Chapter 1101 Naraku’s New Castle

Inuyasha thought for a while, and suddenly showed a grim and cold smile.

If he hadn’t seen the whole process of losing his iron and broken teeth with his own eyes, it would be hard to believe that he was Inuyasha in this sneer, because Inuyasha was really smiling happily. It’s not normal to laugh so happy when I lose my beloved weapon, no matter how I look at it.

Maitreya said strangely: “Inuyasha, are you okay?!”

“What can you do?”

Inuyasha disapproved and said, “Huh! Naraku stole the broken iron tooth. As long as we catch up with the smell of coral and amber, we can kill Naraku. Naraku must have never thought that he wanted to take my broken iron tooth, but it would harm him. Lose your life.” Although he has lost the most important piece of iron, Inuyasha’s self-confidence in him does not seem to weaken at all.

He used a lame dance technique, chasing the direction where the mica had left. It’s just that Inuyasha flies in mid-air, like a sparrow, swaying as if it might fall down at any time.

Mukuro caught up and pulled them all near him with gravity, and said: “Your speed is too slow. When you catch up, the coral may have died a thousand or eight hundred times. Come with me.”

I brought Inuyasha and the others, and slammed up to catch up. The speed had reached the limit that Ari and the others could bear. Although this speed is nothing to Mukuro, it is at least several hundred times faster than mica.

Mukuro caught up with him in one breath. After a while, he saw mica and coral flying in front of him. However, in order not to disturb them and Naraku, Mukuro slowed down slowly and did not approach immediately.

When Coral rushed into Naraku’s city, Mukuro led Inuyasha, Maitreya and others to flash in.

Coral was surprised when Mukuro and others had arrived.

She amazed: “When did you catch up?!”

Naraku slowly walked out of the inside of the city, her body enveloped in a strong miasma and poisonous mist: “With the ability of that human named Mukuro, it is easy for him to catch up. No one can stop him. Don’t mind, I won’t be because of it. Blame you, as long as you give me Inuyasha’s broken teeth.”

Mukuro stood silently behind the coral and said, “Naraku, you know me well, but since you already know that I am here, do you think you can take away the broken teeth?! Do you dare to appear in front of me and Inuyasha , Which means that you are just a puppet now, do you have a way to take away the broken teeth?!”

Naraku stretched out his hand and grabbed the Iron Broken Tooth, but there was a solid barrier on the Iron Broken Tooth. He immediately bounced the Iron Broken Tooth away, and the Iron Broken Tooth fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Coral suddenly threw out the flying bone and smashed it into Naraku’s head.

Naraku swiftly bent over to avoid, and leaped back at the same time: “Huh, you really didn’t really want to give me broken teeth, but as Mukuro said, you can’t kill me. If you provoke me, your brother will die. Undoubtedly, haven’t you thought about the consequences?!”

Naraku was clearly shaded by the coral. Although he did not succeed, Naraku’s tone was still calm and did not seem to be angry.

He hides under the fur of the white ape, and Mukuro can’t see his expression.

Mukuro stepped forward and said with a smile: “Coral, don’t worry, Amber is still useful to Naraku. He will not really kill Amber. If Amber dies, you must be determined to cooperate with Inuyasha and hunt down. He, Naraku doesn’t want this to happen.”

Coral was startled, a bit of hope appeared on her face: “Is that so?!”

After Naraku was silent for a moment, he said, “As expected of Mukuro, who knows me well, killing Amber now does not do me any good. However, I did not bring you here for the sake of breaking your teeth, but to kill you. .”

Mukuro was not surprised at this point, because the broken teeth were of no use to Naraku.

If this is to reduce Inuyasha’s threat to Naraku, then setting a trap to kill Inuyasha is undoubtedly a more correct method.

Naraku’s voice just fell…

Suddenly hairs appeared in the surrounding area, and the hairs gathered together and turned into a black monster like a long snake.

These black monsters immediately surrounded Inuyasha and others, and attacked them.

Inuyasha waved his paw out and said, “Huh! Do you think this kind of thing will work for me?”

In front of Inuyasha’s iron claws, those long monsters were indeed vulnerable, and they were completely shattered at once. However, although the attack was dismantled, Naraku didn’t panic at all, but smiled triumphantly.

“Is that really the case?! Look at it a little more carefully.”

After those long monsters were caught to pieces, they didn’t immediately land, but turned into miasma and filled the air.

Inuyasha’s face changed: “It turned out to be a miasma?!”

Naraku explained: “Yes, the more you kill, the stronger the miasma here. It won’t be long before you will die in my miasma.” As he spoke, the long black monsters had already exploded. Tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, were sent out, blocking all the retreat of Inuyasha and others.

And they climbed up on their companions, even if Inuyasha and others floated in mid-air, it was useless.

Mukuro laughed and said, “Nara is really prepared. God knows how long it took him to prepare this trap. Inuyasha has a monster bloodline. It’s better that Ari and the humans can’t resist this miasma.”

“At this time, are you still in the mood to explain slowly?!” Inuyasha said angrily: “Aren’t you going to be a strange barrier? Use that barrier to protect the mages!”

“Not urgent.”

Mukuro calmly said: “If I use that thing, you will not be able to leave, and naturally you will not be able to attack Naraku. It was hard to chase Naraku into the city. Are you willing to give up this great opportunity? Me? I can tell you clearly that although Naraku was a puppet, his real body is indeed in the city.”

“Really?” Inuyasha quickly stared around, looking for Naraku’s trace.

Mukuro shrugged and said, “Naraku is indeed here, but the premise is that you can find a way to break through Naraku’s trap, and then even attack him.”

“Leave it to me!” Maitreya suddenly stood up and said, “Since Naraku’s monsters can’t be killed, it’s okay to suck them all into the wind cave.”

Just as Maitreya wanted to open the wind cave, Naraku’s most violent victory did not know where it came from.

Flying around those long black monsters. If Naraku wanted to absorb the monster, the fiercest victory would definitely rush into Maitreya’s body, directly threatening Maitreya’s life.

A Li quickly stopped Maitreya and said, “Mage! Stop it! You will die if you do this!”

“Of course I know!”

Maitreya gritted his teeth and said: “But besides doing this, do we have other ways? Even Mukuro can’t kill these monsters without exuding miasma! It’s better for me to die alone than everyone else!”

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