Chapter 1170 Baoxiangui

“Bao Xiangui?!”

Inuyasha was taken aback and said, “I’ve heard of that monster. It seems to be a big monster of the same age as my father. The black pearls my father left me should have been obtained from him. But he would easily take such precious things. Is it for us? Even if it is a treasure fairy, it should not be easy to make such a pearl.”

It’s not that Inuyasha’s concerns are unreasonable, Bao Xiangui is also a big monster, if he starts his hands, it won’t be so easy to solve.

You know, although both big monsters and ordinary monsters are monsters, they exist at two completely different levels.

At the time Inuyasha fought the Dragon Bone Spirit, even if the Dragon Bone Spirit was sealed for many years, and the strength was not as good as before, he had to beat the Dragon Bone Spirit with blasting to win by surprise. If it is the keel spirit in its heyday, even if there is a burst, it may not be able to win. But Bao Xiangui was a real monster, and it was not easy to defeat him.

Besides, what Inuyasha wanted was Bao Xiangui’s pearl, even if he defeated him, he would not necessarily cooperate.

Inuyasha can’t kill him, right?

Mukuro said lightly: “No matter whether it is easy or not, you can ask Bao Xiangui, maybe he will look at your father’s face back then and give you a precious 543 pearl as an exception. Of course, it is best to do everything well. For the worst, if Baoxiangui really doesn’t cooperate, a fierce battle may really be inevitable.”

Baoxiangui is a monster that specializes in producing gems, and there is not much dispute with other monsters, so basically no one is against him.

Since there is no enemy, it is of course not difficult to know his position.

Mukuro and Inuyasha searched for a few days, and found Bao Xiangui without too much effort.

On the shore of a lake, Inuyasha shouted loudly: “Treasure Immortal Ghost!”

Inuyasha’s voice spread over the calm lake, and it could be heard clearly for at least a kilometer, but if Inuyasha shouted a few times, the lake was still very calm, and there was no sound of birds and insects.

After shouting several times in a row, Inuyasha couldn’t help but feel a little skeptical.

He asked, “Does Baoxiangui really live in this place?”

Mukuro said lightly, “If you live here, you will know if you try it.”

Inuyasha, Maitreya, Coral and others all looked over curiously, where they could understand the meaning of Mukuro. After all, no matter how you think about this kind of thing, you can’t think of a way to try it.

Mukuro smiled faintly, there is a way to try, but the explanation is too troublesome, it is better to directly implement the action.

He presses into the water with his right hand, and then uses the Shocking Palm of the World.

In an instant, arcs jumped up on the lake, and fish floated up to the water with their white belly turned over. At the same time as the fish and shrimps were all on the surface, there was a scream at the bottom of the lake, and at the same time a wave of water rolled.

After a while, a monster with antlers, white clothes, hiding in a shell emerged from the water. It should be the treasure fairy ghost that Inuyasha and Mukuro were looking for.

But what Mukuro didn’t understand was that although this guy’s anger was not weak, it was actually much weaker compared to the big monster like Dragon Bone Spirit. To some extent, he can’t even compare with Inuyasha. A big monster wouldn’t be reduced to this point, right? And his appearance looks very young, and he doesn’t seem to exist in the same era as Inuyasha’s father.

Bao Xiangui complained: “Who is discharging in the lake?”

Inuyasha and Maitreya pointed to Mukuro at the same time and backed away.

Mukuro froze for a moment, almost irritated by them.

He discharges in the lake only to attract the treasure fairy out, but in essence it is for Inuyasha and the others. In the end, these guys turned around and sold Mukuro. Fortunately, relying on his own strength, Mukuro is not afraid of Baoxiangui at all.

Mukuro said lightly: “You are a treasure fairy? We told you to have no response for a long time, so we had to use this method to force you out. Actually, we are here today to borrow a pearl that can lead to the underworld. You Back then, I gave one to the King of Tooth. Just give us another one.”

After a moment of silence, Bao Xiangui said, “It’s a pity that I can’t do it.”

Maitreya sighed and said, “Mukuro, you are too messy, how can you ask someone to help like this? I won’t agree to change me.”

Coral persuaded: “Mukuro, do you want to apologize?”

“Dare he?” Mukuro glared, ready to grab it.

At this moment, Bao Xiangui shook his head quickly and said, “No, no, don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t want to give you pearls, but that I don’t have them in my hands. It was my father who gave the Tooth King pearls before, not me. My father used up all his gems before he died. If you really want it, I can make them for you now.”

Seeing Baoxiangui so talkative, Maitreya, Shanhu and others all breathed a sigh of relief.

Mukuro was not surprised at all. If Baoxiangui didn’t even have this kind of restraint, he would have died long ago in the disputed monster world.

However, Baoxiangui’s easy talk does not seem to mean that things are so easy to solve.

He asked: “Bao Xiangui, how long will it take you to make new gems?”

Bao Xiangui replied without thinking: “This kind of orb used to open the channel between the two worlds is more laborious, probably for a hundred years.”

Maitreya, Inuyasha, Shanhu and others were suddenly defeated and lost their temper.

They are not monsters and do not have such a long life span. Even if it did, I didn’t know how strong Naraku could be made for a hundred years.

Maitreya Avenue: “It seems that the road of Baoxiangui will not work, but are you not curious? Since going to the underworld is such a difficult thing, why can the fragment of the jade of four souls run over?”

Maitreya’s words can be said to awaken the dreamer with a single word, leaving Inuyasha and others speechless.

At this moment, the god descended from the sky: “Do you also want to go to the underworld? I can tell you the method.”

I have to say that Shenwu’s emergence is abrupt, because he has only anger and no demon power, so Inuyasha and others were taken aback by her appearance, except for Mukuro.

Kagura warned, “Shenwu, why do you tell us this kind of thing?”

Shanhu reminded: “Don’t believe her, Naraku must have let her over, and Naraku must want to use us.”

Of course Mukuro knew Naraku’s purpose, and said calmly: “It’s nothing more than going to the intersection of the sun and the underworld is very dangerous. Naraku is afraid that his life will be lost, so he let us be a pathfinder.”

After a pause, Mukuro said to Shenwu: “Lead us the way, how can we go to the intersection of the underworld and the sun?”

God expressionlessly said: “Nara did not tell me, he just said that there is a way to go, and let me tell you, but you have to find the specific method yourself.”

After speaking, God wanted to leave without turning around.

“Stop!” Inuyasha said suddenly, “Are you also Naraku’s clone? Don’t even think about leaving when you come.”

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