Chapter 1182 Naraku’s trick

“What happened?!”

I have to say that the miasma appeared so suddenly that Inuyasha and others were very surprised.

When the miasma was completely enveloped, the surrounding area was already out of sight, and it was impossible to see the situation with the naked eye. So even if they knew that the miasma must be related to Naraku, they couldn’t do anything about it. And although Mukuro can sense the opponent’s position with his breath, but because there is a lot of weak aura suddenly around him, it is like a sky full of stars.

So even he was helpless.

There is no doubt that those weak auras come from Naraku’s fiercest victory.

Mukuro said lightly: “Naraku, very smart, knows how to take action at this juncture, but what do you mean by doing this? Do you want to provoke me?”

Previously, Naraku dared not make a shot in front of Mukuro, so he took the initiative this time, which really surprised Mukuro.

Is the fragment of the jade of the four souls really so attractive?

Naraku said: “If I can, of course I don’t want to fight with you, but the last piece of the Four Souls Jade is very important to me. I am determined to get it. If it is a big deal, I will be killed by you once, and I will use my life in exchange for the Four Souls Jade. Fragments.”

“Oh?” Mukuro was a little surprised: “You would rather trade your life for the shards of the Four Souls Jade? If you die, what’s the point of getting the shards of the Four Souls Jade?”

Naraku seemed to have known Mukuro would ask this way, and said relaxedly: “Because you can’t kill me, don’t be afraid to tell you that after I separated my heart, I now have an immortal body, no one can kill me, even if I do. The person is you.”


Mukuro sneered disapprovingly, and suddenly let out a thunderous roar.

His long howl resounded through the sky, and the rising qi seemed to throw up a tornado in the original Earth Coiling, dispelling Naraku’s miasma. After the miasma dissipated, Naraku’s figure finally appeared in front of Mukuro and the others, but the fiercest victory summoned by him also disappeared, and even the fragments of the jade of the four souls were scraped away along with the fiercest victory.

In other words, the most fierce victory was just taking advantage of the chaos to grab the jade of the four souls.

They must know that once the jade of the four souls falls into Mukuro’s hands, they will be extremely difficult to snatch, so they seized the last chance to make a shot. However, the fragment of the jade of the four souls has been obtained, but Naraku is still not retreating. Mukuro really doesn’t know where his courage comes from. The immortality really makes him so sure?

At the same time, a tall figure flew from a distance, it was the figure of a man.

Mukuro didn’t need to see it with his own eyes, he knew that guy was Sessomaru with his breath.

At the same time when Sesumaru appeared, Inuyasha also greeted him with his broken teeth and said, “Mukuro, get out of here! Give Naraku to me!”

As soon as Inuyasha saw Naraku, he was furious, and the shot was wounded by the wind.

However, Naraku had been using the barrier to protect herself, and it was impossible for Naraku to be injured only by the power of Inuyasha’s wind injury. The wound of the wind slashed on Naraku’s enchantment, like a wooden knife slashed on steel.

Shisheng Maru flew forward and saw this scene, and sneered unceremoniously: “Inuyasha, do you only have this kind of ability? My father left the iron shattered teeth to you. It really was the wrong choice.”

With that said, he waved the fighting ghosts and directly shattered Naraku’s enchantment.

Naraku was taken aback and said, “Sasasomaru, when did you become so strong?”

Without a word, Shashengmaru waved Douguishen again to cut it down.


Although Naraku sent countless monsters to resist the fighting spirits of Sessomaru, in front of the sharp fighting spirits, those monsters were even more fragile than tofu and were instantly fragmented. The unfinished edge of the fighting spirit pierced Naraku’s body fiercely, and immediately split Naraku’s body to pieces, but it was very strange, and Naraku’s energy did not weaken by half.

In other words, the immortality in his mouth does not seem to be all fake.

However, in the Dragon Ball world, Mukuro has even seen Zamas’s true immortality, so what is a body of Naraku’s level?

Mukuro said lightly: “Naraku, your immortality is indeed pretty good, but don’t you feel it’s shameful?”

“What do you mean?” Naraku was taken aback for a moment.

Mukuro pointed to the fighting spirit god in the hands of Sesei Maru and said: “You once separated a clone called Wuxin Gui. The fighting ghost in Sesei Maru’s hand is made from the teeth of Wuxin ghost. It is defeated by a weapon made by the teeth of your own clone, no matter what. It doesn’t look like an honorable thing at all.”

Naraku’s face quickly became gloomy, and her mood was obviously very bad…

After a pause, Mukuro turned around and said to Inuyasha, “Inuyasha, hurry up and absorb the power of Baoxiangui. Baoxiangui lost the power of the jade of the four souls, and was beaten by me again. It will not last long. If so. If you don’t quickly absorb his power, there will be no chance again. Thinking about your current strength, you don’t want to be pulled further and further by Naraku, right?”

The treasure fairy on the ground also sighed: “It was my fault. If I gave you the fragments of the jade of the four souls from the beginning, things would not become like this. I can’t help you get the fragments of the jade of the four souls. Get it back, let me help you improve your strength. Inuyasha, hurry up and absorb my demon power.”

Inuyasha did not hesitate, and directly pierced the iron shattered tooth on Bao Xiangui’s body.

Although Bao Xiangui had no flesh and blood, when Inuyasha’s broken iron teeth touched his Mukuro bone, he still seemed to suffer a lot of damage, and his demon power quickly gathered towards the broken iron teeth, causing the broken iron teeth to gradually take shape.

After absorbing the power of Baoxiangui, the surface of the broken teeth became water chestnuts, like diamonds.

Inuyasha said in astonishment: “This is…”

As he died, Bao Xiangui said weakly: “Inuyasha, attack, and kill Naraku. Your iron and broken teeth have absorbed my tricks, so let’s name the King Kong Spear Break.”

Inuyasha didn’t speak, and seemed to be uncomfortable with the newly added strength of Iron Shattered Teeth.


He tried to play Baoxiangui’s tricks, only to see countless diamond spears flying towards Naraku like a rain of arrows, and instantly shattered Naraku’s body. Naraku ate the Shisheng Wan with a single knife, and was already seriously injured. After taking the King Kong gun again, it was horrible, and there was no complete piece of meat on his body.

Maitreya said, “Is this the new trick of Iron Smashing Teeth? It’s so powerful, but even though Naraku has been crushed to pieces, the demon power he exudes hasn’t diminished in the slightest. Why is it so.”

Kagura said in a deep voice: “Nairo did not deceive anyone. He transferred his heart to Chizi. There is no way to kill Chizi without killing Chizi. But Chizi is not in this world.”

Naraku’s body quickly recovered, and at the same time smiled proudly: “Look, even Mukuro can’t help it in front of such an immortal body.”

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