Chapter 1168 The purpose of the child

Mukuro was a little surprised, but he didn’t expect that the babies that Naraku had differentiated would know what he thought.

You know, even Naraku knows that Mukuro will not directly kill him. As for the reason why Mukuro did this, Mukuro never told Naraku. Chizi can know this, maybe he has better understanding of the human mind than Naraku, this kind of experience of being insight into his own thoughts by others is really not very good.

Of course, even if Nako knew what he thought, Mukuro was still unscrupulous.

Who makes Chizi impossible to beat him anyway.

Mukuro said lightly: “I won’t kill you, but I won’t allow you to hurt Ari and the others. The way to make you immortal but make you painful, I have, do you want to try it?”

While talking, Mukuro had already thought of Turtle Immortal’s World Shocking Palm.

With his current strength, it is not difficult to replicate the Immortal Turtle’s World Shocking Palm, and it is also very simple to control the power.

It seems to be a good choice to do an experiment with Chizi.

Across the curtain, Mukuro couldn’t see Chiko’s expression, but Chiko immediately admitted.

He said through the woman: “I won’t hurt Ali, I just want to use her ability. After Kikyo’s whereabouts are unknown, she is the only one who can see the 16 jade fragments of the Four Souls. Even if I just want to borrow her. Ability, can’t it?”

At the end of the story, Chizi was almost pleading.

But even so, Mukuro has no reason to hand Ari to him.

Mukuro said calmly: “Do you think I will agree? You can find the fragments of the jade of the four souls by your own ability, don’t hit Ari’s idea.”

“You said that, what else can I do?” Chizi suddenly ordered through the woman: “Kill the two people outside!”

After a pause, Chizi said with a sneer: “Those people outside are ordinary people, do you have the heart to kill ordinary humans? But if you don’t kill those humans, Maitreya and coral will be in danger sooner or later. Anyway, you won’t kill me. I’ll gamble with you.”

Chiko looks very confident. Mukuro had thought that his understanding of the human heart was far above Naraku, which was obviously not an illusion.

As long as Maitreya and Shanhu insist on not harming ordinary people, they will always be exhausted or negligent. As Chi Zi said, then it will be the time when Coral and Maitreya lose. If Mukuro still insists not to kill him, it seems that there is really no good way to stop this. Of course, this is just wishful thinking.

While expressing disdain for Chizi’s thoughts, Mukuro was somewhat surprised.

Because this fellow Chizi dare to stake his life, this courage is not something everyone can have.

Mukuro said lightly: “It seems that you don’t show any strength. You really think I’m a bully. As I said earlier, even if I don’t kill people, I still have ways to solve the problem, such as this.”

Mukuro exploded suddenly, a white arrogance appeared on the surface of his body, and a wave of air spread.

The curtain behind him was suddenly torn apart by the impact of the air wave, and the ordinary people outside were shocked, and he passed out in a coma instantly.

Even Coral and Maitreya had some somersaults, very embarrassed.

Maitreya couldn’t help complaining: “Mukuro, don’t you make such a big noise suddenly? If you can’t control your power, even us will be in bad luck.”

Shanhu said with great approval: “You don’t know how big the gap between you and ordinary people is. What if an ordinary person is shaken to death by you?”

Mukuro said relaxedly: “Don’t worry, I still have this little control.”

Inside the palace, the surrounding furnishings were already in a mess, and Na Zi was as embarrassed as the woman holding him.

The monk who led the way for Mukuro and others also followed, but he fell to the ground and died.

Ari said awkwardly, “Mukuro, didn’t you say that you can control your power?”

Mukuro said indifferently without even knowing his head, “The old monk was originally a half-dead person. There is no way to save it. Otherwise, even the villagers outside can’t die. Can he die?”

Mukuro is basically certain that, in fact, the old monk has been controlled by God.

In the original “Inuyasha”, the old monk should be controlled by Kagura’s corpse dance, but Kagura’s rebellion, of course, this task can only be given to Kagura.

God did not take away the soul of the old monk and controlled him, so the old monk was just a walking dead from the beginning.

After Mukuro exploded, Chiko’s face changed obviously and became very pale.

He was horrified: “What a powerful force, no wonder Naraku is so afraid of you.”

“Are you afraid it’s a bit early now?” Mukuro said coldly, “What I said earlier, even if I don’t kill you, I have the ability to make you feel that you can’t survive or die.”

Mukuro fainted the woman holding Nako, then flew into space with Nako, disappearing to the ground in the blink of an eye.

As they moved further and further away from the ground, Chizi’s expression looked more and more frightened.

He hurriedly said: “What do you want to do? Where are you taking me?”

In this era of Sengoku, even the monsters cannot know the situation in the sky. The last time Inuyasha did not fly up with the air dance technique is the best proof. In other words, the heavenly world is completely unknown to them. It’s strange that Mukuro is not afraid to take Nako to such a place.

Even people who know the situation outside the universe, if they don’t know how to return, it is estimated that 463 is too scared.

Mukuro said lightly: “This kind of thing is obvious? Don’t you be curious about what is outside the blue sky? I will show you a new world, and you should thank me.”

Slowly, Mukuro took his baby to an altitude of more than 10,000 meters. The earth has become blurred, and the air has become thinner and thinner.

Chizi’s strength is not very good, and he has already begun to suffer from breathing problems.

Mukuro said: “Inuyasha once came to this place, but in the end he passed out because of his lack of strength. Would you like to try the feeling of suffocation and coma? If you don’t want to, maybe I can let you feel the changes in your body under the vacuum. .”

As the ground got farther and farther away from them, the air became thinner, and the temperature dropped sharply, making Chi Zi’s whole body tremble.

Of course, it is impossible for Mukuro to really take the child out of the earth, otherwise his body would definitely not be able to bear it. If he died in outer space, things would not be fun.

Mukuro felt that the height was about the same, so he suddenly let go of his hand, letting his boy fall to the ground and said, “Experience the feeling of bungee jumping. Throughout the ages, no one has ever played bungee jumping at this height. It should be very exciting.”

The moment Mukuro let go, Nako fell like a falling stone, screaming in horror.

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