Chapter 1071 Back to modern

After killing Ninety-Nine Toad, Mukuro and Inuyasha wanted to continue their journey, but Ari insisted on returning to the country of Musashi. The so-called country of Musashi, of course, is the country where the village where Maple lives is located.

After returning to the country of Musashi, Ari walked towards the well of bones without saying a word.

“Mukuro, what does she want to do?!” Inuyasha was confused.

Mukuro yawned and said lazily, “Do you still need to ask about this kind of thing? Ari is not from this world. There is something called examination in her era, which is related to her future. She is already in this world. It’s been delayed for many days, and you must go back to review, or you will lag behind others.”

“Exam?! I don’t understand.”

Inuyasha shook his head repeatedly and said, “Finding the jade of the four souls is much more important than this kind of thing.”

Mukuro didn’t deny this, shrugged and stopped talking. To this world, and even to the world where A Li is located, finding the fragments of the jade of the four souls is indeed very important.

Because the monsters who get the jade of the four souls may live to modern times.

But even if Ari saves the entire world, she will not get any benefit from it, and may even ruin her own future because of her homework. So no matter what Ari chooses, Mukuro has nothing to say.

Of course, Mukuro, who is familiar with the plot, knows that Ari can’t run away successfully.

But Inuyasha didn’t know this, and hurriedly chased after him, and said, “Ari can’t go, otherwise I can’t find the jade of the four souls!”

“Don’t worry.”

Mukuro smiled and said: “Even if you stop Ari now, her heart will be concerned about the things of her time. If you want her to stay, she must be willing to do it. She will meet in the modern world this time. When it comes to a little trouble, she will understand that she must find the jade of the four souls first.”

“Are you sure?!” Inuyasha paused and looked back at Mukuro.

Mukuro didn’t speak, but just nodded.

Inuyasha’s expression suddenly became weird. Mukuro can basically guess his current mood.

If Ari did not come back voluntarily as Mukuro said, the world would be in big trouble. Inuyasha lives in this world, and it must be fake if he is not worried. Moreover, Mukuro said that Ari will have trouble when he returns to modern times. No matter how you look at it, it is in the scope of prophecy. It is normal for Inuyasha to suspect.

Inuyasha asked, “How long will Ari be back?!”

“This question cannot be answered.”

Mukuro shrugged and said, “Now, you have two choices. The first is to wait in Ari’s world. When she encounters danger, she will probably rush you back. The second option is to eat. Waiting at the Bone Well, if someone asks you for help, just go there as soon as possible. It should be too late.”

Inuyasha had no other choice but to follow suit.

Mukuro was much more calm than Inuyasha, stretched out and went back to the village to rest. Of course, even when resting in the village, Mukuro always pays attention to Inuyasha’s anger, lest Inuyasha go to the modern world, he doesn’t know.

After a few days, Mukuro suddenly felt Inuyasha’s breath jump into the well of bone eating, and then disappeared.

In the past few days, Inuyasha has of course also been to the modern world, but every time he comes back after a while. Only this time, Mukuro waited for dozens of minutes without waiting for Inuyasha’s gas to appear again. In other words, something really went wrong in the modern world.

Mukuro stood up immediately and strode out of the room. When he went out, he happened to ran into mother-in-law Feng who was going home. Granny Feng looked up at Mukuro and said, “Want to go out?! Because Ari?! Go early and return early.”

Mukuro was startled slightly, and he took a moment to stop, and couldn’t help looking back at Granny Feng.

Is this mother-in-law Feng acting too calm? ! Mukuro’s going out means that Ari may be in danger, and as her sister’s reincarnation, she should be a little nervous no matter what?

Granny Feng seemed to know Mukuro’s thoughts, and said calmly: “I believe in your strength. As long as you don’t want Ari to die, she can’t die.”

Mukuro didn’t know how to respond, but he didn’t know how to respond, using a dance technique to fly out like an arrow from a string.

But after flying over the Bone Eating Well, Mukuro gave a sudden stop and suddenly remembered something very important. Ari and Inuyasha can travel freely through the Well of Bone Eating in ancient and modern times, but it does not mean that Mukuro can also. If Mukuro can’t go back to modern times through this thing, then it’s a bit tangled.

Mukuro slowly descended into the Bone Eating Well, thinking with some anxiety: “I don’t know how the Bone Eating Well connects the two eras. I should be able to pass it?” When Mukuro’s toes landed on the Bone Eating Well. At the bottom of the, I just feel that there is a flower in front of my eyes, and the next moment has appeared in modern times.

There is no obvious difference between the modern bone-eating well and the bone-eating well of the Sengoku era. Even Mukuro cannot distinguish the ancient wells of the two eras from the surface. But after arriving in the current Bone Eating Well, Mukuro could clearly feel the breath of Inuyasha, which was the key to his distinction.

Mukuro felt that there were three relatively weak auras beside Inuyasha, two of which were human auras, and the other was a monster. Mukuro doesn’t need to go to the scene to know that Inuyasha has already fought modern monsters to protect Ari and Ari’s younger brother.

Mukuro appeared in front of them with teleportation, and said, “You really are fighting here, Inuyasha, I didn’t disappoint you?!” After appearing in the void, Mukuro saw Ari and his brother shivering at the side. , And Inuyasha protects them.

Mukuro was talking with a smile, and suddenly felt a strong wind coming from behind.

Ari yelled in panic: “Behind!! Be careful!!”


Mukuro felt a pretty good force hit his back, and at the same time something sharp was biting at himself. Because Mukuro didn’t use his repulsive force to protect himself, he was approached by the monster without notice.

Fortunately, his body was still protected by Qi, so he was not injured.

Mukuro looked back, and saw a head split in the middle, the split was jagged, like the teeth of a wild beast. This big mouth was gnawing at the muscles on Mukuro’s back, but it had no effect at all.

Mukuro said helplessly: “Hey, are your teeth sour?!”

Inuyasha said with a black face: “You were bitten without injury, are you still a human?!”

A Li was also speechless.

The monster opened his mouth and said, “Bah! Are you a human? Why is your meat so old and rough?!”

“It’s not that my flesh is old and rough, it’s my body protection energy that prevents you from breaking it.” Mukuro said lightly, “The difference in strength between us is too big. Even if I stand motionless, you can’t hurt you. I have a hair. By the way, you seem to have fragments of the jade of the four souls on your body. This kind of thing is too wasteful for you.”

Mukuro grabbed the mask on the face of the monster with his backhand and took it off, and the spirit on the monster’s body suddenly dispersed.

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