Chapter 1129 Dragon Bone Spirit

As he set off, Mukuro looked back at Totosai curiously.

“Daodaosai, do you want to go there together?!” Mukuro asked, “Your flame temperature is quite high, and it should be able to do some damage to the Dragon Bone Spirit. If you help, Inuyasha’s battle will definitely be easier. You know, too. , That is an opponent that even Inuyasha’s father can only seal, but can’t kill. With the current Inuyasha, it is indeed reluctant.”

“Hey! Didn’t you suggest that I kill the dragon bone spirit? Why do you look down on me?!” Inuyasha protested loudly.

Mukuro ignored Inuyasha and just stared at Totosai.

As for Maitreya, Shanhu, Kagura and others, they will definitely go.

Dao Dao Zhai shook his head vigorously, and refused without hesitation: “Don’t go! I don’t want to die yet!! If you want to die, go by yourself.”

“Forget it.”

Mukuro didn’t force Daotozai, and immediately moved away with Coral and others.

Mukuro led Inuyasha and others, and instantly moved to the front of the Dragonbone Spirit, with a cliff at his feet. If Mukuro moved forward a little bit, he would lose his footing.

On the other side of the cliff, a huge monster was carved like a stone, connected to the cliff, with a huge canine tooth in the throat. His appearance is very similar to Dongfanglong, but there is an extra face on his head, and his body is much fatter, and his appearance has become a lot more hideous.

Mukuro pointed to the guy and said, “Inuyasha, that guy is the opponent you want to deal with. He fought with your father and was defeated by your father. He was sealed here with his teeth. After the war, your father was also injured because of his injuries. You should be clear about what it means to be overweight and some other reasons, and eventually die.”

You know, Inuyasha’s father was one of the best monsters in the past, and he was called the dog Admiral, which shows his strength.

The two sons he gave birth to have very strong strength, which is enough to show how strong the blood of the dog Admiral is.

But even so, he was still seriously injured and killed after the battle with the Dragon Bone Spirit, which is enough to explain the terrible Dragon Bone Spirit.

Inuyasha nodded heavily and said, “I understand, but in order to prove that I have surpassed my father, I must defeat him! Tell me, how do I fight?”

“The easiest way is definitely to pierce his heart with iron teeth while he is still being sealed, but…” Mukuro looked up at the sealed dragon bone spirit and said, “I’m afraid things are not that simple.”

Right above the sealed dragon bone spirit, Naraku in white ape skin suddenly appeared. He greeted this Inuyasha and said, “Inuyasha, we meet again.”

As soon as Inuyasha saw him, he became furious and said, “Nara! What are you doing here?!”

Naraku chuckled and did not answer, but squatted down, pressing her right hand on the canine teeth of the Sealed Dragon Bone Essence. As his miasma slowly spread and eroded, the canine teeth turned out to be like a mud cow falling into the water, quickly dissolving. As the canine teeth dissolve, the qi of the dragon bone essence expands rapidly, and the body that was almost petrified becomes full of vitality.

Naraku smiled and said, “Inuyasha, enjoy the gift I gave you.” As soon as the voice fell, Naraku’s figure disappeared quickly, apparently another puppet.

After the Dragon Bone Spirit awoke, he stared at Inuyasha with wide eyes, and recognized the broken teeth at a glance.

He looked very excited, exuding a powerful demon spirit, and said: “Isn’t that the iron shattered teeth of King Tooth?! Why is it in your hands? Who are you from King Tooth?”

Mukuro said faintly: “He is the son of the Tooth King, his name is Inuyasha. During the time you were sealed, the Tooth King has passed away. If you want to avenge the Fight Tooth King, you must either go to the underworld or kill. Inuyasha.”

After Mukuro clarified the identity of Inuyasha, the eyes of the Dragon Bone Spirit looking at Inuyasha became sharper, and the murderous aura on his body became more obvious.

Seeing the reaction of the Dragon Bone Spirit, Ari, Shan Shan and others couldn’t help being a little worried about Inuyasha.

In fact, Mukuro didn’t quite understand what their mentality was. Before coming here, didn’t they have been mentally prepared for the Inuyasha Club and the Dragon Bone Spirit? !

Is there a big difference between whether the keel spirit is angry or not angry? !

Kagura slowly walked to Mukuro’s side and said, “You seem to be very happy to watch Inuyasha and Dragonbone fighting desperately. Do you think this battle is a game again?”

“You can say so.” Mukuro said lightly: “The Dragon Bone Spirit has been sealed for so many years, and the strength is far less than that of the past. As long as Inuyasha can show his true strength, it is not difficult to win him. But if Inuyasha can’t find it. The method will definitely be killed.”


The Dragon Bone Spirit suddenly swooped down and hit Inuyasha with his huge size. Inuyasha hurriedly jumped up, waved his iron teeth with all his strength, and chopped the head of the dragon bone spirit.

Maitreya was overjoyed and said: “Okay! The keel is so indifferent to the enemy’s carelessness, and he didn’t avoid Inuyasha’s broken teeth. It’s good for Inuyasha to continue to fight.”

Shanhu nodded and said, “I didn’t expect such a monster to be careless. If he was the same careless back then, he must have died in the hands of Inuyasha’s father.”

Although Inuyasha was just lucky enough to get a stab at Dragon Bone Essence, Maitreya, Coral and others seemed to believe that Inuyasha would win, and their confidence in Inuyasha and Tetsuya was obviously too great.

Mukuro said helplessly: “Your conclusion is too early. Let’s take a look at the situation of the Dragon Bone Spirit.”

Although the dragon bone spirit was slashed by Inuyasha’s broken teeth, the dragon bone spirit was obviously different from the opponents Inuyasha had encountered before. The sharp iron broken teeth slashed on his body without leaving a trace. Of course, this may also be because the broken iron teeth were melted into Inuyasha’s teeth, which was not as powerful as before.

The Dragon Bone Spirit obviously heard the conversation between Mukuro and others, and sneered: “I’m sorry, my body is harder than steel. How could this kind of knife hurt me? Unless the knife is in the hands of the tooth king.”

“I’ve surpassed my father! I won’t be able to come to you!” Inuyasha was quite dissatisfied with what the Dragon Bone Spirit said, brandishing a knife and cutting it up again.

However, like the previous few times, the ordinary knife cut can’t hurt the dragon bone essence at all, and even the skin of the dragon bone essence can’t be cut.

Inuyasha was really not convinced, and was wounded by the wind again, but it was still useless.

Kagura shook his head and said, “As expected, he is the monster who fought Inuyasha’s father back then. Inuyasha is so far behind him that it is impossible to win.”

“Indeed, unless Inuyasha can comprehend that trick.”

“That trick?” Kagura was a little puzzled.

“Yes, that trick is called blasting.” Mukuro replied: “Only blasting can attack the defense of the dragon bone spirit and kill the dragon bone spirit, but that trick is not so easy to use.”

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