Chapter 1097 Water God

Inuyasha and others did not object to Mukuro, silently followed Mukuro, and hid in the reed by the water to see the situation. That night, they were about to see the child being sent to the bottom of the water, but they saw the reed swaying violently not far away, as if something was walking through it. Police Inuyasha felt very much, and immediately pulled out the broken teeth, and was ready to swing it out. If he swings it out, I’m afraid no one can hold it down.

Mukuro hurriedly stopped and said, “Inuyasha, stop! Didn’t you smell it?! That’s not a monster, it’s just a human child.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, the child had already emerged from the reed.

He is only about Mukuro’s waist, and looks a bit similar to the village chief, apparently the village chief’s real child. Although he was young, his eyes were very firm.

Inuyasha didn’t seem to see this yet, put away his broken teeth, and said, “Boy, what are you doing here? This is too dangerous for you to come to.”

The kid said firmly: “I want to save my friend.”

“Your friend? Who?” Inuyasha asked strangely.

Mukuro first helped the child answer: “Does this kind of question still need to be asked? Of course it is the child who was caught by the village chief to replace him, that is his friend. This kid is loyal, but unfortunately his own strength is too weak. It’s impossible to be a monster’s opponent. Let’s go Inuyasha, let’s take him underwater to see and see.”

Mukuro’s proposal had just come out, and Inuyasha, Maitreya and others’ faces changed drastically at the same time.

Maitreya objected for the first time: “The monster is underwater. Even if we want to fight underwater, it is not easy. How can we bring a child who is not capable of fighting?!”

Shan Shan agreed with Maitreya’s statement and worried: “It’s too dangerous to do this. In case of any situation, how can we spare no effort to take care of him?!”

“Relax, leave the task of taking care of him to me.”

Mukuro said calmly: “It is not difficult for me to protect only one person from the bottom of the water.”

Mukuro opened the repulsion shield, wrapped the child and Inuyasha and others inside, and then flew into the water with a dance technique. Where did the child have seen such a thing, he screamed in fright, and covered his eyes.

Coral also paled with fright, but didn’t speak. After rushing to the bottom, the water cannot get close to Mukuro due to the existence of the repulsive shield.

After the child got through the initial panic, the child’s mind turned up and he couldn’t help but lay on the repulsion shield and watched the fish swimming outside; the coral changed its strength and looked around curiously.

She whispered: “Is this enchantment?! But it feels a little different. Is Mukuro really a human?! Why is there such a method?”

Ari explained: “It seems that the power of his Master is different from that of ordinary demon masters and wizards. He is also slowly teaching us his power. But he said that to become as powerful as him, it takes at least ten. A few years of work.”

As Mukuro and others slowly dived into the water, Mukuro saw a barrier under the water. The barrier blocked the water like Mukuro’s repulsive shield, and it was obvious that there was air inside.

Mukuro directly used teleportation and sneaked in with Inuyasha and others. Inside the enchantment, you can see a palace located in the middle of the enchantment, and there are two little friends guarding at the entrance of the palace.

The child was shocked when he saw it, and hurriedly leaned down and said, “There is a monster, be careful!”

Mukuro said faintly, “Aren’t you just two guys?! What’s to be afraid of?! Just rush in.”

After rushing into the barrier, because of the presence of air here, Mukuro certainly no longer needs to use a repulsive shield to protect Inuyasha and the others. He left Inuyasha and his party on the spot, flew towards the two little monsters, and hit a wave of qigong at the same time.


In front of Mukuro’s qigong wave, the two little monsters were like paper, and they disappeared instantly, and the gate they guarded was also shattered.

Shan Shan and the village chief’s son watched from behind and were already dumbfounded. Such combat power and destructive power were obviously beyond their imagination.

Mukuro turned his head and was about to greet them to go in together, but they saw Coral standing still in place, motionless. The reactions of Inuyasha, Maitreya and others were much better. They had already seen no surprises and rushed past Mukuro into the palace.

Fortunately, Coral’s reaction was not slow, so he quickly picked up the child and caught up with him with a stride.

Inside the palace, a tall and thin man sat cross-legged, dressed up indeed more formal than ordinary monsters, and he also held a long weapon similar to a staff in his hand. From the moment Mukuro and others walked in, he was very calm, with no expression on his face, as if it was not his palace that was destroyed just now…

Even Mukuro couldn’t tell whether he was really calm or false.

He said coldly: “I’m surprised that someone can come to this kind of place. What is your purpose?!”

At the same time, Inuyasha has rushed between Mukuro and the so-called water god.

Inuyasha drew out the Iron Shards to restore the Iron Shards to the state of the demon sword, and pointed at the water god remotely and said, “You are the monster that eats humans?! The monsters who dare to pretend to be gods are so courageous, I will kill you!”

Inuyasha smashed his broken teeth, and the sharp blade slashed directly at the water god. The water god was still sitting on the ground motionless, holding the long weapon like a staff in one hand and blocking it, easily resisting the broken teeth.

Inuyasha was taken aback and said, “How come?!”

The guy who claimed to be the god of water calmly said, “The half-demon dared to attack the god?! Humph!”

The water god shook forcefully, and immediately flew Inuyasha back, and the broken teeth in his hand also flew out.

Ari was taken aback and said, “How come? There are monsters that are so powerful than Inuyasha? Even Inuyasha’s brother can’t do this kind of thing.”

“Inuyasha’s brother really can’t do it.” Maitreya said solemnly: “The weapon in this water god’s hand is indeed a god’s thing, how could it fall into the hands of a monster?! The original water god doesn’t know where he went, could it? Killed by 0.4?!”

“How is it possible?!” Mukuro slowly stepped forward and said: “God’s power comes from that weapon. As long as he holds the weapon, his power will continue to gush out. And in the water, the water god also Occupying an absolute geographical advantage, no one or monster can defeat the God of Water in the water.”

“Mukuro, do you mean that this water god is the real water god?! Water god is originally an evil thing?!” Ari asked.

“I never said that.”

Mukuro laughed and said, “Although no one or monster can defeat the water god head-on, it is still possible to do tricks. For example, find a chance to put down the weapon and steal the weapon to replace the water god. This is how this guy defeated the last water god. . It may be because of the same reason that he dare not put down his weapon.”

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