Chapter 1053 Solid

As the robot and the yellow bear approached, Mukuro noticed that everyone in Universe Seven was anxious.

They have all seen how powerful the robot and the yellow bear are. If Mukuro is still physically strong, of course they are not afraid of opponents of this level. But with Mukuro’s current state, they have to worry. At least by weight, that robot is Mukuro’s most attractive nemesis.

Seeing that they wanted to come up to help him, Mukuro winked at them quickly.

Just kidding, the warriors of other universes are not blind.

If everyone in the seventh universe doesn’t come up to help, the warriors of other universes will still throw a rat-fighting weapon.

But if they step forward to help, everyone knows that Mukuro is actually a strong player in the outside world, and if they get another wave of shocks, then everything will stop.

Gohan and Piccolo are both smart people. When Mukuro winked, they grabbed the eager companion. The attention of the other universes was on Mukuro, the robot, and the yellow bear, but he didn’t notice the changes on Gohan’s side.

Mukuro faintly said to the robot and the yellow bear: “Unexpectedly, it will be 16 of you two. Do you want to avenge Hitt? Don’t forget that your strength is not comparable to Hitt, and the gap with me is naturally greater. Big. I don’t even need to transform into a small character like you.”

While talking, Potamo and the robot rushed up, less than five meters away from Mukuro. This distance is just a blink of an eye for fighters of their level.

Mukuro used the repulsive force to fly into the sky without hurriedly, avoiding their attacks.

The robot stopped at Mukuro’s feet and looked up at the soles of Mukuro’s feet, dumbfounded.

Huang Xiong said angrily: “I didn’t expect you to fly like this in the ring. You really thought you could fly to the sky, so we can’t do anything about you?!”

Huang Xiong raised his hands high and hit Mukuro from below with waves of qigong. Mukuro smiled, and didn’t even have to fight back, but silently adjusted the intensity of gravity and repulsion so that he wouldn’t be blown away.

In the center of his feet, he used repulsive force to let himself float.

On the oblique angle, Mukuro controls gravity flexibly so that he does not lose his balance.

When Huang Xiong’s qigong wave hit, the impact was surely offset by gravity. Moreover, after the Qigong wave hit the repulsive force, all of them fell back at an even more alarming speed, covering the yellow bear and the robot like raindrops.

Mukuro said faintly: “You stupid bear, knowing that I have the ability to bounce qigong waves, you dare to attack in this way. Don’t you use your brain when attacking?!”

Boom boom boom!

Huang Xiong’s qigong wave exploded on the ring, and immediately exploded him and the robot to the ground. Mukuro used the repulsive feedback to determine the position of the yellow bear and the robot, took the opportunity to dive down, and kicked the yellow bear on the face.

The yellow bear was just sitting on the shoulders of the robot. How could anyone ever think that someone could attack him like this? !

He was caught off guard, and he flew up and separated from the robot.

Mukuro smashed the stone on the robot’s ear with a punch, and shouted: “Broken copper and broken iron, your waste teammates have failed, do you two scums really think you can beat me?!” The psychological quality of this robot is really bad. , Just being ridiculed by Mukuro a little bit, he felt weak and frustrated.

The Destroying Idol of Universe VI looked at the auditorium and panicked, but there was no way.

Mukuro was shocked when he saw the robot lose its fighting spirit, and immediately wanted to shoot the robot out.

In today’s ring, the robot is definitely one of Mukuro’s most troublesome opponents by weight.

But even if the robots did not resist, Mukuro couldn’t help but feel a headache when he thought of his weight.

With Mukuro’s current physical strength, it is not easy to hit him. Just now he sent two turtle-style qigong in a row in the silver-eye state, and his physical strength was almost exhausted. Now if you want to fly the robot, you will definitely not be able to fist, and you can only rely on Qigong Wave. But the consumption of physical strength by qigong wave is another big problem.

At the same time, the yellow bear who was kicked has caught up, trying to save his companion.

Mukuro had no choice but to grit his teeth to gather the last qi, and Turtle School Qigong followed.


Mukuro played Turtle Qigong normally, attacking the robot, and suddenly felt a very powerful reaction force. He uses the tortoise-style qigong to push the robot, and it feels strenuous!

Fortunately, the robot was eventually promoted by Mukuro.

Mukuro lay his feet on the ground, and he even used his repulsive force to its limit. Under the dual attacks of repulsion and turtle qigong, the robot’s weight finally lost its weight, and it rolled to the edge of the ring like a ball.

Although Huang Xiong intended to stop it, the robot’s weight was so amazing that it could no longer be resisted.

After flying the robot, Mukuro looked at Huang Xiong and said: “After Hit and Gillian lost, most of the players in the ring are no longer in my eyes. I was going to hand you to Goku and the others. , It can be regarded as an exercise for them. If you can take the opportunity to defeat Piccolo and the others, you may not have no chance of winning… It’s a pity.”

Mukuro first used gravity to pull the yellow bear towards him, forcing the yellow bear to stand on the ground to resist. When his resistance reached its peak, Mukuro followed his strength and changed the force of gravity to repulsion.

Huang Xiong froze for a moment, and then rolled off the ring like a robot.

“Xiangpa, the fighters you have chosen are really bad.” Mukuro sneered and suddenly said: “Who wants to fight me? Just let them go!”

In the ring, there are still many warriors surrounding the Seventh Universe at this moment.

In all, there are warriors in each universe who are out because of Mukuro, and they can be regarded as bitter hatred of the 247 seventh universe. But Mukuro’s performance just now was too strong, and none of them dared to step forward.

Mukuro snorted disdainfully, and simply retreated to the middle of the ring, and handed his opponent to Wukong and the others to deal with.

Goku looked at Mukuro and said, “Mukuro, you are too powerful. You can easily defeat the Warriors of the Sixth Universe just by relying on that special ability.”

“Mukuro is a tactic that I came up with after thinking.” Bick said: “In battle, thinking about attack methods takes time and is of little significance, but it is very useful to develop a strategy. But this kind of thing should only be done by Mukuro. It can be concluded that Wukong will not count on it in this life.”

Gohan also laughed and said, “Mukuro-sensei, you rest here, let Uncle Piccolo protect you, and the fighters of other universes will leave it to me and Dad.”

As soon as the voice fell, Monkey King and his son couldn’t wait to fly out, and Frieza followed.

Even cyborgs on the 17th and 18th are no exceptions, blocking opponents for Mukuro on the front line of the battle.

Mukuro simply sat on the ring and said, “I was so tired just now. After playing that turtle style Qigong, I almost didn’t have the strength to stand up. Fortunately, the warriors of other universes didn’t dare to take risks. Otherwise, it would be me who would lose.”

Although he has escaped safely now, Mukuro is still terrified.

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