Chapter 1055 Win over

“It seems that your Seventh Universe seems to be a little conspiracy, but what’s the use in front of so many warriors?!”

“We are not in the mood to watch you perform. It is more convenient for us to attack if you gather together.”

“You all work together to play the strongest tricks and send them to the ring!”

The warriors of the various universes quickly made up their minds and attacked together.

They played the strongest tricks from different corners, and the waves of qigong suddenly blasted over like the sky full of stars.

A similar situation, Mukuro encountered at the beginning of the power conference, but he was physically strong at the time, and he was alone. Right now he is standing with everyone in Universe Seven, and while he is seriously exhausted, he has to protect the Turtle Immortal and others, which makes him very depressed.

If he doesn’t protect him, Guixianren, Kelin, Tianjin Fan, etc. will definitely be killed in seconds.

Mukuro snorted and quickly protected everyone with repulsive force. He said, “Goku, Gohan, and everyone, what I lack most now is qi. If you want to win this power conference, please give your qi Lend them to me for one use. It’s like gathering vitality bombs. Just inject all your qi into my body. I want to restore 557 to my peak.”

“What? You want to use this method to regain strength?!” Piccolo was surprised.

“Ms. Mukuro, it’s too dangerous.” Gohan said in surprise, “Everyone’s qi is a little bit different. Even if we inject you into your body, you can’t control it as flexibly as your own. Qi is injected into your body, and the result of mixing different qi together is completely unimaginable.”

“Mukuro, can your body hold up such a huge amount of Qi?!” Guixian said with a slight worry: “Your body is very tired now, and if you inject such Qi into you, it will burden your body too much.”

“I can’t care about so much now.”

Mukuro used the repulsive force to support the qigong waves of the various cosmic warriors, and said with some exhaustion: “I can’t hold it for too long. Now injecting Qi into my body and restoring me to the peak state is the only way.”

Piccolo looked at the Qigong wave around him, and was silent for a moment.

He is not a fool, of course he sees this.

There were too many qigong waves in the ring. When they were blocked by Mukuro’s repulsive force, the qigong waves covered the sky and the sun, making Piccolo unable to see the outside with the naked eye. If such a wave of qigong is hit, unless there is an immortal body like Buu, then Revolving Heaven is definitely lacking.

Piccolo let out a long sigh, injected Qi into Mukuro’s body, and said, “Mukuro, you must hold on. The life and death of the Seventh Universe is up to you.”

Gohan didn’t hesitate, and injected Qi into Mukuro’s body, and said, “Since Uncle Piccolo said that, Mukuro-sensei, I will lend you my Qi.”

Goku didn’t say a word, and directly poured Qi into Mukuro’s body.

Especially on the 17th and 18th, they have permanent energy furnaces, so they have endless physical strength and can be continuously supplied with gas.

Mukuro suddenly felt a few qi pour into his body, and his exhausted body immediately recovered a lot of strength. The powerful sense of strength made him quickly regain self-confidence. Of course, these qi impacted each other in Mukuro’s body, and it did have a huge impact on Mukuro’s body. He felt like his whole body was pricked by needles.

Mukuro gritted his teeth and said, “Before the power conference started, I thought I could win easily. I didn’t expect to be forced to this point in the end. I don’t want to bear it anymore. Let me end this annoying power conference!” Mukuro Chang With a howl, he transformed into Super Saiyan Blue with full power, and burst out the borrowed breath in one go.

The moves he used were similar to Napa’s ultimate move to destroy the city. This wide-ranging tactic exploded in the ring, and the powerful impact immediately shook the warriors from all universes.

At the same time, he will also explode with full force of repulsion, and the superposition of the two impacts will immediately clear the ring.

Even the fastest Tees broke, and he couldn’t avoid this kind of attack of 360 degrees.

After flying all the fighters out of the ring, Mukuro said to officer god-tier: “Official god-tier, Lord Quan, only our seventh universe players are left in the arena of the power conference, so the victory of the power conference Is it ours?!”

Official god-tier and King Quan have not answered yet, and the gods of destruction have become a mess.

Berumod was shocked and said: “How is it possible?! That Saiyan still has such a powerful force?!”

The Rat Destroyer was stunned and said: “He seems to have borrowed the breath of his companions, but with the breath that doesn’t belong to him, he can burst out with such a powerful force, it’s incredible.”

Xiangpa desperately said: “It’s over, all the soldiers of our universe are out, and the sixth universe will definitely be cleaned up.”

The god-tier officer and Quan Wang could not remember this incident at first, but Xiangpa was like reminding them that Quan Wang waved his hand and cleaned up the lost universe.

The destruction gods also disappeared.

The god-tier official announced at the same time: “The winner of the power conference is the seventh universe. According to the rules, you can get seven wishing balls.”

After the victory of Universe Seven, the soldiers of Universe Seven were not happy, but were shocked, perhaps because the victory came too suddenly.

It took a while for Gohan to react, and said in a daze, “Super Seven Dragon Ball seems to be able to make only one wish. How should this be divided?!”

“Leave it to Mukuro.”

Wukong said nonchalantly: “Anyway, we have a Dragon Ball on earth to make a wish.”

Piccolo nodded and agreed: “Yes, if it weren’t for Mukuro, we wouldn’t be able to win at all. The Super Seven Dragon Ball is reasonable for him.” Mukuro certainly has no reason to refuse, according to his promise to Hitt. Use Super Seven Dragon Ball to restore all universes.

The destruction gods and warriors of these universes have also been resurrected as a result.

After Mukuro’s wish came true, the seven Super Dragon Balls were scattered again.

The god-tier officer smiled: “I didn’t expect Mr. Mukuro to make such a wish. For all universes, maybe this is the best result.”

After the power conference, the restrictions on the inability to use flying techniques in the ring have been lifted.

Hit flew to the ring, looked at Mukuro, and asked, “Mukuro, is this the reason you said all universes will not disappear in the end?! Why?!”


Mukuro wondered: “Why ask why?!”

“You got seven wishing balls, why do you want to make such a wish?! What good is this for you?!” Hitt didn’t understand at all.

Mukuro smiled faintly and said, “Some things do not have to be done for good. The creatures of all universes are very innocent. It is too unfair to let them decide their lives and deaths because of the battle between us. Let all the universes recover. It’s a merit to me, is it okay to say that?!”


Hitt was silent for a while, and suddenly said in a deep voice: “If it is our universe who wins, I will definitely make a wish for myself. The god-tier officer is right. For each universe, this is the best result.”

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