Chapter 1117 New partner

“Don’t look at me that way. I don’t like being worshipped.”

Mukuro said indifferently: “Maybe you can treat me as a human with relatively powerful power, but I am still human in nature. There are some places where I can’t compare to your monsters. For example, your peculiar recovery ability, and the heart is not in the body. The ability to survive, I can’t do it.”

If possible, Mukuro really wants to study the structure of the monster’s body.

Of course, he was just curious and didn’t want to get such ability.

In terms of his current strength, his amazing recovery ability and heart transfer are actually meaningless. If you count the fairy beans he brought over from the Dragon Ball world, his recovery ability is equally dispensable to him.

After hearing Mukuro’s words, Kagura seemed to feel a lot more relaxed. Zhanyan smiled and said, “So you are inferior to us.”

After a pause, she continued: “But the strength is strong to your level, does the ability to recover from the injury still make sense to you? In this world, no one can hurt you at all.”

Mukuro is not interested in delving into this topic. He has been away from Inuyasha and others for a while, and it would be terrible if something happened to Inuyasha and the others.

Mukuro said directly: “Kagura, let’s go back to Inuyasha and the others, we can’t waste any more time.”

After Kagura agreed, Mukuro took her right hand and directly used teleportation, and the next moment he appeared in the abandoned city of Naraku.

The corpse of the wolf demon in the city is still there, but Steel Fang is nowhere to be found.

Mukuro looked at the surroundings and said helplessly, “Inuyasha, Coral, what are you doing here? It’s not early, so quickly find a place to rest.”

Inuyasha, Coral and others did not answer, but stared in the direction of Mukuro. Of course, judging from the focus of their eyes, they were not watching Mukuro at all, but Kagura standing behind Mukuro.

Kagura felt the guard and hostility of Inuyasha and others, and couldn’t help shrinking behind Mukuro.

Inuyasha pulled out his broken teeth and said, “Mukuro, what’s going on?! Isn’t she a clone of Naraku?! Why are you bringing her back?!”

A Li solemnly said, “Why don’t you really like this monster called Kagura like Master Maitreya said?!”

Mukuro shrugged and said, “This kind of thing seems unnecessary to deny. Indeed, I am a little interested in Kagura, but for the time being, it has not reached the level that you imagined. How will it develop in the future? It depends on the number of days. By the way Mention, don’t you think you should find a place to rest now?! Are you planning to stay overnight here?!”

“Can’t it?!”

Inuyasha said nonchalantly: “Naraku’s city is well built, and there are only a few more corpses on the ground. It will be fine for one night.”

Mukuro looked at Ari, if she had come to the Sengoku era for the first time, she would definitely refuse. However, in the Sengoku era, she has been staying longer and longer, and she seems to have changed her initial thoughts.

Like Inuyasha, she said disapprovingly: “It’s okay to sleep all night. The monster’s body is just outside the house, not inside the house. What does it mean?!”

Mukuro gave a wry smile, unable to refute it.

Although he was also a person who came from the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, he is not taboo about corpses or anything, but who doesn’t want a clean resting environment? !

Since Inuyasha, Ari and others have chosen to fight, Mukuro can only do it by himself… He flies right above the corpses of the monster wolf tribe, sucks the corpse and the dirt in the air with amazing gravity, and then blows it up. After confirming that there were no more dead bodies and dazzling Bloodline on the ground, Mukuro landed. As for the big hole that appeared out of thin air, he didn’t care.

After Mukuro landed, he was about to go back to rest, but found that Inuyasha and others looked at him strangely.

Mukuro said strangely: “What’s wrong with you?!”

Inuyasha stunned and said, “Mukuro, I know you are very strong, and I also know that what just happened may not be a big deal to you, but don’t you think you are doing too much?!”

A Li nodded and said, “Indeed, it feels like destroying this city, it’s terrible.”

Mukuro thought for a while, it seemed that it was a little exaggerated, but he really didn’t think there was anything. For Mukuro, using the level of power just now is a commonplace meal at best. If Inuyasha and the others think such a thing is exaggerated, it’s probably the same as the beast seeing humans eat a meal and make a fire.

Mukuro didn’t discuss the issue with them, and turned around and walked back to Naraku’s city to rest.

3.9 Kagura thought for a while, and followed Mukuro’s footsteps.

The next day, Inuyasha and others, who had enough rest, continued to look for the traces of the jade of the four souls and Naraku, and unknowingly walked to a small village. As night fell, when they were resting in the village, they were suddenly awakened by a loud noise, like someone holding a rally in the village.

Coral got up and said, “Strange, what happened in the village?”

Without exception, Inuyasha and his party were awakened by the sound outside. Through the window, we can see that there are many villagers moving outside, but we can’t see exactly what is going on.

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