Chapter 1051 Lose both

In less than ten rounds of confrontation, Hitt was scarred by Gillian. Not only that, but Hitt couldn’t even touch Gillian’s hair.

Everyone in Universe Seven was already dumbfounded by seeing such a huge disparity in the battle.

“This is fake, isn’t it?! With Hit’s fighting power, it is not Gillian’s opponent at all.”

“Just now Mukuro and Gillian played against each other. It looked easy, but when it was Hitt’s turn, there was such a big gap. Is it because Mukuro’s strength is too strong?!”

“At the time when the Sixth Universe and the Seventh Universe were in the game, Hitt could not beat Mukuro at all. Gillian was much better than Mukuro at the time, so it seems reasonable that Hitt could not beat Mukuro.”

Everyone in Universe Seven looked at the battle ahead, and was deeply shocked. This level of battle was beyond their imagination.

In addition to Son Wukong and his son, even the God of Super Saiyan is in a realm that Piccolo and others cannot imagine, not to mention that there are Super Saiyan Blue, Super Saiyan Blue Full Power and so on. It can be said that at this level of battle, they don’t even have any room to intervene.

The anger that Hit and Gillian exuded at this moment alone made them tremble.

“Mukuro, how much stronger is your silver-eyed state than Gillian now?!” Piccolo asked courageously.

“Are you asking about strength or comprehensive strength?!”

Mukuro thought for a while and replied: “The strength in that state is actually the same as Super Saiyan Blue, so my strength is weaker than Jilian. But when it comes to overall strength, it is probably 10 or 20% higher than Jilian.”

“Twenty percent?! So much?!” Piccolo’s face was greener. You know, if Ji Lian’s strength is converted into the previous combat power figure, it is undoubtedly an astronomical figure.

On the basis of astronomical figures, Mukuro turned out to be one or two percent higher than Gillian, which is already a very amazing improvement.

Piccolo was too shocked to speak.

Wukong quickly asked, “Mukuro, can you teach me to transform into that state?!”

“Yes, Mukuro-sensei, can that form of transformation method teach us like a Super Saiyan?!” Gohan asked with excitement as well.

Mukuro gave a wry smile, why don’t you know what Goku and his son are thinking? ! The state that I changed just now is really too strong, even if the physical exertion is very serious, the price/performance ratio is higher than that of Super Saiyan Blue.

What if there are three such powerhouses in Universe Seven, even if the soldiers on the ring are besieged? ! I’m afraid it’s not enough to stuff your teeth.

But this kind of thing can’t be taught if you want to.

Mukuro sighed and said: “There is no way. If you want to change, you can only practice with Wes. As long as you are beaten by Wes tens of thousands of times like me, you should be able to be in the Master state.”


Wukong and his son whispered, their expressions suddenly become very complicated.


At this moment, Hitt suddenly screamed, bursting out an unprecedentedly powerful aura, the power has been chasing the full power of the Super Saiyan God, the Blue God.

Mukuro felt the breath, and couldn’t help being surprised.

You know, when the Sixth Universe and the Seventh Universe competed, Hitt’s strength was actually slightly weaker than the Super Saiyan God. But after Sun Gohan’s physical strength dropped, he was defeated by him with flash time. Hitt has now upgraded his strength to the full power level of Super Saiyan Blue, and the lethality of the flash will become extremely exaggerated.

When Hit used Flash again, Mukuro was unable to capture his movements.

Seeing Hitt hit out with a punch, the power from his fist actually left clear traces of friction on the ring.

The punch hit Ji Lian’s face fiercely, causing blood to flow from the corners of Ji Lian’s mouth.

Gillian was furious and counterattacked with a fist, but Hitt easily avoided.

“So, Mr. Killer in Universe Six, your strength is much stronger than that of the Saiyan named Monkey King in Universe Seven.”

Gilliansen said: “But compared to me, you are still a bit worse.”

“Really? I only know that you are the one who suffers right now.” Hitt said disapprovingly: “Stop talking nonsense, come again!”

When Hitt used Flash again, he kicked Gillian’s bottom plate.

Gillian raised his foot to greet him, and punched Hit in the face at the same time: “After the Saiyan named Mukuro, you are the second guy who made me do my best! Come on, let me see you How powerful is the flash time?” Company Captain Ji screamed, and he fought fiercely with Hitt again. Their power spread in the ring, causing the ring to continue to be destroyed.

Mukuro took a step forward and protected everyone in Universe Seven with repulsive force: “The power conference is almost over. As long as Hitt and Gillian are over, the victory will belong to us.”

Mukuro has absolute certainty.

No matter who the winner of the battle between Hit and Gillian is, the final winner will definitely be exhausted. And Mukuro took advantage of their fighting opportunity to rest, and at least they could recover a considerable degree of physical strength, which should be more than enough to reproduce the free and extreme power. In the arena where Gillian and Hit were lost, who can stop Mukuro in that state?

As the battle continued, ten minutes passed quickly, and Gillian and Hit’s movements gradually slowed down.

And Mukuro’s physical strength has recovered 80%.

Mukuro stepped forward and said, “Hit, Gillian, you all worked hard. This battle is almost over. Let me end it.”

“You finally can’t help but want to take action?!” Hitt said coldly: “But you are now declaring war on me and Gillian at the same time. Have you considered the consequences? It is not wise to provoke us both at the same time. choose.”

Gillian snorted coldly, did not speak, but did not continue to attack Hitt, which was tantamount to clarifying his position.

He will stand with Hit and deal with Mukuro.

Mukuro said lightly: “I know what I’m doing. If I still haven’t adapted to the transformation just now, I will definitely not ask you to humiliate myself, but it’s different now, be optimistic!” Mukuro suddenly yelled, and he took off again. The white and blue mist came out, and his eyes turned silver.

He once again used Zai Ji Yi Gong.

Ji Lian said disapprovingly: “You are very strong in this transformation, but it is impossible to fight both of us at the same time.”

However, Mukuro kicked his feet and rushed to Gillian like lightning, punching into Gillian’s heart.

Gillian didn’t dodge, and hit Mukuro with Hitt.

Mukuro knew what they were thinking as soon as they looked at their movements.

To put it bluntly, the Free Ji Yi Gong is the body’s ability to avoid attacks on its own, but if there is no room for evasion, it will be useless even if the Free Ji Yi has reached the Ultimate level.

Gillian and Hit want to take advantage of this and block all Mukuro’s escape routes.

Mukuro sneered disdainfully, and the repulsive force suddenly opened up, supporting both Gillian and Hitt’s fists and feet. Although it can only hold it for less than a second, it is enough for Mukuro.

In that short moment, Mukuro’s fists and feet attacked!

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