Chapter 1058 Inuyasha

“Birus, look behind you.” Birus avoided Mukuro’s tortoise-style qigong, and Mukuro had already reminded him before he could laugh.

Birus was surprised and quickly looked behind him.

I saw that Mukuro’s turtle style qigong had eyes long, turning a bend and attacking behind Birus. Before Birus could react, he had already bombarded Birus, blasting Birus with bruises all over his body.

Birus was surprised and angry: “What’s the matter?! Why does Turtle School Qigong turn?!”

Mukuro smiled, and said, “Turtle Qigong can turn around, but it doesn’t make much sense, so I haven’t used it like this. Moreover, as long as I apply gravity to you on Turtle Qigong, you can’t hide. Open. Your free power is not perfect. It is the best opportunity for me.” Since I met Billus, although Mukuro has always been more angry than Ruth, he has never taken advantage of the actual advantage. pass.

For Mukuro, this is the first time that Birus has benefited.

Mukuro stopped in time and said: “Birus, stop here, I should leave this world, I have a chance to see you later.” Mukuro ended his mission in this world and simply left the Dragon Ball world.

After being identified by the god-tier officer, Mukuro felt like a man on the back of 16. After all, I’ve been discovered that I’m not in the world of Dragon Ball. Who knows if Quan King’s joyless child will suddenly go crazy looking for his own business. After all, although Mukuro is very strong now, he hasn’t even thought of destroying one. The existence of the universe.

As for whether you can travel through other worlds?

This is of course certain. After defeating Birus, Mukuro became the strongest in the seventh universe. The original will has been swallowed by the system, and he could naturally travel through the world. After gaining such a powerful force in the Dragon Ball world, even after comprehending the power of freedom, Mukuro no longer has much interest in the systematic lottery. He quickly asked what the next world was, only to find that it was the world of Inuyasha, and he was even more confident in his heart.

With his current strength, Inuyasha’s world has no threat to him. He crossed in without hesitation. After all, in the world of Inuyasha, there are quite a few beauties, although they are basically monsters.

I’ve been tight in the Dragon Ball world for too long, so it’s time to loosen my string slightly.

When Mukuro appeared in the world of Inuyasha.

He looked around and saw a village not far away, and a forest near the village. In the forest, Mukuro felt a breath that was fairly strong, but it was slightly different from the breath of humans.

Frowning slightly, Mukuro quickly recognized that this must be the village where Inuyasha and the heroine Ari met. The system throws itself in such a place, isn’t the story of Inuyasha just beginning? ! Mukuro was about to go to the nearby village to ask for some understanding, but suddenly felt another nasty breath not far away.

He rose from the sky, flew to the top of the breath and looked down, and saw that the owner of the breath was a monster with a woman’s upper body and withered bones on the lower body, with no clothes on. The strangest thing is that this guy actually has several arms, like a centipede, looking weirdly disgusting.

“What is this?” Mukuro couldn’t help frowning.

At the same time, the monster had attracted the attention of the people in the village, and an old woman who was blind with a bow and arrow on her body came with the villagers.

The old woman lost her voice when she saw the monster:

“Hundred-legged enchantress! It turned out to be a hundred-legged enchantress! Danger! Don’t get close to it!” The old woman was reminded loudly, of course, it was the villagers who came with her.

In front of the Hundred-legged Enchantress, there was a young girl running desperately. The girl was wearing a Japanese school uniform, which was incompatible with the dress of the people in this place. Mukuro recognized the girl as Inuyasha’s heroine, Ari, just by looking at it. Although the Hundred-legged Enchantress frightened everyone present, Mukuro didn’t think there was anything. Even a young man like the Big Demon King of the Dragon Ball World could bounce it to death with one finger.

Mukuro landed slowly, grabbing the centipede’s tail, and squeezing it fiercely. The body of the Hundred-legged Enchantress is spinning in mid-air, where is there any time to attack others? !

The one-eyed old woman and the villagers who followed were surprised to see this scene.

“Oh my God, who is that?! One hand can even get rid of the monster!”

“In his hands, that monster beast turned out to be like a small bug, how could it be possible?!”

“God! He must be a god descending to the world, to come to save us!”

Mukuro heard the exclamation of the villagers, but felt a little embarrassed. Although he was in the realm of the Master God, he was not a god.

In other words, Mukuro is really indifferent to the identity of a god, is it good to underestimate him? !

After a while, Mukuro lifted the dizzy centipede up and asked, “Hey, how are you? If you feel uncomfortable, let me kill you at all?! So you will be happy too.”

“Damn humans!!”

The Hundred-legged Enchantress was still very dizzy and shook her head and said: “If you let me get the jade of the four souls, I will definitely squeeze you to death like an ant.”

“The jade of the four souls?! Is this this thing?!” Mukuro gently shook his finger and used gravity to hook the jade of the four souls on Ari’s body into his hand. Gently holding the jade of the four souls, Mukuro did feel that there was not a weak energy in it, but even a fraction of his total energy was not as good.

It’s really a shame that the monsters in this world are fighting to the death for this energy.

But while despising the monsters in this world, Mukuro was very happy in his heart. Because the power level of this world is too low, even if he only fights with his fingers, he can sweep the world. Compared to the feeling of being threatened all the time in the Dragon Ball world, Mukuro’s mood is relaxed a lot.

It seems to be a good choice to spend a holiday here and enjoy a nice day.

When Mukuro snatched Ari’s Four Soul Jade 493, both Ari and the one-eyed mother-in-law Feng exclaimed.

“What happened? Why did the jade of the four souls fly into his hands?”

“It’s over, that person looks very strong, and the jade of the four souls falls into his hands, how can we fight him?”

“Ali! You are the reincarnation of my sister, and only you can defeat him! Please!”

In Mukuro’s hands, the hundred-footed temptress pleaded: “Although I don’t know who you are, if I get the jade of the four souls, you will not be my opponent anyway. You can only take advantage of the prestige now. .”

“The power gap between you and me is so big, you think you can defeat me by getting the jade of the four souls?!” Mukuro said silently.

At this moment, Mukuro suddenly understood the mood of Vegeta’s Saiyans in the Dragon Ball world. When an opponent swears that he can surpass himself by saying anything, he will be competitive. For example, Mukuro, now I want the monster in front of me to get the jade of the four souls, and then defeat it when it is most proud of it.

Mukuro stuffed the jade of the four souls into the mouth of the Hundred-legged temptress, and said: “Since you want to get the jade of the four souls, then I will give it to you. I hope you can play with me. But if you let me down, I promise, you will experience the feeling of not being able to survive, and not being able to die.”

“Don’t worry, you will regret it later.” The Hundred-legged Enchantress grinned, her body suddenly changed astonishing, and her breath expanded at an astonishing speed.

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