Chapter 1166 Frustrated

Sesei Maru failed to pursue Naraku, and turned away without saying a word.

Of course Mukuro had known his weird temper a long time ago, but still couldn’t help but complain.

This guy shows his mood a little bit on his face, can he die? People like him appear in the story, and they may be liked by many people because of their handsome appearance and peculiar personality, but Mukuro and him are really weird and weird. Mukuro even wanted to be fat to beat him or Xiaoling to see if he would run away because of it.

Of course, think about this kind of idea, he won’t really make it.

After Sessumaru left, Inuyasha knelt on his knees and hit the ground with a fist, smashing a hole in the ground two or three times bigger than a fist.

The sharp rock pierced his palm, and blood gradually flowed out.

But Inuyasha seemed to feel no pain.

He gritted his teeth and said: “Why? Why did Naraku’s strength become so much stronger? Just one transformation can make him make rapid progress?”

“Inuyasha, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Naraku is a very special existence. His body is made up of the essence of countless monsters. It is not surprising that ordinary monsters can’t beat him.” Maitreya sighed secretly.

Coral comforted Inuyasha and said, “Don’t be too depressed, isn’t there another Mukuro here? Mukuro promised that when Naraku’s transformation is successful, when he and Naraku are in a decisive battle, no matter how powerful Naraku is, he will never escape death. .”

“But I want to kill Naraku myself!” Inuyasha hit another punch!

Mukuro never spoke, because he was also a long-time man, and he could fully understand Inuyasha’s mood. In this situation, comforting Inuyasha would have no effect at all.

Inuyasha watched Naraku and defeated Kikyo in front of him, causing Kikyo’s life and death to be unclear. It is estimated that this is the time Inuyasha hates his lack of ability the most in his life. In this case, only time can ease his pain, or Naraku was killed by his own hands, not the comfort of others.

Mukuro said indifferently, “Miracle, Coral, don’t be nosy, let Inuyasha be alone. The more you comfort him, the more he blames himself. Although, Inuyasha’s way of venting is in I look very stupid.”

Even if Mukuro said so, Inuyasha remained indifferent.

Maitreya and Shanhu had no choice but to leave temporarily.

Behind a rock not far away, Maitreya leaned against the rock and said, “Don’t you think it’s weird?”

“What?” Coral stunned.

“It’s really weird.” Mukuro nodded slightly: “It is rare that you can see that according to Inuyasha and Ari’s words, Naraku suddenly attacked Kikyo from inside Lingshan. Since it was a sneak attack, why didn’t he choose Inuyasha or Sasomawan? Do you choose Kikyo? Relatively speaking, Kikyo is far less threatening to him than the Inuyasha brothers.”

“You can see it too?” Maitreya pondered: “This is what I don’t understand.”

Mukuro said calmly: “It’s nothing, just because Naraku likes Kikyo. Remember the previous Wushuang? That part belongs to the ghost spider and loves Kikyo very much. As long as that part is still in Naraku’s body, Naraku can’t kill Kikyo. Dead. So the attack on Kikyo just now was actually to prove that you have gotten rid of the control of the ghost spider.”

“You mean, Naraku divided the part that belongs to the ghost spider again?” Maitreya’s face changed slightly.

“Could it be the sphere just now?” Coral said suddenly, “When Mukuro led us out of Lingshan, I saw a group of the most fierce victors flying away with an enchantment. Is that the part that was divided? But , The barrier is very small, it’s impossible to hide a person in, right?”

Mukuro remembers that in the original “Inuyasha”, Naraku was only a baby, who was taken by Kagura to escape.

It may be that Kagura rebelled with Mukuro’s help, and Naraku had to let the most fierce victory take the baby away.

That baby was called Chizi, and it was Naraku’s heart, who had the ability to understand people’s hearts.

Since it is a baby, of course there is no problem hiding in a small barrier.

“I heard what you said.”

At this moment, Inuyasha walked over and said, “I don’t want to care about Naraku’s affairs, Mukuro, didn’t you say that Kikyo is not dead? Take me to find Kikyo immediately. If it is you, you can definitely feel Kikyo’s anger and know her. Location.”

“This is not the attitude of asking for help?”

Mukuro waved his hand helplessly and said, “Forget it, since we have known each other for a long time, I don’t care about you. I can only tell you this way, although Kikyo will not die because of Naraku’s miasma, but It’s definitely not easy. Her anger has dropped to the lowest point, struggling on the line of life and death, even I can’t find it.”

Mukuro senses qi and requires qi to have a certain strength. The stronger the qi, the easier it is to find out.

Because the powerful qi is like a bright moon in the night sky among all beings.

But the weak qi is like a firefly next to the sun. Who can find him?

Seeing Inuyasha’s disappointment, Mukuro added: “Although there is no way to sense Kikyo’s anger, it is not particularly difficult to know his location. Just follow Naraku’s miasma and find Kikyo sooner or later.”

“Then let’s act quickly!”

Inuyasha had just hammered the ground to vent his dissatisfaction, and his right fist was seriously injured.

But after Mukuro gave him directions, he couldn’t even take care of his wounds and chased him directly along Naraku’s miasma.

Kikyo seems to be really important to Inuyasha.

Mukuro didn’t say much, and directly followed in the footsteps of Inuyasha with Kagura, Coral and others.

They rushed on the road for a few days, and gradually saw a village ahead. Mukuro hasn’t eaten and sleep well for several days. Although his strength has reached his level, not sleeping for a few days has little effect, but the big appetite brought by Saiyan’s body makes him quite uncomfortable.

He landed outside the village and said, “Inuyasha, stop for a while. It’s not a way to chase it all the way. It’s better to ask people on the roadside, maybe there may be any clues.”

Inuyasha chased for a few days and was exhausted.

He nodded helplessly and said, “I have to do this.”

However, when Mukuro and others walked into the village, they realized that the situation was far worse than expected, because they couldn’t see any living people in the village. There was only one skeleton on the ground, which seemed to be left by people who had died a long time ago. However, the clothes worn on Mukuro’s bones are still very new, and there are still traces of human activity around.

In other words, these people were suddenly killed by others, and it was too late to resist.

The guy who killed them directly turned them into Mukuro bones. This method was clearly done by the monsters.

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