Chapter 1091 Goodbye bellflower

“Don’t worry.” Mukuro said calmly, “You seem to be in trouble. Tell us? Maybe we can help you.”

“Are you a human?!”

The little monk still cried and cried: “Why do you humans stay with a monster? What do you want to do?”

It seems that because of Inuyasha, this little monk does not dare to trust Mukuro and others. People in this world have deep prejudices against monsters. Of course, it’s not so much their prejudice against monsters, it’s more of their fear of monsters with powerful power as weak people.

This kind of thing cannot be eliminated by Mukuro, and Mukuro is not in the mood to do such boring things.

Mukuro shrugged and said faintly, “Forget it, if you don’t want to say it, we won’t force you, you can figure out how to handle your own affairs.”

Mukuro greeted Inuyasha and the others, and turned to leave. However, they hadn’t gone a few steps before, the little monk called them again, and crawled to catch up with them.

He stopped in front of Mukuro and said with expectation: “Can you really help me? Can you help me kill the monster?”

“First of all, you have to tell us what happened to you.” Mukuro said coldly.


The little monk agreed after hesitating for a while, and then told Mukuro what he had encountered.

It turned out that not long ago, the little monk and his master passed by here and met a witch who was obviously not part of the world, and they wanted to persuade the witch to go back to the underworld. However, the witch is obviously very nostalgic in the world, and is not interested in listening to the old monk, so the old monk fought with the witch.

But unfortunately, the witch is too powerful, and the old monk is not the opponent’s opponent at all. Although the old monk even used his own housekeeping skills and hit the maiden, he was still freed by the maiden. Even the old monk’s own spells were bounced back, and the old monk died because of it.

After the death of the old monk, the little monk knew he was not an opponent, so naturally he ran as far as he could. At the same time, because of this panic, the little monk was so scared when he met Inuyasha and others.


Inuyasha said strangely: “Could it be that…”

Ari continued with Inuyasha’s words: “Could it be Bellflower?!”

Mukuro nodded and said, “The maiden in his mouth is indeed Kikyo no doubt. The little monk still has the breath of Kikyo. Let’s go. We should also go to see Kikyo for a while.”

After sending the young monk away, Mukuro and others slowly searched for information about the remnants of Kikyo, and found a forest edge that night.

On the edge of the forest, you can see a huge barrier ahead, which is obviously a masterpiece of Kikyo, but apart from Mukuro, no one seems to have noticed the existence of the barrier.

Mukuro said lightly, “Go in, Kikyo should be inside.”

After walking a certain distance forward and encountering the barrier, Ari and Inuyasha still moved forward without obstacles, while Mukuro, Maitreya, and Qibao were blocked. Of course, whether Mukuro wants to enter or destroy the barrier, he can do it easily with his abilities, so he doesn’t panic at all. Qibao and Maitreya were taken aback, and hurriedly shouted Inuyasha and Ari, but their words didn’t seem to be heard.

When Inuyasha and Ari walked away, Maitreya and Qibao couldn’t help looking at Mukuro worriedly.

“Mukuro, what should I do now? Only Inuyasha and Ari have broken in. Will they be in trouble if they encounter Kikyo?” Maitreya was very worried.

Qibao also worried and said, “Mukuro, you must think of a way, now only you can think of a way to get in.”

Mukuro really wanted to go in, but he didn’t plan to bring Qibao and Maitreya in. After all, they wouldn’t be of any help if they went in. He said: “Well, you are waiting here, I will go in and see by myself.”

Then, without allowing Maitreya and Qibao to agree or refuse, Mukuro found the location of Inuyasha with his breath, and rushed in with an instant movement.

How could it be possible to stop Mukuro in a mere enchantment.

After Mukuro appeared, Inuyasha also froze for a moment, and said in doubt: “Mukuro, how did you move out in an instant? Huh! Where are Ari and Maitreya?!”

Mukuro was quite speechless. Inuyasha was looking for Kikyo, but he didn’t even notice that Maitreya, Qibao and others were blocked by the barrier. He himself was too fast, and he didn’t even notice when he got rid of A Li. You know, Inuyasha’s nose is very sensitive, but he can smell his companions all the time. Even so, he did not realize that he had left the team, which was enough to show that his mind was all on Kikyo.

Mukuro helplessly said: “Forget it, you go find the bellflower by yourself, I will help you find Ari, you don’t have to worry about Ari’s safety. As for the Maitreya Master and Qibao, they have been stopped outside the barrier and there is no danger. ”


Inuyasha froze for a moment, and didn’t understand what Mukuro meant.

Mukuro was not in the mood to explain to him slowly, and went straight away. Fly directly towards the center of the forest and arrive at the destination in a short time.

There is a very tall tree in the very center of the forest. Bellflower is lying on the tree to rest, while Ari is tied to the tree by snake-like monsters, and his face is full of panic.

Mukuro smiled lightly and said, “Ari, I didn’t expect you to be so embarrassed.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Kikyo opened his eyes suddenly and said, “You, a human named Mukuro, are really extraordinary, you can see her. If you continue to stay here, you will definitely do bad things for me.”

“What?! Do you want to fight me?!” Mukuro smiled lightly.

Although the spiritual power possessed by Kikyo is already very powerful in this world, it is not enough to see in front of Mukuro. Mukuro’s power level is too high, even if he stands still, Kikyo can’t hurt him at all.

But Kikyo seemed to have not noticed this yet, and even stepped forward slowly: “Come on, before Inuyasha comes over, I want to destroy you, let me see how terrifying the strongest humans in Inuyasha and Ari’s mouth are.”

Kikyo waved his hand, letting the snake-like monsters entangle Mukuro.

Mukuro did not resist either.

In a short while, those monsters had already wrapped Mukuro in three layers inside and three layers outside.

Kikyo believes in himself: “I didn’t expect you to be so conceited that you would regret your arrogance if you didn’t avoid it.”


Mukuro smiled disapprovingly. His hand broke loose a little, and the monsters were like pieces of paper in his hand, and they were broken easily.

Mukuro didn’t even notice much resistance when he broke so many monsters.

Mukuro smiled and said, “Kiji, is this your so-called power? If this is your full power, then I can only say that you are too weak as a maiden.”

Kikyo frowned and didn’t answer. He didn’t know where he got a bow and arrow, and bowed his bow to shoot Mukuro. The arrow dragged a long spiritual tail, with a piercing sound, and flew towards Mukuro very fast.

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