Chapter 1069 Ninety Nine Toad

After Inuyasha rushed into the castle, Mukuro, Ari, and the young man quickly followed.

Mukuro and Ari followed because they were afraid that Inuyasha would be in danger, and the young man also followed, mostly worried that his life would be in danger if he stayed in such a place as an ordinary person. His worries are not unreasonable. Knowing that there are monsters in the castle, Mukuro and Inuyasha did not stop him.

Walking into the castle, you can see that the corridors in the castle are full of sleeping people, and the only person in this castle who is still awake may be the city lord.

After entering the castle, the young man kept shouting, looking for a princess. But Mukuro was not interested in the princess or anything, so he didn’t ask him more specific things, just silently observe the surrounding situation.

“Is it okay for him to yell like this?!” A Li said with some worry, “If it is heard by the Monster City Lord, it will be troublesome.”

“It should be said that it is good to be heard by the monster city lord.”

Mukuro smiled lightly and said: “Actually, the monster town lord is a big help to us. If he didn’t make everyone in the castle fall asleep, it would not be easy for us to break in. Once we were discovered, we would have to face those things. The endless attacks of the guards, even if we are not afraid, are quite annoying.”

Inuyasha nodded and said, “Now everyone in the city has fallen asleep. When the lord appears, we will have a try with him.”

As soon as Inuyasha’s voice fell, a “person” dressed as the city lord with gauze wrapped around his face slowly walked out of the castle. He said coldly: “There is a suspicious intruder, quack, don’t you guys want to escape.”

There is no doubt that this guy is obviously the monster town lord that Mukuro and others have been looking for. In him, Mukuro did feel the energy of the jade of the four souls.

When Mukuro discovered something, Ari had already seen it with his eyes, pointing to the position of the jade of the four souls in the monster’s body.

“Look at me!”

Inuyasha suddenly attacked and shouted, “Smelly monster! Let me see your true colors!”


Inuyasha’s claws made a piercing sound, and immediately tore the gauze on the face of the monster, and the appearance of the monster appeared in front of Mukuro and the others. It was a guy with a frog head. Because of his clothes, he couldn’t see clearly whether it was a human body or a frog body.

“Toad spirit?!”

Inuyasha said with a look of surprise: “I didn’t expect the so-called monster city lord to be a toad, huh, even though I got the jade of the four souls, it is still very weak. A monster like you can be crushed by one claw! “Inuyasha kicked and rushed up again.

As Inuyasha attacked, the monster town lord showed a sullen smile.

“Wait a minute!”

Mukuro drank Inuyasha quickly. However, the distance between Inuyasha and Yokai Castle was very close, and Mukuro only reminded Inuyasha now that it was obviously too late. When Inuyasha and Yokai Castle were close to handover, the Yokai Castle suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a large cloud of smoke, covering Inuyasha. Inuyasha took a sip in the mist, and suddenly fell down softly as if he had been drugged.

Mukuro knew this would happen a long time ago, so he shook his head helplessly.

“Why is this?!”

Ari was horrified: “That cloud of smoke is a miasma? Is it okay to inhale Inuyasha?!”

“You can’t die anyway.”

Mukuro said indifferently: “Young man, you take your princess and leave quickly. This battlefield is not something ordinary people like you can treat, otherwise even if you have ten lives, you won’t be enough to die.”

After a pause, Mukuro said to Ari again: “That toad is called Ninety-nine Toad. It’s a monster over 300 years old. You can’t kill him by ordinary methods.”

“Ninety-nine Toad?! Why did you name it?! It’s really weird.”

Just when Mukuro wanted to answer this question properly, he saw the boy who followed them in desperately rushing to Toad and said, “I’m fighting you!”

While rushing up to desperately, he also greeted the princess to run away quickly, which is indeed commendable for his loyalty. It’s a pity that in front of monsters with great power disparity, such an approach is nothing but death in vain.

Mukuro said faintly: “This is not the time to discuss this kind of thing. Hurry up and find a way to clean up and save people. Don’t let that guy die.”

As soon as the voice fell, Mukuro had already issued a strong gravitational force at the boy.

In front of a strong man at the level of Mukuro, he is as strong as the Super Saiyan Sun Wukong, and he can’t easily resist his power, let alone an ordinary human teenager.

The boy only had time to let out an exclamation before he was sucked back by Mukuro.

However, the Ninety-Nine Toad’s reaction was dissatisfied. When Mukuro used gravity, he opened his mouth and his tongue popped out like a bullet.


Ninety-nine Toad’s tongue is indeed powerful, and it pierced the boy’s shoulder all at once.

Blood flowed from his wound. If Mukuro didn’t help the boy to dodge, or dodges a little bit slower, he must have pierced his heart.

Mukuro guarded the boy behind him and said, “Really, I didn’t expect to suffer such a big loss when I came up. Don’t be stupid, don’t you? Don’t forget that you are just a very ordinary human. For food. Give us such a powerful opponent, so you don’t have to worry about your princess.”

As soon as Mukuro’s voice fell, Inuyasha could not wait to rush up again. It turns out that this kid has recovered, and it seems that the miasma just now did not affect him much.

Do not!

It is not accurate to say that the impact is small, at least Inuyasha’s self-esteem is very hurt. Inuyasha rushed to Ninety-Nine Toad angrily and shouted:

“Damn it’s smelly toad, I killed you!”

But Ninety-Nine Toad seemed to have not seen Inuyasha, and still said to a beautiful little girl: “Ruki, I like you, I want to eat you.”

“Hey, boy, that little girl named Lu Ji is the princess in your mouth?!” Mukuro turned to the boy behind him and asked, “I look pretty, but I haven’t figured out the relationship between you. ”

“Don’t worry about this for now!” The young man endured the pain on his body and said very anxiously: “He wants to eat the princess! You stop him! Please!”

“No hurry, Inuyasha has already attacked anyway.”

Mukuro calmly said: “With me, your princess will not die. What is the difference between saving it earlier and saving it later? Believe in the power of Inuyasha?!”

“Inuyasha?! That guy in red with dog ears?!”

The boy said with a skeptical look: “But… he was defeated just now, can he really do it?! I think you are much better than him.”

“You are very discerning.” Ari snickered: “This man named Mukuro is indeed a monster. Although he is a human, he is much stronger than Inuyasha. He may be able to defeat Inuyasha with just one finger.”

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