Chapter 1158 Win without fighting

Mangu was in front of Mukuro, stunned in shock, as if he had been used to hold his body.

His great elder is still on top of Mukuro’s head, but it has no initial power. At this time, it is like a small wooden stick on top of Mukuro’s head. Where did Man Gu have seen such a strong head?

Mukuro said lightly: “Man bone, you have two more tricks you can use.”

The savage bone seemed to be awakened by Mukuro, and couldn’t help muttering to himself: “What a sturdy head, why is it like this? Why can a person’s body go head-to-head with my big snoring?”

“Because your level severely limits your insight.”

Mukuro said lightly: “The area where I stand is something you can’t look up to in your entire life. Don’t talk about gossip, and strike out your last two moves.”

The muscles on Man Gu’s face were convulsing and his expression became hideous.

Looking at his expression, I know that he must have realized the huge gap between himself and Mukuro, but he has the current strength at the age of seventeen, and it can be seen that he is also a 16th genius. Genius, there is no one who is not conceited. When he meets Mukuro whose strength can easily crush him, he can imagine how he feels.

He deceived himself and roared: “Don’t fool me, I know you must have used strange tricks to block my big scorpion, the same trick won’t work a second time!”

The savage bone leaped high, at least three or four meters above the ground, and then slashed towards Mukuro with the force of the fall.

Mukuro suddenly felt distorted.

In the eyes of ordinary people, a person jumping three or four meters high is already very powerful, and the barbarous bone can jump so high while holding the big scorpion. It does have his own advantages. But in the eyes of Mukuro, who is always going up into the sky, this level is simply the ants showing off their power in front of the dinosaurs.

Mukuro still had no interest in avoiding, and let the wild bones attack.

Inuyasha said, “Don’t waste your energy. If Mukuro is so easy to deal with, Naraku will not let you meet him and run quickly. He is not an opponent you can deal with. And he is a real human, even with a sweetheart. He won’t be affected in his enchantment, and the current situation is absolutely beneficial to him.”

Maitreya interrupted and said, “Inuyasha, does it really make you so angry that you can’t solve Mangu by yourself?”

“It’s so noisy!” Inuyasha exasperated and said angrily: “If it wasn’t for the sweetheart’s old miscellaneous hairy, I would have torn the savage bones to pieces!”


Between the lightning and flint, the savage bone slashed on Mukuro’s body again, and the result was the same as the last time, Mukuro was unharmed.

Mukuro said lightly, “Mangu, can you see what tricks I used this time?”

“I can’t see it this time, but I will definitely see it next time!” Man Gu was still not convinced.

He first backed up, then let the big 鉾 in his hand spin at a high speed, and then slashed towards Mukuro with the power of the spin.

The result was of course the same as last time. Mukuro’s body was like cast steel, and it was impossible for him to be injured by such an attack.

After three consecutive attacks by Savage Bone without any success, Mukuro really didn’t feel in the mood to continue playing with him.

Mukuro pointed at Barbone’s forehead and flew him out and said, “Let’s stop here, I already know your current power limit. To be honest, you are even weaker than Inuyasha. Go back and get a few more. The fragments of the soul jade will increase your strength, and you can compete with me again. You should be able to play with me well when the time comes.”

Yes, Mangu was never an opponent to deal with in Mukuro’s eyes, he was only worthy to be a recreational object for Mukuro.

So Mukuro didn’t use much force with the finger that knocked him off.

After being knocked into the air, the wild bones just fell to the ground, and there was an extra bone wound on his forehead.

This guy was very hard-hearted, even if he was confronted by Mukuro’s attack, he immediately stood up.

He gritted his teeth and said: “Damn, how did you practice?”

“Your question is wrong.” Maitreya walked up slowly and said: “He is also teaching us to use his power, but I don’t know why, our strength is not comparable to him, maybe this is the so-called personal talent. . And when he is in danger, he can turn into blond hair and burst out with dozens of times more powerful strength, which we cannot learn.”

After a pause, Maitreya turned around and said to Mukuro: “Mukuro, this guy has been defeated by you, what are you going to do with him?”

Mukuro didn’t answer immediately, even surprised.

Because Maitreya did not urge Mukuro to kill Mangu, nor did he ask Mukuro to leave him to Inuyasha, indicating that he knew Mukuro enough.

He knew that Mukuro wouldn’t necessarily kill Savage Bone.

Mukuro said calmly: “Let him go, I want to see how strong he will be when he gets enough pieces of the Four Soul Jade. If he still disappoints me by then, it will not be too late to kill him.”

Inuyasha carried his broken teeth and said, “Really? If you let him go now, maybe the next time you beat him, it’s not you, but me.”

“Does it really matter who it is? As long as he can entertain me.” Mukuro didn’t care at all.

As Mukuro spoke lightly, Man Gu’s face became more and more ugly.

He walked away from the island step by step and said: “You will regret the shame you suffered today, and I will pay back the profits in the future, and you will definitely pay the price for today’s arrogance!”

The mist on the island was very dense, the wild bones drifted away, and the figure quickly disappeared in front of Mukuro and the others.

Maitreya walked to the temple 477 on the island and said: “I’m going to meet the white hearted man and figure out why he wants to help Naraku. The enchantment he set up can eliminate the demon power of Inuyasha. Such a powerful monk shouldn’t You can get along with Naraku.”

From Maitreya’s tone, Mukuro could hear that he had some respect for his sweetheart.

But when he saw the real sweetheart, he would be disappointed.

And on this small island, he couldn’t really see Sweetheart White.

Mukuro said lightly: “You don’t need to waste your energy, the physical Buddha of the sweetheart is not here.”

Even so, Mukuro still walked into the temple with Maitreya and Ari. After all, they would not believe it if they were not allowed to see it with their own eyes.

After entering the temple, Mukuro saw at a glance that there was nothing on the table on which the White Heart Buddha’s body Buddha was placed, only a Buddhist artifact used by the monk fell on the ground. That magic weapon exudes very holy power, spreading in all directions of the island, obviously it is the source of power of the barrier on the island, and it is also the “culprit” that suppressed Inuyasha’s wind injury just now.

Mukuro said lightly, “As long as you destroy this thing, the island can be restored to its original state, so consider whether you want to do that.”

“Why is the sweetheart white to help the monster?” The kid who brought Mukuro and others to the island bowed his head, very disappointed.

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