as Inuyasha’s movement, and the wind wound had been beaten out.

Mukuro is also very weird. It doesn’t matter if Coral doesn’t react much to the rats in front of her, why does she stop Inuyasha from killing the rats? Are those mice useful to her? But after seeing the result of Inuyasha’s attack, Mukuro finally understood why Coral wanted to stop Inuyasha, because such an attack was completely meaningless.

Inuyasha’s wind injury was indeed so powerful that those rats couldn’t bear it.

But the mice don’t have to bear it at all!

Under the attack of the wind wound, many of the attacked mice shattered their bodies, but their shattered bodies can quickly grow and become new individuals. In other words, even if the body is broken into bones, any piece of broken meat can become a new mouse. Inuyasha’s attack has not succeeded in killing the rats, but has made the number of rats even more alarming.

Inuyasha was taken aback and said, “Why is this? These are not ordinary mice? Are they rat monsters?”

Coral floated in mid-air and said solemnly: “This kind of rat was summoned by the cook rat. The cook rat is a rat demon carrying a cupboard. There are countless rats in the cupboard. The easiest way to get rid of these rats is to put the cupboard. Close or destroy, if you can’t find the cabinet, use herbs to expel them, but no suitable herbs can be found here.”

“In that case, I can only use this trick.”

Maitreya suddenly stood up, opened the wind cave, and absorbed all the rats.

At this moment, an old man walked over with a child, and he couldn’t help but change his color when he saw the situation in front of him, and the old man among them was sitting on the ground, trembling constantly. The child supported the old man, too scared to say a word, and there was a deep worry in their eyes.

They should be the villagers of this village.

When Maitreya absorbed all the rats, Mukuro slowly walked over and said, “Two people, what can I do for you?”

After some simple inquiry, Mukuro probably figured out the situation nearby.

It turned out that the old and the young were indeed from the village, and because they happened to be going out, they escaped. Except for them, everyone in the village has become the food in the stomach of the cook rat. In addition to them, all nearby villages also suffered, not even a single livelihood was found. Before coming back, they had some luck with their village, but…

Mukuro didn’t know how to comfort people, so he sighed and said, “Go elsewhere to make a living. Leave these rat monsters to us.”

Mukuro, Inuyasha and others left the old and the young, turned around and left.

After all, the travel of Mukuro and others is full of dangers. Even with Mukuro’s protection, they cannot bear the long journey, and it is not realistic to take them away. Anyway, the rat monsters over there have been cleared by Maitreya, and it doesn’t matter if they stay where they are.

Mukuro and others continued to fly forward, only to see more and more rats in front of them.

On a high mountain, the rats spread all over the mountains, almost gnawing the green hills into barren hills, and there is no trace of green plants on it. With such an astonishing number of rats, even if the coral sees it, the complexion changes greatly.

She said solemnly: “Generally speaking, as long as the cook rat reports his stomach, it will not continue to damage, and the number is not so large. Why does it become like this?”

“Don’t think about this kind of problem, of course Naraku’s people have caused it.”

Mukuro said lightly: “Find the cabinet first, and then you can know the answer as long as you find the cabinet.”

Mukuro and the others simply ignored the mice all over the mountains and continued to fly forward. After a while, they saw a wooden box in a clearing ahead, and a large number of mice were constantly burrowing out of the box. What puzzled Mukuro was that the box was no more than one meter high and less than one meter wide. I really don’t know why there are so many mice hiding in it.

When Inuyasha and others saw the cabinet, their eyes lit up.

Inuyasha quickly said, “Is it possible to make the mice disappear as long as the wooden box is destroyed?”

Coral nodded affirmatively and said, “Yes, those mice exist in this world, and it seems that they must rely on the cabinet.”

“That’s good.”

Inuyasha snorted coldly, and was about to rush up with his broken teeth.

But at this moment, a teenager dressed like coral appeared in front of the cabinet and opened his hand to stop Inuyasha.

With the body of a young man, of course, he couldn’t stop Inuyasha’s broken teeth, but after the boy appeared, Inuyasha had to stop his attack abruptly, because that boy was Coral’s younger brother, Kohaku.

After Amber appeared, Coral’s face changed drastically, and she couldn’t say a word.

Maitreya shook his head and sighed: “It really has something to do with Naraku. What should I do? Amber seems to want to prevent us from destroying the cabinet, Mukuro, should you try to subdue Amber?”

Mukuro said faintly: “How can it be so simple? Kohaku has been controlled by Naraku, and it depends on the four soul jade fragments on his body that he hangs himself. If I really do it, he will probably die instantly.”

Mukuro was really not alarmist, after all, even he could not stare at Kohaku all the time. If Kohaku was under Naraku’s control and picked up the fragments of the Four Soul Jade himself, who could save him? !

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