Chapter 1049 Mukuro who goes all out


Mukuro suddenly exploded to its maximum repulsive force in the state of full power of the Blue God, the super Saiyan god, and the repulsion force was unimaginable.

Even if it was as strong as Gillian, he would never have imagined that Mukuro had such power.

His feet sank slightly into the ring, and his face was shocked and said, “What kind of power is this?! Why does your body suddenly burst out with such a powerful impact? Is it the result of bursting out Qi? No! It doesn’t feel like this. Again, I have never seen such a weird thing.”

Gillian was obviously very surprised, saying the most since he debuted.

“Of course you haven’t seen it, because no one in this world has ever used such a force.” Mukuro changed the repulsive force to gravitational force, and punched out again at the same time.


Gillian was taken aback again, and Mukuro’s cheek was deformed by Mukuro before he could react in the future.

“Good job!”

Although it only hit Ji Lian with a punch, it did not cause substantial damage to Ji Lian.

But still made Birus yelled with excitement: “That’s it, keep fighting! Let the guys in Universe Eleven know that we are not good to bully!”

“Ms. Mukuro! Come on!” Gohan yelled with excitement, “Use your strength when fighting against Billus-sama and defeat Gillian!”

“Mukuro! Defeat Gillian!!” Goku shouted.

Gillian said in a gloomy voice: “It’s my fault to underestimate you. You are indeed different from other Saiyans, but even so, you can’t beat me!”

Ji Lian suddenly gave a long whistle.

A powerful qi burst out from his body, and a red light covered him like the arrogance of a super Saiyan. Even Mukuro was shocked back by this power, which shows how terrifying the power that Gillian burst out.

Mukuro can be sure that this power is indeed above Birus, but he doesn’t know how much it surpasses.

“Is this your true strength?! Even if you don’t want to admit it, Super Saiyan Blue Full Power is really not your opponent.”

Mukuro admitted frankly: “Even with my special abilities, if I can’t kill you, I won’t be able to defeat you, at least not in the state of Super Saiyan Blue’s full power.”

“Then you won’t retreat?!” Gillian obviously didn’t hear Mukuro’s overtones.

“Why should I retire? Although Super Saiyan Blue’s full power can’t do anything to you, this state is okay!” Mukuro yelled, and his blue hair disappeared and turned back to Saiyan’s original black hair.

But he didn’t change back to normal, because his eyes were silver.

The surface of his body and hair are also covered with a layer of blue and white light like waves.

“What is this?” Gillian frowned.

“Ms. Mukuro still hides such a transformation, but what is going on with this transformation?! Is it more powerful than the full power of Super Saiyan?” Sun Gohan wondered.

Wukong turned directly to Weis and asked in doubt: “Master Weis! Do you know what’s going on with Mukuro?!” This transformation of Mukuro has not been seen by anyone except himself. Of course, Weis and Birus can only shake their heads. .

Mukuro believes: “What is the specific difference between me in this form, you will know it after fighting.”


In the blink of an eye, Mukuro moved.

He rushed towards Gillian, just like attacking Goku just now. He didn’t seem to be moving on the surface, but he punched dozens of punches in an instant, hitting Mukuro’s vitals.

If it was just Mukuro in the full power state of the Super Saiyan God, Blue God, even if he saw Gillian’s attack orbit, he couldn’t escape, and he could only retreat with the help of repulsion.

But after transforming into this form, Mukuro no longer needs to use that clumsy method. His body seems to have its own mind, avoiding or resisting all the attacks of Gillian. While dissolving Gillian’s attack, Mukuro punched Gillian in the face, causing him to step out on the ring with his feet.

“Do you feel any difference between me now?!” Mukuro retracted his fist and said, “It seems to have become much stronger, but the strength has not increased significantly. It is strange, come again!”

Gillian wiped the dust off his face and attacked Mukuro for the first time.

Mukuro greeted him and engaged Gillian in a fierce confrontation.

I have to say that this form of Mukuro is actually the ultimate state of avoiding attacks by itself. Although it is also not perfect, it is already above Birus. Even with the same evasive attack, the effect in this state is far better than the full power of Super Saiyan Blue.

But even so, Gillian could barely draw with Mukuro by virtue of his intrepid strength.

Mukuro couldn’t help but praised: “Jilian, you are indeed amazing. You can barely draw with me without the Master’s ability. However, I don’t need to think about how to attack and defend when I fight in this state. You need to consider how to deal with my attack. If you continue to fight, you will definitely lose!”

Mukuro said very positively, because this is the truth. Even if they are as strong as theirs, their energy is always limited and it is impossible to concentrate for a long time.

As long as he is slightly exhausted mentally, there will be flaws in Gillian’s movements, and Mukuro will find an opportunity to take advantage of it.

But Gillian didn’t seem to believe this, and was still fighting fiercely.

Of course, even if it was just a draw, it had already surprised Birus and others. Birus excitedly said: “Awesome! I was able to draw with Gillian! That’s amazing! Maybe he has surpassed me!” I am so happy to know that Mukuro might surpass him. Birus is really the first time in history. .

The Old World King God said strangely: “There are so many Saiyan forms. What is going on with this transformation?”

Weiss’s eyes lit up: “Could it be that… Mukuro is now using Freedom Skill?”

“Zhuzai Jiyi Gong? What is that?” Realm King God asked curiously.

“It’s the body’s ability to avoid attacks on its own.” Weiss explained, “That’s an area that even a god can’t even touch. I didn’t expect to be cultivated to this level by Mr. Mukuro. It’s very remarkable.”

“Huh! I don’t even have a complete master. He actually got to this point. It’s really amazing.” Birus said in a sour tone: “But even if the Master has done his best, Mukuro can’t do it quickly. After taking Ji Lian, Ji Lian has indeed entered the domain of the Destroyer God, even stronger than the ordinary Destroyer God.”

“Fortunately, Mr. Mukuro succeeded in the Master’s ability, otherwise the winner of the power conference must be the eleventh universe.” Weiss said with pleasure, “Master Billus, you also have a credit. If you didn’t often fight with Mr. Mukuro, Mr. Mukuro may not improve so fast.”

“No, it’s another guy who needs to be thanked.” Birus smiled triumphantly.

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