Chapter 1161 Enchantment gap

Lingshan was surrounded by the enchantment of the white heart, and the whole body was almost white. The dense white mist made Lingshan look like a fairyland.

Mukuro’s qigong wave exploded in the barrier, and the bright golden light spread in it, suddenly making the white Lingshan seem to be shining through the sun. The dense white mist rolled due to the attack of the qigong wave, drowning the bones. Even the whole Lingshan trembled violently because of Mukuro’s attack, and a big hole appeared in the enchantment of Lingshan.

Through the hole, you can clearly feel Naraku’s breath emanating. When Maitreya, Inuyasha and others felt Naraku’s breath, their expressions changed drastically.

Maitreya was shocked and said, “Nairo is hiding in Lingshan. Mukuro is right.”

Coral groaned: “If Naraku is hiding inside, there must be areas in the Spirit Mountain that cannot be covered by the cleansing power, otherwise even Naraku will be purified. In this way, Naraku cannot move casually. The world can also become a cage that binds Naraku. If we find Naraku now, wouldn’t it be impossible for Naraku to escape.”

Mukuro nodded lightly and couldn’t help but cast an appreciative look.

Coral’s speculation is indeed very reasonable. If they can find Naraku in front of him, the current Naraku is a turtle in the urn.

But how can I find Naraku in front of him?

For Shanhu, Maitreya and others, it is obviously not a problem that can be solved easily.

Slowly, the destroyed enchantment was replenished with spiritual power and repaired by itself, and Naraku’s demon power disappeared.

Mukuro said lightly: “Naraku is now trapped by the enchantment of Sweetheart White. If you want to kill him, you must slowly figure out your own way. I will not help you.”

“I knew you would be in a club like this a long time ago.”

Maitreya was not surprised at all, and said calmly: “Then follow the original plan, coral and I will enter Lingshan, Mukuro will follow to protect us, as long as you ensure our safety. Inuyasha and Kagura will stay outside Lingshan to protect themselves. And Ari. As for Sasangomaru and Doraji, do whatever you like.”

Maitreya probably knew that he had ordered Doraji and Sashengwan not to move, so he simply ignored them.

After the plan was drawn up, they moved quickly and broke into Lingshan with Mukuro. When entering Lingshan, because the barrier of the white heart had been restored, Mukuro had to destroy the barrier again.

After walking into the barrier with Maitreya and Coral, Mukuro suddenly found that Naraku’s qi suddenly became stronger. It seemed that a major change or breakthrough occurred during the transformation. For Maitreya and Coral, this is certainly not good news, but Mukuro did not tell them. As Mukuro said at the beginning, he does not want Maitreya and Coral to become wastes that only rely on themselves.

After breaking into Lingshan, a man with a fierce face and metal claws appeared in front of Maitreya and Shanhu.

Beside him, followed by a round and ugly short.

If Mukuro remembers correctly, that man with a terrifying face should be called Sleeping Bones, a man with a dual personality, the master is a good-natured doctor, and the negative personality is the current fierce and evil guy. Of course, because of the weakness of the master personality, his sub-personality gradually has a tendency to replace the master personality.

As for the sleek and ugly dwarf, of course it is the fog bone that makes good use of poison in the seven-man team.

Wu Bone’s eyes lit up after seeing the coral: “What a beautiful girl, why did you come to such a place? A beautiful girl like you should be protected. How can you come to such a dangerous place?”

Coral turned his head and looked at Mukuro with a smile.

Mukuro gave a light cough, pretending that he didn’t understand the coral.

And there is Mukuro here. As long as Mukuro doesn’t want the coral to be injured, who can treat the coral? Even if the emperor Laozi is here, it won’t work!

So saying that corals are in danger is simply nonsense.

Mukuro said lightly: “Don’t talk so much nonsense with that dwarf. Naraku has been in the process of transformation. The Sevens are just a tool used by him, because only the Sevens can fight us in the enchantment of the White Heart. You guys. The longer you drag here, the more perfect Naraku will become and the stronger will be.”

“Mukuro, don’t you want Naraku to transform to the perfect state and then defeat him?” Maitreya asked curiously, “In that case, why do you want to remind us?”

“Because I know you want to kill him.” Mukuro said lightly: “As for whether Naraku will transform and succeed in the end, it depends on Naraku’s own luck. You can do your best to stop it.”

“You have too much nonsense!”

At this moment, the sleeping bone rushed up and grabbed Maitreya with a claw. The sharp claw seemed to be able to tear Maitreya into pieces.


Maitreya used a rod to block the paws of the sleeping bones and made a harsh collision sound. Sleeping bones are indeed very powerful. Even if Maitreya uses a rod to block it, he can still force Maitreya back with absolute power, leaving obvious scratches on the ground.

Lost in strength, Maitreya’s defeat is only a matter of time.

Unless he desperately uses the wind cave.

But there was Naraku’s fiercest victory flying around, and the wind cave obviously couldn’t be used casually.

During the battle between Sleeping bones and Maitreya, Fogbone used his poisonous mist, which spread in the air and spread to corals and Maitreya. Even Mukuro was within their attack range.

Of course, this level of poisonous fog can’t really do Mukuro.

Mukuro said lightly: “It’s weird. It is indeed very troublesome for the seven-man team to unite. How did they get killed back then? Even with thousands of troops, it is difficult to break through the poisonous fog attack of the fog bones, right? Is the ability to be thoroughly studied and deliberately targeted?”


Coral said disapprovingly, “Isn’t it all right if you don’t breathe this kind of thing into your stomach?”

Coral put on a gas mask and asked Mukuro if he needed it, but Mukuro refused.

Mukuro said lightly: “Coral, that Fog Bone is also a member of the Sevens. You have already seen the strength of the other members of the Sevens. If Fog Bone can become their teammate, of course it will not be worse. If you Thinking that the gas mask can block his poison, that would be a big mistake.”

“Yes, I didn’t expect that after so many years, there will still be people who know the goods.”

Wu Gu said triumphantly: “My poison is different from others. The poison I use can be absorbed through the skin, so the gas mask is useless to me.”

“Then what to do?”

Shan Shan’s face changed greatly and said: “If his poison is so powerful, Maitreya and I can’t deal with it at all, Mukuro, are you really going to make a move?”

Mukuro really doesn’t want to make a move, but since things have evolved to this point, he won’t even want to make a move. After all, he promised to protect Maitreya and Coral’s safety.

If the two Maitreya were poisoned, wouldn’t it be tantamount to slap them?

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