Chapter 1115 Games from Mukuro

Mukuro flew several kilometers away, and soon saw Kagura flying ahead.

I saw Kagura sitting on a huge feather, flying forward by the wind, which seemed to be a pretty good ability. However, in the eyes of the monsters in this world, Kagura’s ability to fly may be enviable, but in Mukuro’s eyes, it is like a turtle crawling.

Mukuro rushed to catch up, stopped in front of Kagura, and said with a smile: “Kagura, it’s a coincidence, we met again.”

Kagura’s face changed, and he stopped quickly. Obviously, she didn’t expect Mukuro to appear suddenly. The sudden transition from extreme speed to extreme silence made her unable to control her balance at all, and fell into Mukuro’s arms. If it is not Mukuro in front of her, but air, she must fall to the ground due to inertia.

Mukuro quickly supported her and said, “Even if you see me, you don’t have to be so excited, right?!”

Kagura’s whole body was stretched tightly up and down, as if he couldn’t hear Mukuro’s ridicule, but still solemnly said, “What are you doing after catching up? Do you want to kill me?!”

“Why do you think of this kind of thing?!”

Mukuro sighed and said, “If I want to kill you, I can do it just now, and I need to catch up? My purpose has already been said, I can help you take 647 out of Naraku’s control, on the contrary, you We need to act with us to help eliminate Naraku. For you, this is a lucrative business, right?!”

Kagura was startled, her expression on her face was complicated, but it was obvious that she did not fully believe Mukuro’s words.

She sneered: “Are you kidding me?! With your strength, you can kill Naraku at any time. Although I don’t know why you don’t do that, you obviously don’t have to cooperate with me. And, you want me. To get rid of Naraku’s control, you must kill Naraku first, otherwise Naraku will definitely crush my heart. How can it be possible to cooperate to kill Naraku?!”

“I see, is this the reason you don’t trust me?!”

Mukuro was a little bit dumbfounded, and already understood Kagura’s scruples and thoughts. This was because the limited knowledge of power severely limited her imagination.

In her cognition, Naraku is very powerful, even if Mukuro wants to grab Kagura’s heart from him, he must first find a way to kill Naraku. Otherwise, as long as Naraku’s five fingers are gently squeezed, Kagura’s heart can be crushed to pieces, and she will be destroyed by this, and she will no longer exist.

But Mukuro is fully capable of grabbing his heart before Naraku takes a hand.

Mukuro smiled and said, “You seem to underestimate my strength. Don’t worry, as long as you agree to my terms, I will never let Naraku kill you. I want to kill you and there is no need to use this method.”

“If you really have such a powerful force as you said, why don’t you kill Naraku right now?” Kagura was still wary.

“Because this is a game.” Mukuro said lightly, “In your eyes, Naraku may be a very difficult opponent, but in my opinion, he is only part of my game.”

“It’s just a game?!” Kagura’s face changed again, and then fell silent.

Mukuro didn’t urge her, because what Mukuro said just now obviously had a great impact on her.

In her opinion, what needs to be spent on life is only a game of Mukuro. This kind of strong contrast makes her a little confused.

After a while, she said in a deep voice: “I understand, maybe you are right, you don’t have to use this method to harm me. I promise you, as long as you can help me get my heart back, I can join you. , I can satisfy you whatever you want. But what should I do to get my heart back?!”

Seeing that Kagura had taken the bait, Mukuro secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, she would sooner or later die because of an awkward relationship with Naraku. It would be a shame to let her die like this.

Now that she has agreed to Mukuro’s terms, the next thing is easy.

Mukuro smiled and said, “You go back to see Naraku right now, let him hold his heart in his hand, and then you can increase your demon power. Speaking of which, do you know how to increase your demon power?!”

Mukuro made Kagura increase its demon power, of course, to make Kagura change. As long as Kagura’s energy changes, Mukuro can move over instantly and take away Kagura’s heart at an astonishing speed.

However, Kagura was ignorant and obviously couldn’t understand Mukuro’s words.

She stupidly asked: “Improve the demon power?! How can it be done? Does the increase in the demon power mean to become stronger? If I can do this kind of thing, I still need you?!”

“Forget it, just as I asked a stupid question.”

Mukuro waved his hand helplessly and said, “Simply speaking, you see Nairobi, as long as you make sure he has your heart in his hand, you will use your dragon and snake dance to attack Naraku. The moment you attack, I will Na Luo snatched the heart from his hand.”

After a pause, Mukuro added: “Of course, you can choose not to trust me, but this is your last chance. Even if you come back to beg me in the future, I won’t help you again.”

“You know I can dance of dragons and snakes?! I have never used it in front of you.” Kagura was surprised at first, then nodded and said: “I understand, I will go back to find Naraku.”

Kagura agreed to Mukuro and turned and flew away.

Mukuro stayed where he was and did not move.

He also knew that it was very difficult for Kagura to make such a decision. After all, failure would mean death. But Kagura would be too naive if he wanted to be free even a little bit without output.

After sending Kagura away, Mukuro waited in midair while paying attention to the movement of Kagura’s breath.

He didn’t catch up. After all, Naraku was not an idiot. If Mukuro got too close, he would surely be spotted by him, and he would be wary of that. If he doesn’t take out Kagura’s heart, even Mukuro can’t help him.

After waiting in the air for a long time, the sky gradually dimmed, and a bright moon hung high in the sky. Mukuro even had to wonder if Kagura was backing away. But just when Mukuro was about to give up and turn around to leave, he suddenly felt that Kagura’s energy had changed, and it suddenly strengthened a lot.

Generally speaking, only when a person or a monster is fighting, will there be such violent aura fluctuations.

In other words, Kagura has already started with Naraku.

At the moment when Kagura’s breath fluctuated, Mukuro appeared next to Kagura, just in time to hear Naraku sneer.

He said coldly: “Did you forget your heart and hold it in my hand?! As long as I want you to die, I can do it with a finger.”

With that, the five fingers of his right hand gradually tightened.

At this moment, Kagura showed regret, probably because he believed that he was wrong in Mukuro.

Just as Kagura was desperate, Mukuro rushed to Naraku with an astonishing speed, punched out, and directly smashed Naraku’s right hand.

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