Chapter 1073 Thunder Brothers

“Don’t worry if you don’t help, I will find Brother Thunder Beast myself.”

Qibao suddenly attacked Inuyasha, put Inuyasha’s hand on the ground with a stone statue and a magic talisman, then snatched the four soul jade fragments in Ari’s hand, and ran away like oil on the soles of his feet.

A Li was anxious and hurried to catch up with her bow and arrow.

Mukuro sat on the stone statue that stood against Inuyasha, leaning his legs and said: “Inuyasha, although you are a half-demon, you are strong enough, how can you not even have a little alertness, and you have been caught by a child who has recently abstained from breastfeeding. Uniform? If your brother knew about it, he would definitely laugh at you.”

Inuyasha struggled hard, flushing his face.

However, Qibao’s charm is indeed a bit powerful, even if his strength is far less than Inuyasha, he can still use this method to make Inuyasha immobile.

The stone statue didn’t even mean to move.

Inuyasha gave up struggling with a black face and said, “Mukuro, have you played enough? Can you tear off the charms on the stone statue?!”

“Yes.” Mukuro tore off the magic talisman with one hand: “But I will help you this time. What if I happen to go away next time? Really, if the opponent has these 16 traps in battle, you can basically see you. Father go.”

Mukuro had just tore off the charm, and suddenly heard the exclamation of Ari and Qibao not far away.

Near the two of them, there was a very strong demon spirit. Mukuro was shocked, and then he remembered that the Thunder Beast brothers were nearby, and Ari and Qibao must have met one of them.

Mukuro hurried to catch up with Inuyasha, but when they caught up, Ari was nowhere to be found, only Qibao stayed where she was crying.

“What happened?”

Inuyasha said anxiously, “Little Fox! Where’s Ari?”

However, without waiting for Qibao to speak, Mukuro took the first step and explained: “There is no time to listen to Qibao explain slowly, we hurried to catch up. I just felt a smell of monsters near Ari, it must be among the Thunder Beast brothers. One of them, he has taken A Li abducted. If he doesn’t catch up quickly, A Li may be in danger.”

“Don’t you move instantaneously?! Hurry up and take us to catch up.” Inuyasha urged.

“I can move instantaneously, but the monster that kidnapped A Li is flying in the sky.”

Mukuro said helplessly: “Neither you nor Qibao can fly. What’s the use of me taking you to move in an instant? Do you want to fight in the sky? Don’t make trouble, be careful to kill you.”

Inuyasha was speechless, so he had to ask for directions from Mukuro, then carried Qibao to catch up.

Mukuro followed them easily with a dance technique.

Qibao was lifted by Inuyasha in his hand, obviously very uncomfortable. Seeing Mukuro flying in the sky, his eyes lit up and said: “I don’t want you to take it. I want to sit on his back, okay?!”

Mukuro’s eyes went dark and almost fell to his knees.

Unfortunately, this kid dares to think, he wants to ride Mukuro’s body, what do you think of me? !

Mount? !

With Mukuro’s strength, who would dare to make such an excessive request? ! If it weren’t for knowing that this kid was not malicious, Mukuro would have to cut him off.

Inuyasha looked at this kid with a smile, and said, “If you dare to sit, you can try it in the past, but I don’t guarantee that you can come back alive.”

Mukuro ignored them and continued to fly ahead to lead the way.

That night, Mukuro yawned: “If it weren’t for showing you the way, I would have flown over, but we are already close to the territory of Thunder Beast Brothers. Inuyasha, get ready for battle.”

“That human named Mukuro, won’t you really help?!”

Qibao asked Inuyasha with some worry: “What about you?! Are you really strong?! Can you defeat the Thunder Beast Brothers? The Thunder Beast Brothers get the jade of the four souls, and the demon power has become much stronger.”

“Hey, people who are strong enough are worth defeating.” Inuyasha was very confident.


At this moment, Mukuro heard a loud noise suddenly coming from behind, and at the same time there was a bright light illuminating the night sky, and saw a bolt of lightning hitting Inuyasha fiercely from top to bottom.

Inuyasha was taken aback, and quickly avoided, then looked at the guy who attacked him.

Mukuro followed and saw that it was a man with a long braid with a steamer under his feet. Although the man has a human appearance, the aura he exudes is indeed the aura of a monster. There was the aura of the jade of four souls on his body, which made his strength look stronger.

He stepped on the steamer and stopped in mid-air, and said, “The guy in red over there, are you the half-demon named Inuyasha? Your most beloved woman is in my hands. If you don’t want her to die, hurry up All the jade of the four souls on his body was handed over.” At the same time, another monster came out carrying A fence, clearly the other of the Thunder Beast brothers.

Looking at Ari, Inuyasha almost turned Byakugan and said, “Beloved… wait a minute, who do you say is my beloved woman?!”

Mukuro couldn’t help laughing loudly: “Haha, Inuyasha, that’s because Ari lied to the Thunder Beast brothers to save his life. She said you have a lot of fragments of the jade of the Four Souls on your body, as long as the Thunder Beast brothers bring Ari back , You are definitely willing to exchange it with the fragments of the jade of the four souls.”

“How is it possible?!” Inuyasha yelled excitedly, not knowing whether he said that he could not have so many Four Souls Jade, or it was impossible to exchange the Four Souls Jade for Ari.

A Li couldn’t hold her face, and he argued to herself: “What are you embarrassed about?!”

The Man Tian among the Thunder Beast brothers, the monster carrying Ari, has already seen something wrong, grabbing Ari’s hair and shouting, “You really 467 are lying.”

Feitian among the Thunder Beast brothers also said: “It seems that only the fragments of the jade of the four souls are true, then I will kill you first, and then grab the jade of the four souls, lightning strikes the blade!”

Inuyasha greeted unceremoniously: “Be careful not to die by my knife!”


Feitian stabs Inuyasha with a shot, and Inuyasha greets him with broken teeth, and the two forces suddenly collided in the air. It has to be said that Feitian possesses a lot of fragments of the jade of the four souls, and its demon power has indeed been greatly improved, and it has the upper hand in the battle. Inuyasha was suppressed by Fei Tian even with the help of iron crushing teeth.

Feitian excitedly said: “Interesting, it can block my lightning blade, but how many times can you block it?!” As soon as the voice fell, he attacked Inuyasha again, and the two started a fierce offensive and defensive battle.

There was a dark cloud under the sky.

Looking down at the battle between Inuyasha and Feitian, he suddenly opened his mouth and said, “I’ll help!”

A powerful demon power was brewing in his mouth, and he was about to spit out and attack Inuyasha.

Ariman anxiously said: “You two fight one, it’s too shameless.” Ari pushed a hand on Mantian’s back, causing him to fall from the dark clouds, and his power to attack Inuyasha was also lost. However, after the sky fell, the dark clouds disappeared, and A Li also fell from the sky.

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