Chapter 1062 Return to the past

A Li is a smart person, her face changed, and she suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter.

As Mukuro said, since Inuyasha and Mukuro can come to the modern age by relying on the dry well, so can other monsters. At the beginning, A Li went to that world because the Hundred-legged Enchantress dragged her over. This is the best example. Once the monster came into this world on a large scale, there was no way for the people of this world to fight.

A Li’s face was a little ugly: “I’ll go and see with you.” Right now, the three of them rushed to the edge of the dry well, and saw a lot of hair rushing out of the dry well.

Of course, Inuyasha didn’t realize this.


Mukuro said faintly: “Inuyasha was defeated by these hairs just now. The monster that controls the hair has already snatched the four soul jade fragments from you. It can be said that the responsibility lies with you. If you don’t go to help Inuyasha defeat your opponent, the world will Suffered because of your irresponsibility.”

Ariaki Mukuro turned Byakugan: “If you didn’t break the jade of the four souls, would things be like this?!”

“of course!”

Mukuro cheered and said, “If I hadn’t broken the Four Souls Jade, you would have been robbed of the entire Four Souls Jade, not the fragments of the Four Souls Jade. Inuyasha fought with the monsters who possessed the Four Souls Jade shards. If you lose, if you fight against an opponent who has a complete jade of four souls, you will definitely die.”

Ari looked at Mukuro and Inuyasha bitterly, completely speechless, and could only agree to return to that world. But even if you want to go back, you have to deal with the hair rushing out of the dry well first.

Otherwise, they would fall into the hands of the monster as soon as they jumped into the dry well.

Mukuro shrugged and said, “Don’t expect me to take action. My attack is too powerful. If I take action, it will definitely blow up the dry well.”

Inuyasha also refused, “I can’t see my hair, and I can’t help it.”

A Li almost violently walked away: “Neither of you will take action?! Do you want me to take action?! Are you still men?!”

Mukuro coughed lightly and said, “Ahem… I am of course a man, okay, I will give you a little hint. In fact, one of these hairs is very important and is used to control other hairs. As long as you can Find that hair and cut it off. Of course, even if it’s just a hair, you can cut it continuously with your strength, and you can find it.” When it comes to finding hair, the main hair is the most important one. , The energy contained above is definitely the most.

Mukuro can’t find it.

However, the problem also arises here. There are at least millions of hairs here, and each of them contains very powerful energy.

If Mukuro wants to find the main one, it is tantamount to finding the brightest one among a bunch of glowing hair.

This kind of work is too troublesome.

So Mukuro left such a glorious and difficult task to Ari without even thinking about it.

A Li looked for it for a while, walked quickly to the main controlling hair, and grabbed it:

“right here!”

Mukuro flicked his finger lightly to cut off the hair, and the hair rushing out of the dry well suddenly retreated.


Mukuro said unscrupulously, “Those hairs have already receded. Then just go to that world and kill the monsters that control the hair.”

“Actually, you could kill that monster?” A Li said dissatisfiedly: “Why do you have to come to this world to find me?!”

“Because there are too many fragments of the jade of the four souls. It is not easy to find all the fragments. It would be boring for me to stay with Inuyasha for so long. But if you are there Then, the result will be very different.”

A Li snorted, unable to refute.

At the moment, the three of them jumped into the dry well together, and soon returned to the world of monsters.

No…It should be said that it’s two people and one dog. Pooh…No, it’s a monster.

As soon as Mukuro and others emerged from the dry well and returned to the world of monsters, they found that the dry well was full of hair, and the female monster who controlled the hair was beside them.

She laughed and said: “Welcome you back, I’ll wait for you for a long time.”

Mukuro floated into the air and said, “You really are waiting for us here, but do you know what you are doing? I have already tried to teach you a while ago. Don’t you know how big the gap between us is?!”

“I know, I know you can’t kill me.” The female monster said confidently: “As long as you can’t kill me, I will always find a way to defeat you.”

“Oh, ignorance is really blessed.” Mukuro shook his head helplessly. I really don’t know whether to sympathize with her or admire her…

If converted into combat power, this female monster can’t even compare with Big Devil Piccolo. But he even dared to challenge Mukuro, who is a god of destruction.

Mukuro even felt that if he was serious, he wouldn’t know if he could blow this guy to death.

“Inuyasha, Ari, the next battle is over to you, I’ll watch the show.” Mufeng said in an annoying posture that it doesn’t matter to him.

“You are so embarrassed to say it!” Inuyasha exclaimed excitedly: “You can easily kill this guy, why don’t you do it?!”

Mukuro spread his hands, then pointed at the female monster, and said helplessly: “I have attacked her just now and almost exploded her body, but she recovered all at once. What can I do?! I am also desperate. So let’s look at you. I believe you can beat her.”

“I don’t see how desperate you are.” A Li muttered quietly.

Inuyasha kicked his feet, jumped out of the dry well, and grabbed the female monster with his iron claws. The female monster who controls the hair calmly controls the hair tangled in Inuyasha, even trying to repeat the trick.

A Li quickly reminded: “Be careful, front!”

Inuyasha was startled, jumped up quickly, and grabbed the female monster with another paw.

The banshee was taken aback, and quickly jumped up to avoid it, finally avoiding it at the very moment of its death.

She was surprised and said: “That woman can actually see my hair. It’s amazing. It’s useless if you see it after 3.4. When you remind Inuyasha, it’s already slow.”

With that, she attacked Inuyasha with her hair again, and there was more than one strand.

As she herself said, when there is only one strand of attacking hair, Ari can remind Inuyasha in time. But after the attacking hair became several strands, A Li only had one mouth, and even if he wanted to remind him, it was too late. Before Inuyasha could figure out what was going on, his hands and feet were already firmly tied up.

“Sure enough, the abilities of others are far less convenient than your own.”

Mukuro murmured on the side: “Inuyasha, don’t you have any other tricks except the iron claws of the soul? It’s a shame that you can live by this kind of tricks.”

“Have you been too long-winded?!” Inuyasha said angrily, “You said so much, it’s better to kill this woman!”

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