Chapter 1005 Against Hit

Mukuro just wanted to tease Gak, of course he didn’t expect Gak to really arrest Hit, but Gak’s reaction was so quick that it was beyond Mukuro’s imagination.

His body suddenly stiffened, his face became extremely pale, his hands and feet were trembling, and he moved away from Mukuro at an alarming speed.

“No! I won’t go to kill me!”

Gak shook his head vigorously, and received: “I don’t want to die yet.”

“What about the Galaxy King?!” Mukuro said with a smile but not a smile: “You are the Galaxy King, you should be more righteous than Jake, you can’t condone crime.”

Mukuro looked at the Tentacle Monster Galaxy King sitting aside.

“Ah…I don’t know anything, and I haven’t seen anything.” The Milky Way King had a thicker skin than Gak, and he opened his eyes and said nonsense.

“…” Mukuro felt that it would be no fun to continue teasing them, and walked back to the front of the audience to watch the game.

At the same time, Wukong and Hitt had already confronted each other in the arena, but Wukong did not immediately choose to transform, but to fight in the usual way.

“Don’t forget to transform.” Hitt reminded coldly.

“Hehe…I know, thanks for the reminder.” Wukong said with a smile: “But the transformation is too exhausting, I want to save it for the end.”

“Would you not be able to play for us with 487 for a long time?!”

Hit’s voice was still cold.

“There is no way, because I haven’t thought of a way to defeat you, so I have to try my best to buy time.” Wukong embarrassed.

Everyone in the stands and Hit in the ring, including Mukuro, were speechless.

How good is this guy like Wukong to tell his tactics? ! He is not afraid that Hitt will target him accordingly? !

If Hitt really does that, Goku will undoubtedly lose.

Rao Bick can’t help but spit out:

“This guy Wukong, as long as he is not in crisis, his head will never work. What does he take this game as?! Is it a game?!”

“In his eyes, it might be a game.” Mukuro smiled and said, “Even if the sixth universe really loses, it is just moving to the sixth universe according to the agreement. To the earth and everyone on the earth In terms of no difference.”

“The difference is big!”

Billus exclaimed excitedly: “If he dares to lose, I will destroy him!”

“You can’t do it.”

Mukuro slapped Billus aloud: “Indeed, even if Goku Master has the full power of the Super Saiyan Blue God, he can’t beat you, but he can still do it if he wants to run.”

Hitt on the ring twitched his cheeks and said, “You are still too young to say what you think so easily.”

Wukong scratched his head and said:

“Don’t look at me like this, I’m actually dozens of years old.”

Hitt said with no expression on his face: “I’m over a thousand years old.”

Wukong was taken aback, and hurriedly said, “A thousand years old?! Really?! That’s too much older than me. Please advise.”

Wukong bowed to Hitt seriously before continuing to take up his posture.

Goku rushed towards Hit from the front, only to get a little closer, just like Gohan just now, when he was punched in the nose and his nose bleeds.

“It’s useless, I advise you to surrender.” Hitt said coldly.

“No, I won’t surrender, because I can already see your attack.” Wukong wiped his nosebleeds and talked.


Hit didn’t believe Sun Kong’s words at all, and smiled sorrowfully: “Don’t be bluffing, you can’t lie to me, my tricks can’t be cracked.”

“Then give it a try.”

Wukong smiled confidently and rushed up again.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Like last time, no one can see Hit’s movements clearly.

Monkey King just got close and was beaten into the air. While Monkey King was beaten into the air, Hitt’s fist was quickly retracted into his pocket.

But just at this moment, Wukong actually endured the pain and rushed to Hitt again.

Hitt was startled first, and then used his flashing power again to make Wukong’s fist fall through.

It’s just that Wukong wasn’t discouraged, and quickly punched in the other direction.

Hitt appeared right in front of Wukong’s fist, looking like he was getting beaten in front of his fist, and his nosebleeds flowed out.

“Impossible! It’s impossible!” Hitt was taken aback, and he couldn’t even wipe his nosebleeds: “Someone can actually decode my flash time? No, it must be a coincidence.”

“Do you want to try again?” Wukong looked confident.

Everyone in the audience was also very surprised, especially Gohan, who couldn’t understand how Goku hit Hitt.

“Ms. Mukuro, how did Dad hit Hitt?! Do you know?!” Gohan asked Mukuro with a puzzled look.

“Of course I can understand it, and it’s not particularly difficult.” Mukuro said lightly, “Hit can only jump for one-tenth of a second. As long as he predicts his movements, he can attack Hitt’s moving position in advance after one-tenth of a second. .”

“Predictive action?! Isn’t this too difficult?!” Gohan was dumbfounded.

Mukuro nodded lightly and didn’t speak, because it was really difficult.

To predict Hitt’s movements, he must first see Hitt’s movement habits.

Then counterattack according to his movement habits, which has very high requirements for the user’s observation ability and reaction ability.

Except for Mukuro and Goku, I am afraid that Monkey King can’t do it even if he knows the method.

Of course, in addition to this method, there is another method by force, this method can be done by Gohan.

On the ring, Hitt slowly raised his head to look at Mukuro, seeming to hear Mukuro’s words, and said: “So that’s it, it seems that I have to fight seriously.”

“bring it on.”

Goku transforms into a Super Saiyan and is ready to fight.

“Can’t you transform into that kind of blue hair state?!” Hitt asked with some curiosity.

“I can, but I don’t need that first.” Monkey King replied.

“It seems I was underestimated, so let’s come.”

After confirming that his own flash time was invalid for Monkey King, Hit finally started a regular confrontation with Monkey King, but the battle was more fierce even though it was regular.

They move on the class at a very alarming speed, launching fierce offensive and defensive battles.

Moreover, while fighting, Hit also used flash attacks from time to time, so that Wukong did not dare to relax in any way. So far, neither of them has taken the slightest advantage, just a tie.

“It’s a pity that even if you can predict my actions, you just follow me and you always fall behind. So…”

Hitt smiled confidently: “You must be the one who loses last.”

“Then. I will predict your more advanced moves.” Wukong smiled confidently and attacked Hitt again, fighting for dozens of rounds in an instant.

This time, Wukong did have the upper hand, but the situation developed in favor of Hitt.

Hit’s appearance looks obviously more relaxed.

“Why is this?!” Gohan also saw something was wrong, and asked, “Mukuro-sensei, father seems to be playing hard, what happened?!”

“That’s because Goku needs to concentrate on observing and predicting Hitt’s movements. This is actually very mentally exhausting.” Mukuro looked at the battle on the ring and said lightly: “The same battle, Wukong consumes more energy than Xi It’s so much more.”

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